The Death of Politics

Politics, a bunch of sprawling apes ONCE IT IS REALIZED WHAT IT IS IT WILL BE DISCARDED!!!

Politics, a competiton. Humans love competition they like the pain of agon to the Loser, Masculine Feminine, Winner and a Loser…Politics is a SHOW a SHOW a stage SHOW for apes FEMININE APES to choose who will be their next alpha!

Once you realize it…It’s a sprawling stupid debacle. there’s no turning back it’s so obvious. Politics, there can only be one, a gladiatorial bet!

And why do they like losers? It’s like a circle jerk facial for them. Politics, just another game show but with added flair.

Will Humanity ever evolve.

There is no political “debate”. One doesn’t sit down and debate with fucking retarded chimpanzees at the zoo. The media is the zoo, the media films the zoo, and we actually insult our intelligence by treating them as if they are on our level.

Death Star=Politics