Trump's restructuring of the CIA … e-cia.html

(Yes Kwest, I read all the links in this thread)

I’ve posted both my dead fear of what the CIA has been doing under Obama, becoming a political arm of the Democrati, Party, and not of the American Republic. During the 20th century, from it’s inception till Nixon, the FBI was a rogue institution, collecting information on every politician in the country to blackmail them. Nixon’s downfall with his political espionage can reasonably be linked to this sudden void in politics, unable to reach out to the FBI to do it’s dirty work. I really don’t think Nixon was any worst than his immediate predecessors, just got caught because suddenly the FBI wasn’t any longer doing the dirty work for them.

Under Obama, it is the CIA going rogue. It’s started behaving like the Roman Praetorians, thinking it could play a part in selecting the next executive power. Obviously, this is scary bad. It constantly claimed to have hacking info, then bucked the request it constitutionally couldn’t reject, that of congressional oversight, and a order by Congress to be briefed on the Intel. Prior to this request, the FBI wasn’t in agreement, nor our other intelligence institutions, but now magically after this long delay, they all agree Russia did some hacking, and we undoubtedly launched somenasty malware attacks on Russian servers for providing info to Wikileaks… Wikileaks adamently rejects it was Russia who hacked the DNC. Obama Rushes troops to standoff positions at the same time in the Baltics, even though the president elect has vowed a demilitarization of hostilities, preceding diplomacy and a try at friendship and shared interests instead.

My advice prior on this site was for Trump to liquidate the top tier of the CIA for even playing along, and substantially change it. It became a internal political power, instead of a foreign intelligence gathering institute, launching clandestine operations overseas, not on us, the American people, through smoke and mirrors. CIA isn’t trustworthy as a political entity, everything it does is suspect, especially when it’s leader is hell bent to wound and destroy his successor.

I’m happy to see Trump and his generals wised up, and are aiming to put down this rebellious agency before it can dream of a coup. My preference to Julian Assange is still a bullet to the head, but it looks like he is fast tracking towards a pardon. Julian caused a lot of damage internationally, millions are dead due to his indiscretions, with no sign of remorse or even a change of ethics. But if Obama was serious about this leak, he would of gone after him and his ringleaders as well as Russia. He didn’t. It’s clear this is just a vindictive ploy against Trump to inspire xenophobic Americans, many who still have bad feeling over the cold war, to oppose him on irrational grounds. This is similar to China getting it’s population wild over a stupid, strategically useless seabase in the Spartleys, pure distraction to solve problems of a completely different order internally. For Obama, it’s the destruction of Trump, through the CIA, instead of via open politics, through Congress or direct appeal to the people.

So the CIA as we know it is done for. Such a institution can’t continue to exist in a republic. Coincidentally, Wikileaks has put pressure on the internal destruction by the Obama Administration for destroying records. Legally, CIA has to destroy redundant records not put into cold storage (they literally have mountains outside DC full of documents) just like the military, so that gives a little bit of legal wiggle room. … mails.html

We’ve also seen a Democratic staffer linked in wikileaks assassinated, wikileaks has a rewardfor that info as well.

This is the sort of shit third world nations do to themselves, that Obama and his mania has introduced to out nation. CIA is literally the tip of our spear, nothing militarily happens without them thinking it through, digesting it. That was Marcuse’s design. He eventually turned against the machine he created.

It’s now several generations later, and we see the institution in full moral decay. It can’t be structured like the FBI in automatically searching out threats, kidnapping foreigners, torturing or bribing, etc without presidential leadership, and military as well as civilian influence as well as feedback from it. That would be absurd, lead to WW3 instantly. It gas to be under the Commander in Chief, by default… I can’t imagine another form of structure for it, I’ve honestly have tried, open to novel suggestions, just- it’s the ultimate presidential fief.

I like it’s advisory role to Congress… like it even better when it fucking shows up to brief when called forth to do so. I’m always worried it might pull a Iran Contra situation, so it suddenly recoiling and becoming secretive just cause the president says sorry me. I’m not sure how you fix that. Honestly? What good would installing a beefed up ethics panel in a institution of trained liars who excel at stealth and underhanded secrecy?

A obvious constitution resort would be the courts, given the balance of powers between the branches of government. CIA’s activities aren’t completely outside of the courts, but they can’t be expected to perform these duties of being a check and balance from a distance. Maybe if we added a few traveling circuit judge seats JUST FOR the CIA, DIA, FBI, CID, given rank +1 over anyone when acting in a capacity of office, minus the right to control troops in combat… just roaming. They can be requested to investigate, act like Tribunes in the Roman Republic, they find something foul, like this Russia case, they can obstruct it locally, telling individuals to stop and comply.

This would take a constitutional amendment. They would need a small task force capable of going up against a CIA or DIA that’s gone rogue, to lash them back to the constitutional yoke, to collect evidence for a impeachment or federal court. Like I said, FBI got away with it for decades. It’s a obvious area of weakness.

Further beyond this, how should we restructure the CIA? Trump has hinted he wants more field operatives, less office workers. Is he talking about literally forcing desk people out into the field? That’s gonna cost some equipment, and we will loose traditional Intel processing and review. If he is thinking if just downsizing the CIA smdesk staff, and direct recruiting a new breed of field agent, he us gonna have to lean heavily on the military, which isn’t unreasonable, given his emphasis on military leaders in his cabinet counterbalanced with top capitalists, both are ideological open to veterans coming over to fill the ranks. This will make the CIA even more warlike, which I think Marcus’s would shit himself silly over. We did have groups like ISIS back then, all genocidal. People forget how bloody and insane the cold war could get, where any guerilla group could expect arms from the West, Russia, China without much concern for ethical or competent use, just so long as they sorta lined up ideology, or at least promised to kill those who didn’t.

A part of me if for the militarization if the CIA beyond what it already is, but if we do this, chop the desk people, a lot of Intel would gave to be processed by the Pentagon and NSA on levels it wasn’t before, and despite Trump’s rhetoric for a strong military, Pentagon is certainly facing a downsizing. This means capacity it gonna be humstrug, as well as foreign missions, such as goodwill missions training random military or police. It’s gonna shutter a lot of old fashion Intel, forcing us to rely on electronic surveillance at the very moment were cutting desk jobs that do just that.

Likewise, as rotten as the CIA has become, and the absolute need to decimate it’s politically oriented crust, the Catch 22 is they are the ones who know how the CIA works best. I’m not talking of just removing it’s civilian figurehead, but a few ranks of upper management as well that cooperated with Obama’s coup attempts against Trump. They hold generational experience. A lot of middle ranks will suddenly be promoted to the top while new guys from the military join to fill some open roles, but a lot of the lower management types will be left without much oversight, given the middle management themselves just got promoted, and have to oversee a department completely reorienting how it is going to operate, more out in the field, something many won’t be used to.

This can lead to growing pains in a era of international terrorism. That’s bad. However, Obama’s scary stunts make it a absolute priority the CIA is cleared of any mischief. They are no longer a American institution, but a party institution, and need substantially wiped clear of any and all bad apples that have cooperated with this dangerous and deeply unamerican behavior. There is no room for that sort of insanity, it never ever should of cooperated with Obama on this. Whatever order they were given, it was certainly a unethical one, most likely unlawful too, against the traditions and expectations of the American people.

And what about the FBI also c(k)ow-towing to the Democratic party so that Clinton is as free as a little baby bird?

Yeah… I was opposed to the reading of what Hillary did, or in the FBI’s view, didn’t intentionally violate, they didn’t have a case, but the FBI is essentially just a federal level version of your local police department. They are required to investigate, but can choose to back off anytime based solely on judgment, and prosecutors or grand juries don’t have a case to examine if they don’t want to push it.

Any decision we make in the FBI will have a trickle down effect on precedent and conduct of lower state, county, territorial, military and municipal police and court interactions. Doesn’t mean they will all shift in organization, some will likely remain stubornly unchanged, but states tend to adopt the patterns of government of the highest level of state over time over the rest of the lower parts as a model. Exceptions to this trend exist, the UK is for example stubborn slow, with Scots Law and Guernsey having antique offices… but even here they still align themselves increasingly with national models.

My town doesn’t have a CIA or NSA equivelent. My state might have a couple guys doing security for networks, or international fraud, working with Interpol, but even then, maybe not as much. CIA reform doesn’t force a siesmic shift on society lie a FBI reform, that can effect us for centuries. How do you propose changing how the FBI handle such cases from now on? They gotta investigate and not investigate simultaneously, remaining unbiased apparently to both sides? Every police force fucks up, if they didn’t, we wouldn’t bother with courts, we presume incompetence and test them. I’m not sure how a mechanism that forces a case would work if the police decide to drpp the case.

I think Obama would of been in full rights of dropping him after he said Hillary did nothing illegal and scoulder he for being a little shit.

I’m all ears for reform suggestions.

Inauguration can’t come quickly enough, Carleas’ society friends are engineering a fake war with Russia in a rush.

A fake war or a trumped up reason to war?

Not gonna last war either way, I can’t imagine they can pull off the manufacture of any evidence capable of a successful impeachment or denying him swearing in. .

They are gonna be town down brick by fucking brick for what they are doing, this is very, very bad.

I’ll believe it when I see it.

Trump is asking for a investigation of why NBCNews gets briefings of classified data prior to even him.

Congress should definitely find out why they gotta wait so fucking damb long too. Serves everyone’s interests save those it is supposed to.

Yes, it’s very interesting that leaking is not allowed except when the head of government does it.

26 minutes ago on Trump’s Twitter:

Now if only Trump can get rid of that pesky shadow government that controls most of the United States… We’ll see, won’t we?

Most of it answers to the President. It isn’t likely that a President is going to sacrifice his own power. They are programmed to believe that the first obligation of the powerful is to maintain their power. And he is exactly the type to lust for power. The only hope would come from him feeling sufficiently powerful to find pride in being magnanimous. The higher “shadow governance” instigators and job security legion would move to prevent that.

I have my doubts Trump will change anything. At the moment I’m having a wait and see type attitude. … dency.html

I’ve been distracted with the Nigerian situation, been on another site. Been keeping an eye on this though.

The CIA will be severely repressed, there is no way the geberwals will tolerate a rogue intelligence agency that doesn’t serve the president, but rather a opposition political party. That’s the very definition of insanity in a republic.

It would seem that there are rogue areas of the government along with the democratic party that are at war with Trump right now.

You can guarantee the generals will be hyper attentive to sniffing these areas out and systematically destroying them. They are better trained and read than I am, so their instincts to do so are going to be potentially more advance. It’s become a damn universal rule not to allow this sort of thing to occur. Why do you think Machiavelli’s writings were so full of intrigue, and how to counter it?

President can’t control the FBI, we’re a nation of paws, not men, it is purely objective and based on laws, but the very nature of the CIA is based on the idea of the Strategist, the best and most archetypal of which were always fully formed individuals, akin to mentats from Dune. They don’t obviously have a philosophical corpus (they do) and it isn’t mostly based on laws, but the genius if the expert to undermine the genius of foreign experts. The entire intelligence community is structured along the line of extreme paranoia, expecting disloyalty, spying and double spies.

It only works if the persons involved have absolute loyalty to the executive powers if the state, and sincerity in trying to be responsive to the judicial, and awareness if the legislative.

FBI must first and foremost be responsive to the legislative, a true and absolute expert in it, and then the judicial. It is executive, but at times can shake free it’s oversight from above. You should be able to change out the year if the FBI once a month and still expect cases to be investigated, and submitted for prosecution.

CIA is gonna experience a brain drain. Thus has been a act if high treason by the Democratic Party, in getting it involved in politics. A lot of data just will go away, because that data is only comprehendable by experienced spy masters. We do have backups, but honestly… some of our finesse in analysis will decline. This being said, Obama made government service ugly for many of our best potential spies. I wouldn’t ever of served under him, so I’m sure we have alot of guys sitting around way better than me,just as suspicious and demoralized by Obama’s constant stumbles and self-wounding over Syria and Iraq. Trump can reap many of these guts signing up, but thats gonna take a while.

Were gonna have a dip. Only reliable areas is gonna be durect military intelligence, (Congress through legislation controlls how many men per unit are dedicated to this,and while it us slaved to the president,us a vastion of Anti-Obama Apathy, hasnt changed much and independenly train men to task) which means while this brain drain occurs in the CIA, intelligence reports to Trump will look increasingly operational, with a mind to military operations and resources. Its gonna make alot of logical sense to use military resources, instead of traditionalcivialian spy metgods,such as bribing or hiring assassinations, or just stealing data the old fashion way by paying the janitor to grab files. Its always gonna be like “oh, lets send force recon in” cause the clique that took over a section of the CIA was marine heavy, and they designed their reports to the president instinctively still favoring such operations.

Trump is much less of a War Hawk than Obama has been. Obama came in as a pacifist, blundered hard, them moved into a sloggish,easy bullied war stance who’s primary aim was avoiding US entanglements, by entangling the US into coalitions where everyone else was expected to lead.

That shit was neurotic, idiotic, didn’t work. I think Trump is much more moderate, not afraid to use military force, balls to the wall if need be, but is much less attached to the military approach as a either-or, he won’t get Obama’s Deer In The Headlights response to emerging threats, he will hammer or undermine threats, but won’t do it on a coalition basis. His coalitions will be “we will do this, then you Jordan will pay for and deploy that”. In alot of places in the world,he just won’t initially give a damn, until later on when he says fuck it and refunds the UN,sending out peace keepers too.

So my initial point of paying hawk like attention will be government behavior for the first 6 months out after he starts thrashing the CIA. It will be obvious when that happrns,lots of former spies will pop up on CNN, NBC, BBCAmerica, and other sites who tried to elect Hillary bitching. Kropotkin, UOF will be like, Blah Blah Blah Trump hurying us. I won’t be looking at any of that, but rather how Trump is reacting to his new intelligence forces. I dont expect the CIA to be fully settled till two years in, once civilian administration manages to wrestle control from the last holdouts from the traitor factions, and get the replacement analysts fully prepared for their new roles.

Might go quicker if Trump’s generals know administrative tricks Im not aware of.

Right now,our greatest nationalthreat comes not from terrorisn, not from ISIS, but from Obama Sleeper Agenrs in the CIA itself. Our highrst priority must be to systemmatically root them out, dusgrace ir destroy them if need be. They should never of become political. Massive no-no, one of the buggest no-nos they ever could make. Only thing worst would be duscovering they built up their own privately funded army like with Colonel Oliver North, all without Congress knowing. Only damn thing I can imagine worst that what they are doing right now.