WTF Did I Just See?



First - I saw the best President the United States has EVER had the privilege to occupy our oval office deliver THE BEST State of the Union message. EVER!

President Barack Hussein Obama, by ANY measure, knocked it out of the park on February 12, 2013.

His style and his message was superb. And it doesn’t matter which side of the isle you sit upon. Period.

Second -
I witnessed a 10 minute Republican response that will go directly-to-video and then will be played, without alteration, on Saturday Night Live.

I will be kind. It was not the fault of the speaker himself, it was the fault of the Party itself.

Initially I actually laughed out loud at what I was seeing on TV. And I NEVER laugh out loud at whatever I see on TV.

Marko Rubio wiped the sweat off his face NO LESS than FIVE time - SIX if you count the TWO HANDED wiping off of sweat that he used towards the end. THIS WAS A TEN MINUTE RESPONSE! I just got done watching our 44th President give an over hour-and-a-half SUPERB speech WITH THE WORLD WATCHING and he delivered it impeccably! The contrast itself was hilarious.

Then, THEN Senator Rubio made a dive his nearby water bottle on camera with a move that WAS STRAIGHT OUT OF SNL! I LOST IT!

The move is located just after the 10 minute mark.[/size]



WTF Did I Just See? I just saw an individual that was forced to speak about a political philosophy that he did not believe in. And he had to do that on the largest stage in the world.

From the bottom of my heart, and with all joking aside, I felt sorry for that asshole. Strangely, I ALMOST felt sorry for his Party; the Republican Party. Almost.

The present Republican Party is empty of a meaningful message. NO ONE believe in the soul of the Republican Party.

Literally, today, the Republican Party is anti-American. Until they change their message they will continue to make, possibly half-way decent members look like complete assholes spewing shit.

i’ve run out of capital letters and exclamation marks so i’m just about done. if you have a chance to see the republican rebuttal - see it. the republican rebuttal of the 2013 SOTU message was by far the best and yet the saddest 13 minutes of tv entertainment i have witnessed in my life. [/size]
