Media lies about Obama presidency

Don’t believe the media lies. Obama’s presidency will go down in history as one of the worst of all time.

-US public (national) debt is increased by 7 trillion dollars (yes I said SEVEN TRILLION DOLLARS. That is about $25,000 per American citizen in just new debt alone).

-People are more divided than ever (politically, racially)

-Most reduction in unemployment has been from people leaving the workforce (the real unemployment rate is around 10-11%)

-There is still a housing bubble that has also partly moved into the rental market, squeezing people with severely high cost of rent (around 50% higher, with an increase of 4.6% on average just last year alone)

-There is a dangerous stock market bubble right now

-Cost of university tuition is up 2x

-Cost of health insurance is up at least 2x

-Warrantless spying on Americans by the NSA has become normalized

-Illegal drone murder oversees has expanded and become normalized, including murder of American citizens without trial and acceptance of massive civilian collateral damage.

-Most people have a lower quality of life now

-Suicide rates are up

-Drug use is up

-US foreign policy and leadership abroad is almost non-existent now

-The DFL’s only serious candidate with any real support, Sanders, was ridiculed and muscled out of the presidential primary, followed by the most embarrassing defeat of their chosen and highly pathetic, unpopular candidate whom Obama supported

-Real inflation is around 4.5x higher than officially reported numbers

-Obama is trying to start a war with Russia

-Obama got a Noble prize for, literally, just being black. Oh yeah and for touring the world talking about how terrible the US is.

-OPM hack stole 20 million federal employees’ personal private information including social security numbers and personal secrets from polygraph tests. That information is now in China and likely available to the highest bidder.

I’m sure I’ll think of more.

Man. Obama did all that?

Communist globalism media institutions supporting communists. yawns

Yes Smears, he has been very busy. Waiting to hear if he pardons Hillary.

Either directly or indirectly, yes. The above list is what his 8 year presidency represents and stands for.

Oh, and I forgot to add that under his watch fascist political correctness has become far more entrenched in the collective American psyche. That was definitely deliberate on his part and not just a matter of gross negligence, as some of the listed items are.

Yes, but at least his presidency was scandal fee, am I right?

Only thing good about Obama is he let a prisoner out of jail.

There should be less jail in america.

As leader of Earth I would have only one rule, that the rules of which their be be not ridiculous.

In ancient times murderers and rapists were simply exiled from society.
Nowadays in the land of egos and angry people, all people want to do is torment and punish and put animals in cages.

Why not send black thieves to africa where they truly belong?

The left loves to rewrite history.

K: and I shall provide you with the stuff that Obama also caused because you know,
complete disclosure…


World war one AND World war two, the great depression, Obama personally assassinated
Lincoln and JFK and MLK (you know the left rewrites history) Obama also started the civil war
and in full disclosure, personally kill Jesus… how little do you actually know…
the middle ages Obama cause with his economic plan, and, AND he cause the fall
of the Roman Empire… I mean by all means let us blame him for every bad thing
that has occur for the last 2000 years… He was that bad of a president… I totally agree…
OH, and the volcano that destroyed the Minoan empire, Obama…I think I left some things
out…oh, I know Atlantis, Obama did that and was named in Plato’s Republic but
of course the left rewrote history and scrub his name from that book…I hope this help
all of you as you now know the secret history of the world, every single terrible thing
was cause by Obama…now you know…


Kropotkin can’t even do political satire correctly.

Yeah, it’s not like we can even laugh at him really… it’s just embarrassing.

the point is you can just make up shit and claim its the truth…

it is the new reality… just make up shit…

BTW: the over/under of you wishing Obama was still president is
2 years…


Like saying Obama is the best president ever? :laughing:

K: I haven’t said Obama is the best president. I said, he will be in the top ten when
all is written… right now without a doubt, Bush Jr. is the single worst president
ever and no one even argues that… I suggest that Herr Trumpf will drive Bush into
second worst president ever… so the score cards will read like this…
of the 5 worse presidents ever, you will have Herr Trumps last, Bush Jr. next
the non entities around the civil war and around 5th worst president is Raygun…


Merlin, at this point it may be wise to simply avoid feeding the troll.

K: I am a troll because I am not ideological pure like yourself and I don’t spew
hate like yourself… why thank you… that is the nicest thing you have ever said about


Why would she need a pardon?

America has been a sinking ship for quite sometime and it sunk even worse under Obama.

Outside of his love of spying, war, and spending, the thing I can stand about Obama the most is fueling leftist PC authoritarians. Virtually all American presidents are war mongers, mass spenders, and control freaks. But I can’t think of any other president in our history who has fueled Cultural Marxist scum and their love of controlling language, history, and reality itself - more than president Obama.

Fortunately I have noticed that an immense backlash had taken place against leftist authoritarianism over the past year or so. More and more people are aware of what SJW’s are, how they operate, and what their ultimate goals are.

The days of shutting down conversations by screaming “racist/sexist/bigot” are nearing their end, because the game has been exposed. Now we need to focus our efforts on exposing the lefts hatred of biology, since many people are still under the unfortunate delusion that leftism is "pro science*.

^ yes, well said.

Making trolls look trollish is great in that it points out error. It’s a hobby of mine.