War Between Nova Scotia and Maine, Who Would Win?

Let’s say the US and Canada agreed to settle all disputes, all at once, in a contest of wits, sprung upon a unexpecting Maine (US) and Nova Scotia (Canada)- they will fight to the death, whoever manages to conquer the other, the larger losing country forfeits all national claims to border and national issues, and everyone in the conquered state/province will be put to death by a joint Canadian-US task force- so there is incentive to fight.

Full military and naval blockade, with NATO, Chinese, Russian, and hell, Cuban and whoever else wants to join in, full militaries blocking Maine and Nova Scotia. Neither state/province is warned in advance, nor given any indication what is happening. They are warned by radio broadcast only what the rules are once per day, rest of the time, airwaves are jammed. Neither can import, only use what they have resource wise.

In case pacifism overtakes them, a daily drone strike will bomb a household per day, with a promise to double it each day.

Day 1, 1 house destroyed
Day 2, 2
Day 3, 4
Day 4, 8
Day 5, 16
Day 6, 32
Day 7, 64
Day 8, 128
Day 9, 256
Day 10, 562
Day 11, 1,124
Day 12, 2,248
Day 13, 4,498
Day 14, 8,996
Day 15, 17,992 homes destroyed

We will only stop on days we can observe large troop movements fighting. If you don’t want your families destroyed indoors, you fight in the field. That should solve the pacifism problem real quick. Anyone trying to escape gets shot. Anyone attacking the quarantine forces gets shot. Anyone protesting in front of the quarantine forces gets shot. Only thing that matters, if a fight to the death between Nova Scotia, and Maine.

Who would win, and how? What resources would they use, who would conquer what? What would the war look like?

Your math is wrong. How much is 256 times 2?

If they point out my math is wrong, we will bomb even more of them.

everyone would take shelter outside of homes until the conditions changed. if they dont change then just leave the state/province until the homes are leveled

Can’t, every major military and naval force on the planet will be blockading, and fighter jets can target civilians- plus winter and lack of supplies.

You ever seen “Under The Dome”? It’s like that.

Maine actually has a decommissioned airforce base still used for landings and such, and a very active Ironworks station where we make military ships. We also have two National Guard bases. Does Nova Scotia have anything like that?

Also, we’re allowed to own guns in Maine. Lots of guns. So many guns it’s ridiculous in many cases. Higher population, too.

Enough to do direct amphibious landings?

I guess it depends on if you consider the state/province using Federal outposts and supplies within their borders to be ‘cheating’ or not. If Maine can use Bath shipyards contracted to the Fed, and national guard bases, and their three Coast Guard bases then I would imagine so. If not, then I guess it depends on which territory has the biggest fishing fleet.

Maine would win because America.

Supplies, hardware, facilities, sure. But no federal troops, national guard fine. Federal troops are on the parameter, with the Russians and Chinese digging trenches and patrolling with ships so nobody leaves (reasonable water access given to all shoreline).