The Hillary Museum … e-opinion/

Please, oh please, please please make this happen!

I’d donate to that.

Is there anything prohibiting this “Almost President” museum from being established? You know damn well it can be crowd funded, but legally, can she stop it?

The museum really should exist, so all of America can visit and remember one of the greatest moments in American History.

First to Carleas’ ILP, then to Queen Hillery’s epitaph.

Carleas said he lives in Foggy Bottom, Washington DC. Nobody should ever have to donate money to someone living in Foggy Bottom, unless they be living in a cardboard box, which I don’t believe the police allow for the most part in that area.

Carleas is the progressive, he has to pay us. I want some fancy shingles on my cardboard box to keep the rain out.

If you don’t pay the good, only the bad has any money.

I don’t give my money to Smears either.

Hilarious. :laughing: