Stop study of 'white' philosophers

What the fuck are you talking about? India has just as a diverse array of philosophical schools as Europe, wasn’t something we taught them, they had it on their own.

China was usually the trend setter actually in terms of intellectual and industrial advances.

And England has provided it’s fair share of philosophers.

There is such thing as philosophy prior to Kant and Hegel, wasn’t a 19th century Prussian invention.

and that 1% is a very important 1%, its at the ancestral root of philosophy. That civilization largely died off from the Sahara destroying it’s fields, then the Romans advanced in, killing them off. The region hasn’t been a void either since, just can’t call it Granarian. Berbers and Saharan Jews have some very honorable mentions.

European and American Philosophy (North and South America) today is at best like, 30% of the output being done. Your not aware of this because your insular, you don’t set out to look. Nothing is wrong with their philosophies, nor vice versa. There is far more to philosophy in China than Confucius. Instead of appealing to your own ignorance and xenophobia, just spend some time in reading up. No reason to be intimidated, philosophy is philosophy.

I haven’t seen details of the curriculum or the required courses and available electives but I suspect that some teaching of Asian philosophers must be going on.
If none are taught, then that would be a problem.,_Uni … _of_London

If a university is teaching courses, then it is selecting which subjects are important and which are not. And it’s forcing that selection on students. There is no way to get around it.

There are limited resources and there are specific interests of the professors. Often a university will offer a ‘unique’ course simply because one professor has a particular interest and wants to teach it.

On the other hand, there is core material which every philosopher has to know to be considered well-educated … that’s philosophers like Aristotle and Plato. One can’t understand much of Western history without understanding Platonism and Neo-platonism.

Yes, pretty much. If you’re arguing that non-Western philosophy should have greater emphasis because “boo hoo diversity and such”, then that’s not a valid concern. Besides, how would you defend some interest in Eastern Philosophy without being just as elitist? I’m sure there’s a bunch of African philosophy and Indian philosophy and Polynesian philosophy and we don’t commonly study any of that either. Are we obligated to start?


There are hundreds of influential works from the west, can you truly state that there are as many from elsewhere? Nor of the same advances in thought? Care to direct me to 3 examples? I say 3 because you will probably swamp me with a load of links. Seriously though, intellectual advances if made in India would have got out all by themselves but they mostly didn’t. the only thing I can think of off hand, is the concept of ‘0’ and the potential for what later because calculus. I say that but some Hindu mystic saying; ‘you can take an infinity from an infinity, leaving an infinity remaining’ is not quite the same as calculus ~ which is the whole point really.

Examples? So they made a clock. They haven’t contributed enough to even make it to 1% on the 2005 Japanese dept of trade and industry calculation of world inventions where Britain has 54% of everything and USA has 25%. they failed even to realise western blast furnaces to make glass for centuries because they were so slow on the uptake [and used rice paper for windows].


No, I’m not!

I see things much more differently than that.

I’m locked out of upstairs till tonight, I put a pick proof lock on without the key handy, so I will provide you the names of some early thinkers that are still relevant today. I can’t spell the names right from memory, Ishvara something ahoo, and a shitload of mathematicians and writers on statecraft. None of it really focuses on yoga or idol worship. Just the names aren’t forgiving to a bad speller like myself. I discussed a few with Zinnati, when it occurred to me he didn’t know shit about nothing.

Our scientific skepticism actually descends via the Pyrrhonists to India too. We are deeply indebted to them.

Um, yeah… you think?

During the various courses I took at college and university, our tutors would have regular catch-ups with the class (as well as our individual ones) to enquire whether the course was meeting our expectations and needs in what we were hoping to get out of it, and if there were specifics we wanted them to add or remove or concentrate more on i.e. they would tweak the course from year to year to ensure that it was meeting the pupils’ needs.

Pupils asking to study more Eastern and African philosophy… alongside its already abundant Western counterpart on the curriculum there caused uproar and actually made the news? Anything can be sensationalised these days… something I have noticed happening to our late night news of late.

I am keen to see if they have lectures there which are open to the public and if that is the case… attend one.

:bulb: such publicity they amounted :bulb:

If it wasn’t for the white males that help make western civilization run more smoothly these Marxists would be fucked.

Keep wishing for all of us to be dead assholes because if that happens you’ll find out what a Marxist nightmarish dystopia is really going to look like. It will be funny because these assholes are incapable of running a society let alone managing one on their own.

Yeah, it’s about European culture and history, basically, and then in the last 250 or so years American culture and history as well. All of it is the history of western civilization, which is still the engine of the world even today. SJW types are just Neanderthal regressions, an unfortunate remainder of civilization. After all not everyone can aspire to the heights. We may speak with Nietzsche here, and say that those whom we cannot teach to fly, let us teach to fall faster.

Civilization is doomed no matter what where Marxists just seem in wanting to speed up the process even faster.

This is the actual SOAS student union document :

And this is the section which made the news:

Everyone can decide personally whether it has be “sensationalized” or not. And whether those are reasonable goals or not.

Wow… just, wow.

It is beyond belief that such things even exist. … snowflakes

If you want to study European philosophy you can. If you want to study African or Asian philosophy you can. So what is so controversial about
a statement from the School Of Oriental And African Studies that favours the latter over the former? The clue is after all in the title is it not

Eh, what’s necessary anyway.
As long as you get the money everything is fine.

It’s not like education is a giant drain on society, expensive babysitting of increasingly unfit hordes of future leeches, demanding to level everything down to their level.
But then again what would a society do with their assets and produced surplus but sell them off to foreign countries and put the money into training self-entitled future liabilities. You gotta do what you were born to do.

that’s a good point. as it is that particular collage saying, that is, unless it becomes a more universal directive - which is my concern here. especially as it made the news and what have you. in fact, that particular collage probably should have always had a slant towards the east and Africa.

Have to wonder what the Brits were thinking when they taught some European philosophy in the School of Oriental and African Studies.
They probably were racist.
But not only racist but they were probably also thinking that they want to study Africa and the Orient with the thinking tools of Europeans.
Now that it’s less Europeans in Europe and in that university the dichotomy of ooga and booga will do fine as well.
It will be non-Europeans studying the way of non-Europeans with the tools of non-European thinking in a school in Europe.

Will Karl Marx make it on the banned white list?