the bullshit of the situation.

humans are a basically amoral, garbage, unreasonable species. What i mean by this is the martyr situation.

If there is a matyr, humans on one side of the issue, will confirm their bias on one side of the issue. humans on the other side of the issue, will just confirm their bias on the other side of the issue. Noone actually has any empathy or ability to analyze the situation objectively, they simply polarize and confirm their side’s bias over and over again.

Let me give you some examples in plain english.

If there is a vegan martyr, who dies for veganism by stabbing someone with a fur coat, the twatter comments will say
“Oh, how horrible, veganism sux, what an idiot, glad he’s dead and out of the gene pool.”
then the other comments will be like
“Oh, a courageous man, This is why we need veganism now.”

If there is a matyr who is falsely accused of a crime, then they are locked up and tortured by cops for no reason, twatter comments will say
“I bet he deserved to be punished and tortured like that, Liberal news media wont say the full story!!”
the the other comments will be like
“This is a clear cut example of police brutality. Cops are fuckin’ corrupt and evil.”

if there is a person who commits suicide by jumping into an expressway, and causes a major car accident pile up of cars and deaths, and his suicide note talks about How girls were mean, cruel, abusive and inhuman to him, and how every woman he met was cruel and inhumane, the comments would be like this
“What a scumbag waste of life. Glad people like that are not in this world! How can he possibly hate on women, what a clueless idiot, how can he hate on women, that means he hates his own mother! Men are taught by other men to be this way!”
the other comments will be like
“Glad he discovered the sick truth about women before he died. I wish he was still alive, so he could stand strong and preach against the vicious conglomerate of lies all woman have us believe. But those of you in the know, you know really what’s up.”

There is litterally no way to enact change in society. The people for the issue will stay for the issue, the people against the issue will stay against the issue.