Science must be "decolonized"

When I first read this, I thought that it must be a fake story, but the video looks real and sincere.


Any human being that watches this video would be quite forgiven for promptly committing suicide, on the grounds of refusing to inhabit the same planet as these depraved monkeys.

No actually, monkeys are quite a bit more intelligent than this.

Apologies to monkeys everywhere.

Perhaps they should consider creating a new ‘esoteric’ course… rather than removing the science ones, or is that going against the grain of decolonisation?

I have learned about the existence of decolonisation (in this context and to this extent) today… where and when did it start I wonder? imminent Google-search ahead.

This has been around a while, saw it quite a while back.

Send lightning to people, therefore science is wrong/biased/whatever? Well… I don’t know about that, lol.

Remember people, no matter what else, these are leftists like any other. They actually believe what they say, in case there was any doubt. Not only that, but they chastised the only person that raised a question to their preaching. Notice how they start laughing and pointing and have hysterical looks on their faces? As if the person said something controversial?

This video left me stunned though. It usually takes quite a bit to have that effect these days. :stuck_out_tongue:

Science is a methodology that investigates natural phenomena so has got nothing to do with colonisation. Interesting to see she
has a computer. I wonder if she knows it operates on the principles of quantum mechanics discovered by a white European man
[ Max Planck ] I wonder if she also knows that there are black scientists. She could google them on that computer if she wanted

Actually, I see it as an effort to colonize Science, not decolonize. They want Black-Africa to have its own version of science, separate from what they declare to be white-man’s science. But in order to obtain that, they insist that white-man’s science must be utterly destroyed. Obviously they are typical extreme racists trying to invoke and use racism as their scapegoat while they attempt to conquer the world for themselves.

Same ole story.

They be “gypshuns” yo! They’re just trying to reclaim their rightful place as rulers of the world. No H8.

Seriously though, couldn’t they just stop going to school completely? Wouldn’t that have the same effect? Live all together separate from Whites, and don’t educate themselves at White institutions? They subsequently won’t teach any White knowledge. Poof, instant idio- I mean decolonized minds in one generation. I mean they wouldn’t be able to teach that generation anything at all except whatever they considered “African knowledge”. Like they couldn’t teach math etc. as we know it now.

“Everything is racist, the very air we breathe in is racism.”, Deep thoughts written by every douchebag and dumb bitch Marxist residing in western nations.

These postmodernist/marxist fuckoffs are the scariest people on this planet. They are authoritarian to the core and literally pull “knowledge” straight out of their asses, and yet they truly believe they are tolerant and “deep”.

That would be too white ethic - honorable, noble.

The idea is to accuse “them” of being yourself - they who lust to control all else.

Why couldn’t black Americans have merely started creating their own businesses, accumulating their own wealth, and doing things their own way? Or women?

The strategy is to take away from others so that power can be captured for oneself. Remember the meme, “in order to gain wealth one must take away from another”? The meme was never entirely true, but very easily supported to the naive. Thus social groups buy into the “God given” (aka “unavoidable reality”) that destroying others is necessary in order to accomplish wealth for oneself. That thought has been leading the “liberal” movement for 50 years. And no matter how much is given for sake of humility and progressive humanity, they never give back or seek balance until forced to do so.

“We tricked them into hating you”, is their pride. Born in the Middle East and cursing the West.

They already did/do that. Gender studies, black studies, peace studies, all that stuff is just the far-left propaganda version of a respectable field that they abandoned because their ideas were challenged. But they festered for too long in those fields, and most importantly they realized there’s no money to be made in them, so now they want to bust out of their self-imposed containment zones and declare that science has to be Black Science or Queer Science or whatever.

Don’t know if anybody has already mentioned this but it feels good to state the obvious so here it is.
Decolonization is another word for colonizing the West with non-Europeans.

About as deep as a pile of shit.

Indeed, it is also the very foundation of their globalist initiative of world government.

Once you destroy nationalism along with the racial, cultural, and linguistic affiliations that go with it becomes that more easier to install a global (corporate) government.

We’re talking about the decolonization of entire nations here.

WOW!!! That seems like a very menacing atmosphere! The guy said: “Because it’s not true,” and he got pounded, accused of causing antagonism. ← If that’s not the kettle calling the teapot black, I don’t know what is.

I wish I had more context. I can’t even see the guy who made the “antagonistic” comment. What is the background to this? Who are the people the black women are speaking to?

As it’s presented, it does seem like a very antagonistic atmosphere to begin with.

Notice how the chair of the panel not only reiterates the rules but enforces an apology and a renewal of the guy’s vow to follow the rules. That’s a very powerful psychological technique for breaking a person. It would be the equivalent of a moderator here at ILP not only dishing out warnings for breaking the forum rules, but demanding that the person formally apologize to the board and formally vow to follow the forum rules in order not to get banned.

If I were to ask the woman speaking a few questions, I’d ask: what makes you say that this thing with someone sending a bolt of lightning to strike someone is “something that happens”? Not only is this the equivalent of the guy saying “it’s not true”, but it implies that she’s actually seen it herself. That’s the only way she can legitimately claim that it is scientific fact. If she only heard it from somewhere or read it, I’m sorry but that’s not science.

I’d also like to ask her where she got her facts from about Newton. She says that Western knowledge “is saying that it was Newton and only Newton who knew or saw an apple falling and then out of nowhere decided that gravity existed.” ← Huh? Seriously? Since when does Western science say that? I’ve heard a lot of people say that seeing the apple fall (which I don’t even think is a true story) is how Newton discovered gravity, but this laughable on its face. First of all, anybody who’s ever seen something fall must know about gravity. Even cavemen could see that things fall and so must have know about a force called gravity. Maybe they didn’t call it a “force” or “gravity” per se but it’s not like people before Newton were clueless that there is this real phenomenon whereby things get pulled to the ground if they’re not being held up by something. What Newton contributed to modern science was a theory about how gravity works, not that it exists. And what does she mean “out of nowhere” decided that gravity exists. Her very statement is a contradiction. She says, in that very statement, that Newton “decided” that gravity exists based on seeing the apple fall. That’s not “out of nowhere”, that’s out of somewhere (i.e. seeing the apple fall). ← That’s like saying: the detective matched the suspect’s finger prints to those found on the gun, and out of nowhere decided that the suspect was the killer. And don’t get me started on her following statement that Newton “created an equation and that is it.” ← Um, it’s a little more complicated than that. And if the equation works, well…

I’d also like to ask: on what basis do you propose that we begin a new science? How would you go about studying this phenomenon whereby a person can make a lightning bolt strike someone? I’m not sure whether she understands this or not, but Western science didn’t just emerge out of a void: it emerged after a lengthy (centuries long) period of philosophy–empiricism, rationalism, epistemology, skepticism, etc.–all culminating in a body of thought that functions to justify the methods of science and why the products of that method qualify as “knowledge”. It’s all well and good if you want to “decolonize” science and resurrect it on a new foundation, but you need to justify that foundation with reason and logic, with philosophy and sense. You have to put forward a convincing case such that most rational human beings would agree: yes, that sounds like a good method for acquiring knowledge and answering questions about real world phenomena. Does she have anything like that in mind?

And lastly, if these strange phenomena, like causing lightning bolts to strike a person and other forms of witchcraft, are real phenomena, and they can be studied by some kind of scientific method, then you shouldn’t need to “scratch off” modern Western science. It should be demonstrable. You should be able to build a technology out of it. In other words, you should be able to just show people and thereby convince them. This is the pivotal mechanism around which science works. ← This is what makes science so successful. You can argue philosophy, you can argue religion, you can argue hocus-pocus witchcraft and supernaturalism, until you are blue in the face, but nothing wins a person over like seeing. Reason, faith, authority–these all pale in comparison to empirical experience–hands down. So I question why the need to “scratch off” Western modern science exists at all. Just do your studied, figure out how to demonstrate your results to people, and let normal human psychology do the rest.

Not only is the apple story not true, but after being sued (I think by R. Hooke), Newton admitted in court that the notion of gravity and its equations (the inverse law) were not his idea. But he was still granted credit because he was the first to use the equations to measure planetary motion and publish his work. After Hooke died and Newton became President of the Royal Society, he did all he could to destroy and erase Hooke’s reputation and papers (only recently rediscovered).

As it turns out, both Hooke and Newton were wrong (as well as Einstein) and the original concept of aether causing the laws of motion were crude, but at least correct.

Bit of a digression, but this is somewhat common among some far-left communities on Reddit. If you do something they don’t like, they will ban you, ‘temporarily’, on the condition that you can come back after writing them a brief essay demonstrating that you understand why what you did was racist/sexist/whatever and won’t do it again.

Merlin your pic is fucking great. Just saying.