Homeless people

Should we do away with homeless people?

By the mere fact that the person is homeless speaks volumes about who they are, society is better off with them.

Where I am, there are a large, increasing amount of homeless people, they roam around like zombies, looking for a fix, most of them are usually high or drunk, they are obnoxious and are a general nuisance. They make the city look ugly, annoy people by getting in the way, and definitely a drain on system resources.

They also blame everybody else, always.

Is it about time now that we did away with homeless people?

Your thoughts?

In my country a number of years ago the glorious leaders had the bright idea to do away with “institutions”. Unfortunately all they did was close them, and booted everyone out. This resulted in a large number of people who were previously and should be cared for became homeless. But at least no more insane asylums amirite? I don’t think these people should be ‘done away with’ because while utilitarianism has its place, this was a direct result of government ‘help’. This one I’m a little torn about. If a family refuses to care for an unstable person, or they have no family you end up with wards of the state or homeless. These people I feel great compassion for.

Now, I’m sure there is a fair share of this in any major city, but I used to live on the other side of the country in an area that is warmer than most of the country, much of the country’s orchards and vineyards are here because of the warm weather, it is also known as a retirement town, beach town, party town. University town. There, many of the “homeless” are lazy teens and university age individuals who come into town only for the summer to work the orchards (if they work at all), don’t bother to rent housing because it’s so warm (or they stay in “hostels”). Don’t wear shoes, smell and look like dirty hippies, and pester you for cash. They hang out on the streets and hippy up the place with their hippy stink. Now these people, I could stand to live without. /tongueincheek

The other “homeless” people that I stand being without, are the welfare homeless. They live in a home/apartment/whatever, but only because they are taking my taxes to do so. I worked the christmas holidays last year, got called out ON christmas day, saved the town from a particular disaster, and then got a whole 20% of the overtime cash for it because the glorious leaders took the other 80%. Why bother? I work the holidays, I miss Christmas dinner, I miss time with the family and some dead beat collects my money. Fuck that six ways to Sunday. You have unemployment insurance for when you lose a job, you have disability if you’re disabled. W…T…F… is welfare for? Oh I know, it’s for buying a pound of weed so you can sell it tax free, collect welfare and disability and have a wad of cash 4" thick in your wallet, and manage to get $2K back every year in “income tax returns”? WTF. And yet they STILL choose to live in squalor. Or it’s for you to put the baby in the next bedroom or pawn it off on mom, go buy your 40 pounder of Beefeater or case of Smirnoff Ice and go party and get hammered, living in your sisters apartment, and living off Kraft Dinner. But you’ve got newest iphone. That’s what’s important right? These people right here, they are the ones that I wouldn’t mourn for a single second if they disappeared.

Yeah I hate them too


I paid taxes, fed myself, established cultural institutions (philosophy groups in big cities that lacked them), and kept myself cleaner than most housed people… being homeless.

Thing is, you wouldn’t of known I was, cause I would hike hours even to get to the woods, and even with infrared, you wouldn’t of found me, and certainly couldn’t encircle me- I always kept three routes of evasion open, never backed myself into a corner, and exploited every visual illusion I could.

I was a injured war vet, barely able to walk. Society has gotten far more venifit from me than I’ve taken in return, and would merrily hunt your asses down and do you in quite cruelty if you tried to eliminate me. Remember that scene from Brave Heart, riding the horse in the bedroom, slamming a mace in the head? I will collect up the homeless war vets, and we will track down anyone we can find officially backing any successfully legislated law killing or jailing the homeless, and we will systematically eliminate you. If it comes push to shove, I assure you, we will dominate. Reason there are so many homeless vets is simply put, we don’t die. I turned to homelessness voluntarily to avoid socialism, left cincinatti during Obama’s depression, went to San Francisco, with nothing but a backpack full of philosophy books. I knew I could find a security job, cause the infantry despises San Francisco, so I would be in demand. It also gave me the free time to rework my fucked my leg, learn to walk with weight again. I bathed daily, often twice a day. I always tried to work, dedicated myself to study and learning. I was never angry at anyone, and saved money up. After a year, I built my leg up, had a mini library, old desk and chair in storage with a rack of clothes, could afford to wash clothes whenever, spent hours a day studying, went to multiple philosophy groups, etc. I had a good life, always went to bed after dusk, waking before dawn, walking near the golden gate bridge as the sun rise. I would spend days off on long walks, once TV can out on the first large smart phones, used that to keep me entertained. Had a military issue cold weather cortex water proof sleeping bag.

After a while, I said fuck this, (one year), got a room. Wasted $600 a month for it, had four pet crabs. Met a few girls, nothing serious. I did less and less, and bought more and more. I eventuly said fuck it at Christmas, dumped several bags of dress clothes for hobos under bridges and in candlestick park, took a flight to Hawaii. Did it again.

I honestly lead a less impressive life living indoors. I become weaker, study less, exercize less. I’m planning on moving out into a van in a few months. I’m trying to get all my possessions to fit in a area I can work out of a van, and live in it too. Even if I had $100,000 I would do this. I don’t like being routed, I want to get back into the lifestyle of back packing and bike riding, exploring the world. It is a miserable life to live indoors.

I say there should be a culling for crackheads, not homeless.

Homeless are there to learn your humanity, you can use and abuse them, use them for labor, sex, to teach yourself morality, etc.

Crackheads are too ugly to have sex with, and a disease of society. There isn’t actually anything good about them.

Something is objectively worthless if it provides no beauty, fun, or sustenance to itself or others.

To be honest, I wouldn’t mind giving 5 cents to a homeless person, if that money was to go to a vegetarian meal (I don’t feel animals have to should die to feed homeless people.)

When I give 5 cents to homeless and they lie to me and instead of buying a meal, buy crack or something, it makes me feel like they are personally insulting me and taking me for a fool and raping my mind, and makes me want to go Patrick Bateman on them, but since I am a law-abiding-citizen, I obey the law and reign in my dionysian female spirit.

Far as down-syndrome goes, they make me feel deeply uncomfortable when I look at them and I try to avert my eyes, but I do not believe they deserve to die, they have families and such. If we start killing down-syndromes then we are no different than the savages in africa. Where would our humanity and civilization be? We are Britons and have higher standards. At least I am a Briton.

I was homeless off and on for almost ten years. While a majority of homeless people are shitheads, drug addicts, or nut jobs not all of them are. Some are made homeless by forced circumstances that are out of their control.

I’d almost get offended, knowing that this is indirectly directed at me, but then I remember, no matter how this argument plays out, you peoples’ end decision on it doesn’t really matter if nobody raises a hand to enforce it.

Yeah and while your at it get rid of all of those worthless gypsies, Jews, Italians, Mexicans, immigrants, bad dressers, poor-English speaking, and people with bad attitudes and poorly publicized out-coming parties. This is our planet, not theirs. [-(

The kind of trash a society produces is a reflection of what kind of society it is. Burning the trash doesn’t change that.

When you form and support a means to curse people, people get cursed. When you then get rid of the unchosen, you make it even easier to become one of them.

We should recognize our fellow man, homeless or not. We do not know the paths they’ve traveled in life or what their futures may hold. If you truly want to do away with the sorry state of anyone or anything, James is right, resist cursing them. If you can or find it in you, bless them, bless them in a way that is meaningful to you. Make a connection and engage with dignity.

Let’s all laugh at fuse… :laughing:

Noone said anything about curses. Curses is what Jews do as the norm, and what Aryans do when they are backed into a corner.

The doll simply suggested putting homeless people out of their misery, nothing about cursing. And I simply suggested culling crackheads would be infinitely more useful than culling homeless, as homeless are not without use.

James mentioned curses. Let’s stick to the topic, the homeless. What makes culling the homeless a serious solution for society? Does humanity mean so little that it should be so easy to simply take human life away when you feel it an inconvenience to you.

Well, technically speaking, she is sticking to the subject. Where i am there is little distinction between the homeless, crackheads and street drunks, i was referring to all of them when i mentioned homeless.

As mentioned, being homeless, crack head or constantly drunk speaks volumes about the individual and the lack of responsibility that takes place, they are a massive burden on any society. Personally, i believe genetics play a big part and having them filtered is inline with natural selection.

When will political figures and leaders stop being cucks and start applying some serious extermination regiment?

We can make this place truly beautiful if we get rid of the filth

The more I learn about Modern Humanity, the more I empathize, sympathize, and plan to become one of “those homeless”. Modernity is disgusting; I want to return to Nature. One of those methods is to drop through the cracks of society/state. Homelessness is one area left for ‘Masculine’ men, similar to the criminal status. If a man is not homeless or a criminal then he is probably, at heart, a servant/slave to the system/society/state/women/femininity.


Indeed, theres a lot of truth to that. Had it not been for certain activity, I would probably find myself homeless. Since I have an adamant refusel to confirm and obey, I imagine a lot of homeless people are the same.

But they still suck, they have the stubbornness not to submit, but lack alternative ways to grow beyond the system, it’s childish and dangerous.

Even if I had to work in McDonald’s to survive homelessness I would until I establish ground to move on…they simply don’t do anything… There’s a suicidal aspect to it.

It has absolutely nothing to do with genetics other than the particular socially disfavored race and gender.

Homeless is CAUSED, not merely suffered.

Then I suggest that you head up the line to the camps.

Definitely hit a nerve.