Kill Whitey: White Devils Final Solution.

I thought we all make a thread on discussing about the final solution to whiteness as that seems to be all the rage in college universities across the western world concerning public discourse. How do we get rid of whiteness? How do we destroy whiteness? How do we control whiteness?

More importantly, how do we deal with all those damn white devils across the planet?


More specifically: white heterosexual maleness

The agenda is against straight white males.

White females have Feminism and gay White males have the LGBT movement.

Both of these movements are hostile towards heterosexual White males - both try to turn them into gimps.

BoB under see level


For leftist Marxists race is a social construct that doesn’t exist yet they have an entire study of it which is called whiteness… :-k

So, are they admitting that race does exist? Either it exists in some way or it doesn’t. :-"

They want to have their cake and eat it too.

{DISCLAIMER: My post is intended as a hypothetical if I was a traitor, psychopath or degenerate. I believe these things to be absolutely reprehensible and do not support any of the following actions. This is what I think is BAD. Not Good.}

Well, for myself, if I was going to try destroying whiteness starting from covert and progressing to overt, I would hypothetically:

  1. Research what their social norms are, their ethnic, community and family values, and religious beliefs. This is the key to destroying a people.

  2. Gain control of the major means of communication that the society uses to exchange information, emotion and entertainment.
    —a. Purchase TV networks and radio networks. Consolidate power structures where possible.
    —b. Use the positions of power to exert pressure on the industry and lobbying the government.
    —c. Primarily employ my own agents as media icons and entertainment figures. Use those agents to slowly desensitize the population to violence, outrage and pushing social boundaries incrementally. Specifically, the natural inclination of an ethnic group or race to stick to their own. We must destroy their sense of identity. We must also destroy and manipulate their family structure.
    —d. Create programming that distracts the whites from in-group concerns, bombard them with out-group concerns and get them to idolize my media icons. Portray whites as bumbling fools or some “ism” with stigma attached. Use humour at first to portray whites as evil. Humour will minimize backlash and maximize effect. It also gives us an excuse if we are called on our actions.
    —e. Use the focus of the media to downplay or ignore what is harmful to my agenda and sensationalize what promotes it. Specifically highly divisive issues.
    —f. Create programming that promotes vague, feel-good platitudes that appeal to a person’s sense of compassion. Attach buzzwords to those platitudes wherever possible. These platitudes only need to appear attractive. Portray anyone who questions those platitudes as malevolent and anyone who repeats them as virtuous. repeat the buzzwords as often as possible.
    —g. Promote miscegenation, abortion and materialism as virtuous and respectable.
    —h. Create discord between the TWO genders to lower birthrates and promote in-group conflict.
    —i. Sensationalize and constantly repeat stories of our own group’s past persecution or success, so that any time we are attacked, if all other efforts to deflect criticism fail, claim victimhood and call our aggressors hateful.

  3. I would attempt to infiltrate educational and authoritative institutions in order shift focus away from the social norms and value systems, once they have been destabilized by the social engineering efforts of the controlled media.
    —a. I would focus on captive audiences like universities and colleges so that the message is heard by the most people who are in a position to affect the most disruption to society. Create programs that appear to give meaningful degrees/reward.
    —b. I would get my agents to tenured positions where they can safely and slowly interject highly subversive themes. Planting seeds first and then using the position of authority to nurture the development of those themes so they appear to have occurred naturally as a result of ‘being educated’ or ‘enlightenment’. The ideas planted must not require any effort or external indicator. We must be able to fit the ideas completely within the current societal framework. “Patriarchy” is perfect.
    —c.Once the ball is rolling in the universities and colleges whereby the ideas ‘running under their own power’, I would shift my focus to younger and younger captive school audiences, aiming for the youngest as possible to maximize the formative effect of my propaganda. Use the authority of the teachers to selectively feed them information and to test social programs and social engineering efforts. Take control of their senses of right and wrong.
    —d.Promote disconnection with family and ethnic pride. Students should pledge fealty to ideology rather than to members of their family. Promote the idea that teachers are co-parents.
    —e.Nurture pathological behaviour that plays to the favour of the agenda. Promote LGBT as a reasonable option to students and teach them at the earliest age possible about sexual activity. Promote masturbation beyond a normal compulsion. Pleasure must be the top concern, and downplay procreation and heterosexual behaviour.

  4. Government. Raise a generation of whites using the above template and in the mean time use media to manipulate culture and to promote values to get my agents elected to positions of office.
    —a. Appeal to self-identified marginalized or minority communities (those that can be politically manipulated). Have our agents flirt with those groups to determine the possibility of manipulation.
    —b. Create or promote organizations that focus on perceived disadvantage of these groups. This simultaneously panders to the other demographics while promoting class/race guilt on whites. Couch any scrutiny in terms of being Anti-X.
    —c. Use the previous point to promote the idea that we are obligated to ignore our own concerns to take care of other races. Use this same tactic to promote the idea that we need to bring more of them here to help them, and ignore or attack any suggestion that other groups need to take care of themselves. Use this same tactic to promote that this is a one way street and that whites have the only obligation.
    —d. Use public offices to disseminate class guilt among the white population during legislative assemblies etc. Have your media closely cover your efforts.
    —e. Create legislation to protect out-groups specifically based on the previous tactics. Focus on specific identity groups instead of generalizing, and NEVER include whites in the legislation. Promote the idea that we are all the same so that migration would mean nothing, and promote the idea that diversity creates solutions and not problems. Promote for whites that there is no such thing as race or white, or that whites do not have a culture of their own, but promote racial uniqueness with the other races. If we are called out on it, we will just scream ‘racism’.
    —f. Open borders for mass migration. Ignore the lack of migration/diversity over the rest of the earth. We don’t want to promote whites moving and creating new populations or getting outside our cone of influence.
    —g. Start to publicly promote mildly offensive or subversive issues. Make sure it can always be twisted to look like we are promoting something we call ‘progressive’. Never define any of our buzzwords in a way that we cannot change it later.
    —h. Use our positions to create committees and ruling boards that are quasi-judicial and have but have the ability to manipulate society or effect punishment on the targeted whites.

  5. a. Use our current standard of living as an indication of why whites should stop worrying about certain other aspects. “Come on its 2016” type malarkey.
    —b. Continue to use media to promote division between the genders and races. Use it to attempt to control language unofficially. Control the narrative on issues and definitions of words. Make attacks on non-whites front page news and ignore all pro-white activities or anti-white crime.
    —c. Start attacking ‘patriarchy’ based on the above seeds planted in education. Hide any evidence that you are trying to divide the genders.

  6. By now we have a generation of whites that are at least partially indoctrinated and our original agents have moved into the upper echelons of power structures.
    —a. Get the new indoctrinated generation into the lower levels of power structures and then repeat the above steps until the desired effect is reached.
    —b. Use the now ingrained sense of guilt in many whites to pass legislation that is against their own interests. Call any opposition racist or other ist.
    —c. Promote the idea that all of these ideals have naturally ‘progressed’ from our society and that people are freely choosing miscegenation etc. Ignore claims that immigration was forced in any way.
    —d. Promote biased studies and use various ministries/departments to start to institute legislation in public service workplaces where it can be controlled. Use human resources to act as ministries of truth.
    —e. Amend current workplace legislation to make the legislation apply to private business. When we are creating the legislation we will make up new sins so general we can apply them to anyone. “Hate” etc.
    —f. Create penalties for employers who do not follow the legislation and make them directly responsible for their employees ‘behaviour’. Promote tax cuts or incentive programs for hiring non-white individuals. Create quotas to ensure all workplaces start to displace whites.

  7. Now that everything is out in the open, we step it up a few notches.
    —a. Start attacking whites specifically and by name. Continue focus on males and ‘patriarchy’ to maximize the divide and conquer within the white race, and to create a specific enemy for the other races and the indoctrinated masses of whites.
    —b. Step up immigration and start to sensationalize demographics in housing. Start moving in groups of non-whites into predominantly white areas. Create roadblocks for whites that want to relocate or change what school their kids want to go to.
    —c. Start broadening the previous definitions of your buzzwords. Include things like “I wouldn’t date a black man” in the category of racism. Try to make whites feel bad for wanting to be with each other.
    —d. Discourage whites from having their own groups or organizations while simultaneously funding or promoting the same for other races. Use the explanation that ‘whites are the majority, they don’t need any groups of their own’.
    —e. Expand definitions in the legislation and start using the quasi-judicial bodies to persecute whites.

… Frankly I don’t want to continue to the more sinister stuff, it’s sickening.

I think I have made my point. Hell, I didn’t even mention half of the players including Marxism. But I’m done typing for now.

That and they’re inconsistent little shits.

What in effect you’re describing here is organized international Marxism infiltrating the western sphere of the world under the title of globalism.

I agree. TBH I freaked myself out when I re-read what was written and didn’t want to go further.