Monthly Paid Leave For Menstrual Cramps?

Let the records show that I am pure, innocent, and free from ill will.

The ill will was brought to me by the ner-do-wellers.

Yet you want to censor me for calling Trixie she so you do not go out of your way as much as you like to think. Whereas I fully defend your right to call
Trixie he so am more liberal than you on free speech. No matter how much you disagree with a point of view you as a philosopher must let it be freely
expressed. Remember the famous words falsely attributed to Voltaire on this issue. Well this is my position on free speech. Once again I censor no one
regardless of who they be or what they have to say. It is as far from PC as it is possible to get so I hope I have clarified my position now as best as I can

You have more than just me and I will always refer to you as she as indeed will we all apart from Turd
He can call you whatever he wants but I do not believe in hurting your feelings so display the empathy
for you that you think I do not have. So try to remember that if you can

You just called me a he. Now you are patronizing me like trying to rewrite history telling me you never said it.
Now we have to fight whether you like it or not. Those are the ways of the West.

Here is your sword. We fight at sundown.

I did call you he but I naturally think of you as she as you know. Now I am not into
fighting unless it is self defence but if you want to kill me I fully understand. You
are still my favourite internet person however so peace and love to you anyway

It is not about the killing is about the glory of the fight. 90% of people in ancient duels did not even die.

Having worked with a lot of bitchy menstruating women at work I say the more gone or absent the better. They have a shitty attitude and are almost impossible to work with.

You can always tell when the ones with attitudes are all menstruating in unison on the same day. When you have multiple women doing this in a pack avoid them at all costs. Like a pack of rabid sharks with blood in the water where you as a male are the main food entree.

I am surprised to hear men talk about menstruation. Most just run for the hills when they hear it. Regular, over the counter painkillers usually do the trick and most women just use those. (Without them it’s a different story, though) Most women, if they really must, will ask for a regular sick day off.

HHH, just have some Aleve or Ibuprofen available at the workplace.

Aleve or Ibuprofen? Nah, I’m not going to become the workplace menstrual attendant. I don’t get paid enough to do that. Imagine, me having to follow women everywhere in the workplace with a gift basket of women’s tampons. Not going to happen.

No, I really didn’t want to imagine that. :laughing:

Me either, I’m still blaming it on you however. :stuck_out_tongue:

You might get to follow them into the bathroom if you act cuck enough.

I do not think women should get paid time off for it. Take a damn pill . Suck it up and do your job that you were hired to do. I got paid maternity leave but, I also paid for it through insurance. When I went back I found it took 5 people to replace me. I was making 4.50 an hour. I asked for a three dollar an hour raise. The plant manager said he would never pay a woman more than a man. I quit. Two weeks later the owners tried to hire me back at a dollar more then what I asked for. The plant manager would have made my life hell. He was good at his job and I knew they would have to choose him over me. I thanked them and sadly turned them down. It was a great place to work.

I just firm it… no time off (when I am in employment, that is) no pills, no potions… they never worked anyway, so now my allergy doesn’t allow them it makes no difference to my situation.

Turd… Google menstrual blood artists… they’re doing it already. Can’t say I’m a fan, just in the know.

Yes, that’s some art no man will ever voluntarily look at.

Yea , there is gross and then there is hold the vomit in your throat so you don’t puke in public. Human boredom can create nauseating things.

i have a penis. also i’d look at it if you link me :stuck_out_tongue:

i’m not afraid. not a pussy here

Never said it was fear.

I think menstrual blood could have been used in curse writing (I think Wiccans still use it). Also, I wouldn’t be surprised if Romans were into that too, they were into all kinds of kinky rituals, blood sacrifices, and curses. I mean if they were willing to kill themselves to place a curse, what is some discarded menstrual blood, in comparison, right? Ah, those were the times of impressive and creative juju display.

But I don’t think people would buy menstrual art, it has a negative connotation. Men, on the other hand, like this Pricasso guy, could make some bucks from their manhood. The world is not fair, I know.

Yes, I’m sure the Sibylline Oracles were written with vag ink.