Discussions On Abortion


What are your ideas to resolve this direction societies are heading that can be shared here in this thread?

Wendy, there is little we can do, unless bracing ourselves for a tipping point down the road and stand ready to be among those having a deep comprehension of the problem to help others muddle through and redesign society from scratch. In other words, fear not. Fear is the enemy and letting go will greatly reduce the shocks to the system.

That is why I started my “earth custodians movement”… BE prepared, emotionally and metaphilosophically speaking because even philosophy and psychology as we know them today are going to be engulfed.

The upcoming crisis is also a blessing in disguise

I remember a sad case. A friend of a friend met this man who was Irish and Catholic. She was Swedish and away from her country at the time. They met and apparently were smitten, she subsequently found out she was pregnant, but not by him. He offered her marriage on the condition she have the child and have it adopted. Abortion was out of the question, against his religion. She agreed. She was living with us at the time, so we witnessed her advancing pregnancy. Her body grew and changed as she herself did in her manner. It was a sad sad pregnancy as she knew at the end she would be giving away her child and all the joy that comes with an impending birth was suppressed.

The child was born and taken from her after a couple of days.

They married and I never saw them again.

How she did this, I will never understand.

What is more tragic, to give birth to a child and give it away, never knowing what or who or where this child was or with and always mourning the loss.

If all the aborted fetuses were to live what would occur? They were unwanted by parents so, the majority would live in orphanages and such, those that stay with the family that did not want them will most likely be abused. Billions of unwanted unloved neglected humans in society. Society that already has huge problems. So what happens? I would rather see 10,000 aborted fetuses then one horrifically abused child on an undertaker’s table.

Such assumptions are what a death cult society want us/you to believe in. Yeah, wars are necessary to regulate populations. Sorry this is eugenics and result of a sick mentality. Murder (aka psychopathy) is a necessary evil. Moral relativism is social mind control


since we do not live in a moral society due to a pervasive mind control, people will too reflect that, TRASH life as a whole. Reality is holographic. If one endorses the ‘death cult’ and one acts like IT.

I know many people think like you but as a matter of fact, this thinking gives technocracy the right to enslave us further.

it is becoming completely ludicrous to always cite Hitler as the worse evil villain ever while social premises have done much worse since the end WW2.

Here is another eye opener

Eugenics and Population Control to Save the Planet, Says Berkeley Professor
… Malcolm Potts has been a rabid advocate of population reduction for almost 50 years, and was the first physician to promote the main modern method of abortion today, uterine manual vacuum aspiration, and in 1968 became the first Medical Director of the International Planned Parenthood Federation, not many years after Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger was openly calling for the extermination of black people.’…
wakingtimes.com/2017/01/20/e … professor/

Celine wrote

Why the pessimistic view of little we can do? Why can we not make proposals to improve the overall situation as a starting point and go from there?

There are people who support a man’s right to direct involvement and believe it is unreasonable that after fertilisation has occurred, women are given more options with regard to pregnancy and parenthood than men.

Men’s rights and father’s rights activists argue that men should be able to exercise a veto against a decision or proposal if it isn’t what they would wish themselves for their unborn child.

Philosopher George W. Harris has written that, if a man impregnates a woman with the explicit goal of having a child, in a manner that is mutually consensual, then it would be morally unacceptable for that woman to later have an abortion.

yeah, I realize that many people cannot deal with so many negative factors but that is precisely why we are about to hit a brick wall. Each generation has relied on the next one to fix the issues. And now the latter can no longer be postponed.

Awareness comes with accepting reality, not willing to escape it. And reality says that we’d need to let it go. Everything works in reverse: freedom is slavery, fear is strength, peace is war. We can’t fix that without deeply altering the fabric of society.

I’m not asking for shallow platitudes of surface fixes. How do societies conquer their fears, so progress that isn’t superficial occurs?

The way to conquer or least contain a fear is to confront it head on


What would you say are societal fears?

These were just possible projections of human population growth, factoring in different variables, like increased life expectancy, lowered child mortality, resistance to diseases, etc. It is possible that human population will continue to grow even after reaching a peak (which is now considered at 9 billion).
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Projectio … ion_growth

Historically, termination of pregnancy was only possible when the woman experienced the first symptoms (missed period or morning sickness), which was usually around 4-6 weeks. Some women claim to feel implantation, since that process itself triggers hormonal changes. I would venture to guess that women relied more on morning sickness than missed period, as the latter was probably common (due to diet and lifestyle). This would put the fetus at ~6 weeks old. Most abortifacients were herbal mixtures that induced hormonal changes (medical “abortion” is still hormonal). I am only aware of one specific historical herb that was used as contraception, silphium, and that was used to extinction. Historically, abortion was pretty common. A lot of it had to do with the laws of succession (and competition for power). For example, in the ottoman (sultan’s) harem, if one of sultan’s sons impregnated one of the (sultan’s) concubines before he became officially a ‘prince’ (given his own region to rule and his own harem), she would have to have an abortion, because, legally, the son did not have a right to bear a child yet. This was a practice in Islam and it really had to do with power struggles, that is, birthing and advancing competing male heirs. Abortion was a way to minimize this.

Size of fetus by weeks. Early abortions are at 5 weeks. Most abortions (92% of abortions) are done before 13 weeks. My opinion on this, as a woman, is that, if a fetus’ life is dependent on a woman’s body, that is, he is still in a parasitical stage of development, then terminating pregnancy is not immoral. Only after the fetus is able to live outside the womb independently (viable) could we consider it doing harm.

On viability:
20 to 35 percent of babies born at 23 weeks of gestation survive
50 to 70 percent of babies born at 24 to 25 weeks survive
90 percent born at 26 to 27 weeks, survive
95% at 30 weeks
98% at 34 weeks

I would place harm at anywhere after 25/26 weeks (for survivability over 70%).

The status of “personhood” and “murder” is a separate topic, which would have to involve multiple factors. In hospitals, when a baby is born with a great deformity or handicap (or even if it’s still in utero), and could not be reasonably expected to live past first 6months of life, the doctors can make a call to recommend abortion, or euthanize it at birth. This way it would be more human to spare it the suffering and slow natural death: youtube.com/watch?v=m3bd4LH2GXY
Size comparison of fetus development in weeks:

Well, I don’t know. If a man starts fucking other woman because his wife is pregnant, maybe that say-so could be revoked.

very good case of moral relativism as the premise considers a fetus as a parasitic species. Using abortion as a mean of contraceptive is morally wrong. Not talking of an accident (ie: broken condom) , abuse (rape) or real problem involving the fetus here but women who know that are not protected and still will have intercourse nonetheless knowing the risks because they do not give a damn about killing life. Women who have had 2 abortions, and sometimes even 3 or 4 of them are a common occurrence. We are seeing the normalization of killing.

and one wonders why we today have weapons to destroy humanity, Hey, right, maybe humanity itself is PARASITIC =D>

planned parenthood needs more aborted fetuses for their stem cell business, death is selling all time high. But in the long run social calamities are lurking. Capitalists call it : creative destruction. Can only profit from disasters, ruin, famine, psychopathy

Nice mentality. The world is really f%$#@ed up. Soooo sick!

confront it once identified

but the problem is that many people have false fears, what they perceive as fearful is often good and otherwise, what they perceive as good is really often lethal

Society has inverted the meaning of life completely now.


Help me identify the real fears.

Security: from bodily harm caused by other people (community police, regional protective force, national protective force)
Basic provisions: restricted access (food, water, shelter, basic medical~communication device/system?)
Emergency relief: no aid in disasters (Fire, Rescue, EMP/ER)
Sanitation: restricted access
Economic stability: not enough money
Social Support: no family, friends, neighbors, partner

Rh Incompatibility - when fetus’ blood Rh + and the mother’s Rh -. If mother’s blood mixes with fetus’, the mother’s immune system will treat the fetus as an invader and will produce antibodies which will attack and destroy the fetus’ red blood cells (induce anemia). In that situation, a woman is likely to naturally abort (miscarry) the baby. At best, if the baby survives, it will be a blue baby. Rh- pregnant women have to be given a shot during pregnancy to suppress her production of antibodies (that’s me btw). americanpregnancy.org/pregnancy- … rh-factor/
Rhogam shot, if you care to know:
whattoexpect.com/pregnancy/a … ative.aspx

Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn (due to Rh incompatibility). If the fetus survives:
stanfordchildrens.org/en/top … -90-P02368

Nature is a heartless Nazi bitch too, for attacking an innocent life form. How dare it violate the sanctity of life?! =;

It’s the Rh- blood that has made you the evil feminist you are. :evilfun: All about the negative. :mrgreen:

you raise concerns and projections that matter to everybody, but the system is itself inimical to everybody’s aims and a system breakdown is expected within the next 3-5 years. Mainly due to the technological takeover in the employment sector, and other geopolitical plots that people do not pay attention to because they focus too much on the security of their little perception bubble. Hence believing whoever promises them security,

There is no such a thing as security, because we all die at some point and the system is only fear driven because of that. Society is about to fall off a cliff because ‘security’ has always sold… now the truth is going to catch up with this fake and deceptive premise.

this thread isnt about that but conscious planned abortion because of irresponsibility which makes up at least 75% of the abortion rate from what I have read. I think women need abortion to be accessible but not as a contraceptive device. But that is also going of out hands because we are a full fledged death cult society now. Big pharma and health organizations and insurances are profit driven, so they do not want people to feel better and act morally. How does it come, for example, that a Hep C treatment costs 900 dollars in India and 84,000 in the US?

By the way, I am RH B- very rare blood type and I gave birth my son who is RH+, 35 years ago such blood tests were not widespread and I almost died as a result. But my son was only 1 month premature and in good health. It is only when I became aware of the issue 10 years ago that I understood my ordeal. Even doctors back then couldnt give me any precise diagnostic.