Anyone know of any large Democratic Party forums?

I can’t find ant forums from the election night ran by the hardcore Democrats, I want to see how everyone was following the election. Anyone have funny pics? Link to the threads in particular.

On reddit. /r/politics was completely taken over by Hillary Clinton operatives for the last month leading up to the election, and still mostly is. You can see all sorts of ridicluous crying there to this very day.

Reddit has entered ‘censor’ land. Lots of luck posting over there.

Not to be as hit to you two, but no idea how to find election night threads on any of those sites. Like, we had a Hillary Vs America Official Election Thread here.

You should look into seeing if any of those old Hillary Clinton campaign forums are still open.

I did, figured it would all be suicide notes and farewells. Can’t find shit.

The master of the internet can’t find something on a search engine? points and shakes finger at you

I’m only the master of pornographic internet.