The terms "white" and "white people" are racist

From now on, never accept when someone says the term “white” or “white people”. There is no such existing thing as these terms presume to specify. There are only individual national heritages and combinations of those heritages. To the extent our individual identity is formed from “race”, it is so based on something far closer to nationality and not at all in terms of “whiteness”. National heritage is rooted in genetic differences and types, which is what “race” means: a potentially interbreeding group of shared genetic features, within a larger genetic species.

Anyone who uses the label “white” is implicitly racist, and is guilty of implicit or institutional bias. They are racist because demeaning and marginalizing an entire national-racial heritage of a person into a meaningless label “white”. And the same goes for “black people” as well. All a bunch of racist nonsense and all coming from the Matrix of the globalist-neolib-politically-correct-media machine.

Help people unplug from the Matrix. Give them a harsh reality-check to their ego whenever they use the term “white” or “white people” or “whiteness” by blatantly telling them to their face “that’s racist”. Then when they deny it and get all flustered or angry you can explain to them what I just explained to you above.

…that Eastern European guy, the Jamaican lady I was just talking to, my Asian pal, etc etc etc… I always use these to define humans.

Somebody is East European, somebody is Jamaican, somebody is Asian, somebody is black, somebody is white… That’s not racist. It’s a description.

Somebody is like ‘this’ because he is East European and East Europeans are like ‘this’. That’s racist. Assigning characteristics to an individual based on his membership in a group and the alleged characteristics of the group members is racist.

Note that the individual had no choice as to his membership in the group. If he had a choice, such as choosing to join a violent motorcycle gang, then characterizing him as violent based merely on membership is reasonable. Freedom of choice is an important consideration.

I prefer German/French American myself.

Fact is there are some common features to races. That’s what “race” means, a generic similarity. You may not like the fact that you don’t choose your race, but that’s doesn’t mean that genetics doesn’t matter.

Of course racial identification is only a small part of who a person is. What we learn and our experiences over time are far more formative on who we are than are our genetic differences with regard to racial groups. But, again, that doesn’t mean racial groups don’t exist or have no impact.

Part of the impact is heritage and shared culture, not all of it is genes only. But some of it is genes, of course. We honestly don’t know very much at all about how racial groups as genetic differences really affect things like our personality or mentality. It would be a mistake to say that genes don’t matter, and it would be a mistake to ascribe a ton of meaning to genes when we don’t know for sure yet how significant they are.

But all of that aside, there is no such thing as “a white person” or “a black person”. Those are just made-up categories, entirely meaningless and racist (demeaning and inaccurate with regard to the real category of race).

Wyld is so disconnected from the Matrix…
He thinks and talks like all those other red-pilled sociology students across the country who have been indoctrinated informed initiated by their liberal-marxist socialist-nationalist professors who comprise the status quo of academia.

Somebody tell those racist rednecks to unplug from the Matrix and get some edumucation which will set them free.

For those who might be confused about the globalists now, they are found among those racist redneck pieces of shit in Tennessee from where they control and influence the minds of young Americans and the whole world.

Luckily for the world, underground resistant leaders like John Oliver and that other guy who is a little less ugly, are unplugging the masses of people from the Matrix. It’s an uphill battle against the globalists but they are morally right so I am confident that they will prevail to defeat the racist empire globalists.

Don’t be a tool!
Fight the globalists!
Join today and unplug from the Matrix!
and LGBTQ rights!

I have no idea what you’re talking about, but it has no application to me or this topic. Please madturbate somewhere else.

Wyld, dude, bro, friend, don’t be a tool and embrace that race is real.
Don’t deny the world because you are afraid. Overcome your lying self-denial.
Let go of all that shit you carry inside of you.
You gotta let go of your reality-hatin’.

That’s true but the individual variation within a group is large. So if you say, for example, that group A is more intelligent than group B … the intelligent individuals of group B are probably more intelligent than the average and sub-average individuals of group A.

You really need to look at an individual’s characteristics to properly evaluate him.

There is a large variation within cultural groups as well.

What you say is all also applicable to the species human.
People should not identify or think of themselves as human.

And if they do, you tell them that they are a specieist.

What I am saying Wyld, dude, that you are just a boring standard ignorant liberal who has a problem with the reality of race.

I agree. I always place the category of the individual higher in terms of ontological status than the category of the racial, national, cultural, age etc. group.

Terms like black, white, Asian, Hispanic, Middle Eastern, native, and so on are just general labels to not get burdened under the assortment of ethnic nationalities I think.

Can you imagine an application where all nationalities are listed? Would be a huge list in terms of identity and so out of convenience such general labels were crafted I think. It was crafted out of convenience and general expedience.

Dude, he started a mock thread. :wink:

Please keep your insanities to yourself. Clearly you have not even a single actual thing to say about anything I’ve written here. How utterly pathetic. You can’t even form an argument, let alone a thought.

There are genetic and physical variations even among Europeans. There are genetic and physical variations of all races of people.


What’s the goal of the left with their white is not real/white is a social construct babble?

It’s supposed to break ethnic identity and to atomise its individuals.
Result? - The dissolution of nations, integrating them into a larger market-place.

Long-term wise it is producing a wasteland of retards and garbage.

Well, as I said originally instead of saying I’m a white American something as blanket as that I prefer German/French American.

I imagine for many blacks in the United States any additional adage of description might be difficult in that many of them don’t know where their ancestors came from. I have heard that many of the slaves that came from Africa are of Nigerian origin. Nigerian American? Shrugs

Race is half epigenetic and the other being a cultural construct. It’s not one or the other. It’s a combination of both.

Seems like you’re among the first they’re producing.

If you actually read my topic you would see that I am claiming national identities are meaningful, they relate to racial differences that are real (genetic) and cultural-heritage. The term “white” lumps every single humans beinf with “relatively fair skin” into one group, which is retarded considering there is no racial-genetic group “white”, nor “black”. Rather there are various different racial-genetic groups with varying degrees of skin tone. You’re free to use skin tone only as your method of classification but doing so only reveals that you’re either an idiot or have some ideology to sell.