Fake News and Media Reform



Both links are the best of NBC going through it’s rehabilitation post election of snapping out of the fog and trying to figure out what they have been doing so very wrong.

I am a independent and get most of my news from a few dozen websites that I cycle through, as well as random searches on Google or Bing just typing topics, seeing what pops up.

I had to stop watching MSNBC about, little over a year, almost two ago, because I came to the conclusion it was pure propaganda at that point, not even news. This is coming from a guy who reads Pravda, The People’s Daily, and a PressTV, propagandist news for Russia, China and Iran… They sadly enough tended to be more trustworthy than MSNBC. I would still skim nbcnews.com for headlines, but rarely clicked them, I found more or less identicle sounding stories on other liberal sites, suggesting strongly it was all coordinated and not the actions of independent journalists putting stories out.

For a very long time, despite myself seeing Fox News as better than MSNBC and about average with the rest of the news cast services, just for the left rather than the right- after all, their journalists go to the same schools as everyone else, and use very similar formats, just different parties- I started quoting FoxNews stories a lot more than other sources, simply because everyone kept screaming it wasn’t trust worthy, because it wasn’t liberal, it was fake and made up.

It’s about as fake and made up as any other news source in major media, in other words mostly real, but ideologically slanted… as all media increasingly is. Nobody has a safe and trustworthy media, the ones who pretend to be are some of the worst offenders, like NPR.

I don’t think a era of intentionally unbiased attempts at newscasts will return, beyond a archiac news hour on 24 hour news. The two links above at least gives me hope that the media don’t be so obviously blind and accepting of party allegiance and towing the line of politicians and campaigns just to get favorable access. Notice MSNBC isn’t saying it isn’t going to stop being far left liberal, it isn’t aiming right now to be independent, but what it is saying is… they don’t want to be steeple anymore and not be critical, and to start using their brains, grow a backbone, do some investigative journalism outside of being informed about what to report.

These are baby steps. If I see evidence they continue to improve here, I will upgrade them from Fake News to just heavily biased but trustworthy leftest news, and will include more of their links for discussion here, as positive change should be rewarded. As to CNN, it’s practically became a black version of the KKK over the last year, I’m on the verge of assigning them Hate Group status, and may stop talking about their stories soon if they don’t fix their fascist crazy issues over there. I don’t know how they went from straight news in the 90’s to Mussolini shit today, but they have. It is very disgusting.

Notice I likewise don’t talk much about Bretbairt, website looks like a 8 year old put it together, I hold them and CNN about balanced, may’ve Bretbairt is slightly better. I know Ucci is a fan of them, but they really suck if you know what news is supposed to look like. I think I did a story or two for discussion here from them, won’t be many more unless they clean up their act. MSNBC might just now be cleaning up their act. I’m skeptical, but will keep my eye out for this change.

Ever watch your PBS channels?

Used to. I even gave a donation of useless AAFES coins to a PBS reporter in Iraq, as we had no store on base and I started carrying the cardboard coins around for shits a giggles. I just got done ready some old West Virginia Public Broadcasters new articles on McDowell County, West Virginia. Life expectency is 64 for men. Absurdly high drug death rates. People don’t comprehend just how aweful the last few years have been. They had the highest Pro-Trump otimg rates in the country, half the houses abandoned, the movie “Silent Hill” had a far healthier outlook on West Virginia than what is currently occurring. Many communities just pump sewage straight into the water, can’t maintain.

I dunno, if I can afford it, I might open up a weatherproof gazebo filled with philosophy books I’ll print out and fill it, give talks a few times a year on economics. Or not… They will straight up strip that, sell what they can and burn the rest for wood, or someone will try to live in it while I’m gone. It is that bad, and worst. I have no fucking solution, I literally dontknow- and yes, they have long ago mastered chicken farming and deer hunting. Why they aren’t dead yet.


Wow, never thought I would see the day.

I used to like PBS. I always thought they were more off stream, educational and objective. Now, I think they are being very, very liberal, and are using their affiliates (academia/technology) to pursue an agenda. They are actually using genetics for this now, which is really pissing me off. From now on, I will see them as biased liberal source. This is the study and interpretation of FKPB5 gene from their affiliate researchers:


neurosciencenews.com/epigenetics … sion-2502/

First of all, with what premise do you start a genetic study like this, and why? And what does this say about the process of evolution, in general? How did we, as species, even survive this long? And logically, wouldn’t exposure to stress (in whichever form) desensitize the subsequent generations, I mean, evolutionary speaking? This whole study seems to support victimhood attitude- look, you’re messed up, but it’s not your fault.

Sorry, but feeling you are informed is diff than being informed. Off topic

There is some faculty in inheriting personality traits both through environment as well as genetically, just we’ve never produced a solid explanation as to how this works. An example, cat breeders determine what a breeds personality will be by selecting the fathers behavior, if he is aggressive, they tend to have aggressive babies, smart or dumb, etc.

This seems to have a role, large, but not overriding. If it did, Magnus Anderson would be right, we would just all seek out ourselves, i.e. people very similar to us in breeding or behavior, and the results would be a very similar play on the original.

That be sweet, cause we just go back to feudalism, kill the dumb serfs who never did squat over 20-30 generations, and we would then have a golden race of Superman who weighlift and read philosophy, and sword fight on tropic beaches while reciting poetry.

That shit didn’t happen, we straight up tried that, was a failure. What we actually see is that regions have personality clusters that affect overall society. People in cascadia, for example, from Oregon up to British Columbia, have very high rates of left hemispheric types not found in the rest of the country in that concentration, but are found internationally, like Korea. We could say it is a racial trait in Korea, or inherited by language, but we can’t say this for Oregon. They are generically white for the most part, came from the same westward mix.

Is it education? Maybe, doubt it alone. Is it the terrain? Maybe, but I haven’t seen too much convincing evidence that this happens purely topographically, kinda does with a lot more factors involved in some theories, but I dunno.

I do k ow is that as a general rule, first born children tend to be more introverted and individualistic, statistically, while many other studies show the first child tends to take a median personality between that of both parents.

If we had purely made up 4 tier personality designations of

1 being primary, 2 secondary

Mother being 1234
Father being 4321

First Child 2143

That’s a mix neither mother nor father specialize in.

But you add a kid 3412

Again, not quite like mom or dad, but shifted from first born.

You add another sibling, another shift. Then another.

We know situation ally, middle children are paid less attention, oldest more esteemed and independent, youngest babied the most. Not as a universal rule, but it is plainly common. Child rearing effects this as well.

But we do see family lineages favor introversion more than extroversion, thinkers more than feelers.

There is a epigenetic element involved. I think the manufacture of sperm is effected by testosterone levels, and this determines children. Really rich and successful men have more children, while guys always down on their luck females- I predicted prior to Joker saying the sex of his child it would be female.

But not always. None of the above is a universal rule. Environment such as physical traumatic injury does affect healthy neurachemical levels, the brain and organs compete for space in the body to a degree selfishly if another part is in atrophy.

But there are obvious limits well attested to fundamentally limiting this. People have taken lab rats, cut their rails off, bred them for 40 generations, each time cutting tails off, and each new generation had tails, no side effects. How? I don’t know. I don’t know why we can inherit effects environmentally in one case but not at all in another.

Now, are blacks genetically marked by slavery? Yeah, they were bred to be big fuckers, by default. They were also selected not to be Conan the Barbarian in temperment, only physically. Very few slave uprisings happened in the American South. Think it us rather obvious they made good use of whips, chains, castration and death sentences like working the mines to get rid if the troublesome slaves, while taking a liking to big but obeying slaves, makes absolutely perfect sense. They may of honestly taken a liking to some of them, like we do to animals we like, and maximize their breeding success. They were treated like talking animals in that era.

Could they inherited this coding from that era as a result of breeders selecting for it, instead of epigenetics? Almost certainly that is the case. As bad as blacks have had it in America, it wasn’t that bad at all compared to what was happening in Africa at that time with nascent city states fighting one another for slaves to export, or Europe with is near constant warfare for a thousand years, with constant rape and pillage. Literally rape and pillage, I’m saying literally rape. I’m stumped how southern slavery was worst than this, the general rule for most people around the world was severe loss and trauma. A large portion of women died in childbirth, many parents refused to name their kids till they got older. A human can rationalize a wife or kid dying from disease abstractly is different from being involuntarily sold, but does our hormonal response much differ? Is the trauma much different? Don’t both beat their chests, anthromorphize blame and find solace similarly? Slaves had a large amount of protection as well, war hardly touch them, they were guaranteed food, shelter, immunity mostly from having to fight in battles, etc. Blacks are in large part descended from favored males, the ones who got it the worst didn’t breed.

So I’m doubting it is epigenetics. I’m thinking more just breeding. I note blacks have the same personality spread as anyone else as well. I suspect epigenetics play in this. I think this is just a expression of breeders choosing slaves who were most responsive to conditioned learning via negative reinforcement. I note that BDSM isn’t something blacks usually are known to be into, that’s more the domain of bored white people, so can’t say it’s a wise at all educational method today for them, obviously imagination and other genes play on this. Furthermore, they are every bit as much prone to epigenetic mutation as we are once circumstances and location changes. If the rest of the world was more cruel than this to one another, and don’t show nearly this level of expression, then it must be something that goes away in under 500 years, because 500 years ago, Europe was absolute hell. If we can’t see traces of it now like this in whites, then we know 160 years after the civil war, it really should show evidence of dissolving in many, and many more prior to the end of this century. It can’t stick around forever in just blacks, but nobody else, makes no sense. You have any idea what the Romans did to the ancient world slave wise? That lasted longer. It clearly goes away. Likely just how I described children differing from parents. Sometimes a kid is of the same type or constitution, but usually not. Siblings cite personality differences from kid to kid. How you approach the world likely effects your own epigenetic potential more than your ancestors. Perhaps Kwanzaa is beneficial, or perhaps it is pure whino bullshit, made for people with low self esteem and a dire need for a separate cultural ewuivency via identity and traditions.

I can’t answer any of this absolutely, other than my reasoning it more likely was bred into them, and if it us epigenetics, will be leaving them default within a few more generations. I just find it all rather doubtful, but won’t rule it out, given the unknowns across the board. Yes, evolution isn’t straight cut, simple Dawkins like explanations, such as a selfish gene. We mistake a formulaic reasoning for the phenomena we barely grasp. We kinda get DNA, but I’m doubting our current explanations for everything, including larger ideas like ecosystems, are factually correct. We just mesh ideas together, till they cease being useful, doesn’t occur to us how absurd or poorly thought out till it us too late. We produce very few skeptics these days willing to question universally accepted ironclad theories like evolution. It’s full of holes like Swiss cheese. Doesn’t invalidate it in whole, but I get worried when I see people cultically assept lines of reasobings as all explaining and straight forth, in a world with so much ignorance, disease, and problems. Clearly we haven’t figured it all out yet, if we did, solutions would be so much easier to come by.

money.cnn.com/2017/01/02/media/j … index.html