Will Trump be forced to suspend Habeas Corpus in Airports?

google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.co … index.html

Our international airports (some) and rail stations have had armed national guard on hand since 9/11, and now the left is making suicide runs into allowing open boarders to nations we are in open conflict with ISIS and Al-Nursa factions in.

Secretary of State, not some crazy ass judge backing the suicide bombers, has control over the borders. President also in times of conflict also has the right to suspend Habeas Corpus if the laws of the state put the survival and safety of people at risk, this is a power of the Commander in Chief from English Times, and was practiced in mass by Ambraham Lincoln within the territory of the United States.

If breakaway wings of the Democratic Party continue to expose the US to mortal dangers, I predict Trump will have to revoke and cancel all Visas. Judges lack the executive power of the executive to reverse this, they can denounce it, but not reverse it, as it is a power of the executive by default, per treaty. Just like your US Passport isn’t your property, but the Secretary of State, and it can be confiscated, no one has a right to a visa and green card.

If the Kropotkin Liberals find a way around this to smuggle suicide bombers in, Trump will be forced to suspend the power if the courts in this area, as is his right. We are in a time of open conflict with ISIS and Al Nursa, and this is a inherent power of a Commander in Chief, which is a power of the President. If he declares it, it will be a fully constitutional act, and the courts won’t have recourse.

We’ve been moving that direction for a long time, with troops actively patrolling ports, doing police duties. It’s a rather small, yet logically consistent step. Our safety shouldn’t be held hostage to a dying political party trying to make headlines at any costs. One of the most troublesome jobs I had in Iraq was catching Iraqis in our base (a large Iraqi power plant was within our base) digging through trash. We had to shred and burn all paperwork, but they tended to dig where that ash was dumped. It was always women, who could speak English, saying they we’re looking for water bottles for their babies. Many had a basket with half empty water bottles, and would play the pity act, but they ONLY did this in places sensitive info was dumped. If something didn’t burn right, or some idiot chucked a computer or thumb drive away that wasn’t working right with info stored on it, lots of people would of died. In first time offences, I would try to scare them away with threats of being detained and locked away, after patting them down and looking through their scavenged supplies. I didn’t like being suspicious of people, but someone was telling the Iranians where to mortar and launch missiles in base, and these women were the only ones trying to sneak over.

They will try anything they can to kill you, they will lie and make you pity them, and then will stab you in the back for it. I don’t trust them. It’s sad, cause I know 90% are great people, but that 10% clearly are supporting ISIS and Al-Nursa, and get excited seeing people beheaded in terror videos, and they are trying for visas too. I’m sorry, you’ve never seen first hand what someone like Arcturus can be two faced, pure and total evil while acting innocent. End result in playing their game is destruction.

Trump is within his rights to press much harder here. I rather be safe than sorry. Constitution doesn’t support the claim people gave the right to travel to the US from areas where armed factions we currently are in armed conflict with reside.

It is a dead end. If Democrats push this, I think Trump will do the right thing and shut it down hard. It’s a small step from the setup of troops patrolling sites under Bush and Obama. International events certainly warrant it. As the Supreme Court has said, the constitution isn’t a suicide pact, and judges are without competency to determine national threats to our security.

Trump needs to be very careful as he is surrounded by a multitude of political opposition. When you’re surrounded by that many enemies you really do want to tread lightly and not brandish so much open defiance. He might be great at business but I’m starting to wonder if he lacks real-politik.


K: I freely admit coming back from Europe last may, I smuggle in 12 suicide bombers
in my suitcase, it was a tight fit I admit, but hay one does for the revolution what one
can and my wife, having a bigger bag, smuggled in 27 suicide bombers in her bag…
it is the least we can do for the revolution

Kropotkin Liberal…

Peter, you can’t joke like that. Donald Trump is the president.


Young Turks have come out in support of terror.

To Merlin-

No, you get much better results being bold and decisive as a executive in a divided republic, than placating and weak. If he isn’t taking the lead, his opposition will. From now in they have to play against his rules and his arguments. They lack the legitimacy for spin, so can’t afford to sit back and respond, but they simultaneously lack the esprite de corps for a unified vision under one visionary. Every Democrat knows one is needed, but nobody really believes one can be put forth right now capable of uniting the Democrats under their old party lines, given how awful it has performed over the last decade.
Trump is playing the right strategy right now.

I’ve completely failed in the past in getting anarchists to at least study management and leadership texts in the past, but it is strongly suggested you study the rhetorical stances advised for different kinds of leaders in business, politics, diplomacy and war. You don’t have to agree with them, but should never be in a position of being caught off guard in not understanding the pros, cons of a method, with historic examples in mind.

Left isn’t for the most part aware of where Trump is willing to compromise, and will find the recourse to the courts will increasingly become a failing strategy, likewise bogging down legislation. Worked well with indecisive presidents in eras of divided nonpartisan government, but that died off under Bush when the left rebelled, never returned, either side. We arrived to this impass, thus is the very swamp Trump promised to drain. You didn’t think this system would be crushed with all smiles, did you? A lot of bad hearted, self righteous assholes are about to get flushed out of politics. They will hit the floor, raise way more than Hillary did, and will find to their utter shock they will continue to lose seats, despite Trump having a -47 percent approval rating, a statistical impossibility.

It’s the end of a era for Kropotkin Liberals. These are phantom pains from a limb recently cut off.

Leftist communists allying themselves with ISIS and Islam. It would be more funny if it wasn’t so pathetically sad…

K: Donald Trumpf is a village idiot…


Madonna has said far worse and she isn’t in jail.