is anybody watching the Democratic National Revival? Sorry, I meant Convention

I have watched several clips over the internet, and I must say the Revival aspect seems to be in full effect, as you pointed out.

That said, there have been a few particular points stressed, in terms of a platform that i have found interesting.

And i do believe that the DNC needed to revive, so to speak, the party has been all but dead the last couple of years.

From a tactical standpoint the Dems know that Bush can’t touch them on the economy, the deficit, the environment, health care, and civil liberties. They know that the G.O.P. will stress the threat of terrorism, Bush’s Bible thumping good character (cocaine use aside) and will seek to portray Kerry as meek and indecisive. So, if four days of bible thumping and war bravado counters that and gets Kerry elected thus removing the people responsible for waging an unjust war, well hell, I am all for it.

I also saw some on TV about it. Dutch commentary remarked that it looked like good ol’ communistic convention in the USSR and PR China. But delegates and setting are more cheerful. I bet the same can be said about the republic convention. No critics :slight_smile: .

Kerry SUCKED though. Huge dissapointment.

The only two upsides were:

A) Bush’s speech won’t be any better.

B) It gave me the opportunity to boost my post count to 400. Now I’m a philosopher, so you suckaz have to take me seriously.

I agree with you Logo. I felt disappointed by Kerry’s speech. And what was with that awful tie? How did his handlers and wife allow him to wear such a thing?

John Kerry supports the war, and voted for it. He also voted yes to the patriot acts. He is old college buddies with Bush, and belongs to the same elitist occult secret society called “skull and bones”. Both he and Bush admit this, and say that the organization is too secret for them to talk about to the public. You can tell where their loyalties lie, and it isn’t to the American public!

Please tell me you’re joking.

This is the same as I heard.

Well, the stance of the democrats seem to be ‘everything is better as Bush’. Who knows they are two of a kind :slight_smile: . Bush is a hardliner, maybe Kerry will proceed his work on a softer manner. Future will tell, as the race is between these two guys.

If Bush get re-elected he will take on other countries like Syria and Iran (he already pointed these two out…) I think Kerry will make more use of diplomacy. But either way, the U.S. are looking for more control in the middle east region, as a part of a ‘new world order’, which is developing now.

Four years ago I remember Bush wanted to focus more on the U.S. it self, as Clinton was looking more globally. 9/11 could changed his mind from that, because it made him realize the world is more as the U.S., so in order the keep the U.S. great, he need to have some control over the ‘outer territories’. So get Iraq.
What I heard about the Kerry policy, he wants to give the U.S. a friendlier face. Could be heading for the same thing, but that’s hypothetical :slight_smile:.

Yes you are right they both belong to the secret society that goes by the name of “skull and cross bones”, kind of looks like a pirate symbol. I watched a special on it one day on the history channel. The theory is that the secret leaders of this society quietly control the world. Clinton was involved in this societ too and every year they have a secret meeting at a secret hide away out of America. No cameras or news media is even allowed within miles of this hide away that the S&CB owns. COuld the world secretly be ran by underground leaders that only have curruption and world dominance on their minds? uhhhh ohhhhhhh!


What, you don’t believe me, maybe you would like to hear it out of their own mouths…



prisonplanet.com/us_military … cities.htm


Alien, I know they were both “bonesmen”. What I don’t know is that it means anything. And neither do you.

It means that they have allegiance to skull and bones, not America. It also means that they are pagans posing as Christians (if you know anything about skull and bones this is true). It also means that they are conspiratorial elitists that belong to a group of other conspiratorial elitists, all of whom have high positions in either a corporate business, government offices, or the CIA (which is loaded full of bonesmen). Just look at the actions of the CIA, especially in the mid-east. Now look at the actions of the Bush administration in the mid-east. See any similarities? The Bush administration is continuing all the CIA pet projects on a major scale in front of us now. But besides all that, yeah, your right, it doesn’t mean anything.

Yeah…well I’d rather not assume that the skull and bones has a secret political agenda. And I’d certainly rather not assume that skull and bones is at odds with America.

In fact I’d rather not assume anything until I have EVIDENCE for it.

Bush and Kerry: this organisation is so secret that I can’t tell you anything about it.

Why not? What’s so damned secret about it? Why the need for so much discretion? Are we to think that they are just some dumb frat house full of elitists chugging beer, and pissing all over themselves? If they asked Bush or Kerry about some policy of theirs, and one of them was like that is so secret that I can’t tell you anything about it, how do you think people would respond to that?

C’mon. If you know anything about college fraternities you know that the so-called occult practices of the skull and bones are quite common; and people rarely interpret them as anything but symbolic. It’s hardly paganism. Just ask Dr. Satanical.

Elitists, maybe (was there any doubt?). Conspiratorial? Prove it.

This has a much better explanation than that they’re all bonesmen. They’re all conservative republicans with a myopic agenda for America’s role in the world. And there’s no evidence that Kerry shares that agenda.

Well that’s the sort of thing people SHOULD be focusing on…not getting lost in vague conjectures about what they did in college.

I mean shit. In twenty years, I won’t want to talk about half the stuff I did in college.

Secret societies are a dime a dozen on college campuses. It’s stupid, childish stuff, but they take it seriously. Why not let em have their fun?

If skull and bones is not at odds with America, then why is it the president, the person who supposedly most represents the people of America, can’t tell any of those people who he supposedly represents anything about it? Shouldn’t he at least assure that they aren’t doing anything sinister or illegal? What he is willing to tell about it is equal to “no comment”. Don’t you think we should have a right to know for sure whether or not our chief executive officer is plotting with some secret elitist organisation? Why should we look the other way with this.

Let’s take a hypothetical. Let’s assume for a second that Skull and Bones really is plotting political end economic conspiracies. America decides that it’s okay that our president is in some secret organization of which they have no information. Since no one is willing to speculate without any evidence whether or not skull and bones is a harmful organization, they go unnoticed just long enough to take total control, and establish a totalitarian regime that is sitting on the largest stockpile of weapons of mass destruction on the planet. They then either use this stockpile to intimidate the rest of the world into submission, or in turn just end up wiping humanity off the face of the planet.

Are you to tell me that this scenario isn’t possible? Are you to tell me even that it is unlikely. Whatever the skulls are up to I am willing to bet it is no good, because if it was they’d tell everyone about it. You are saying that we should just ignore it because there is no evidence about what type of activities that they engage in, which is true, yet neither is there any type of investigation going on to try to determine such activities. So what do you propose we do? Just let them go on ruling the world and engaging in secret activities that are never investigated? It shouldn’t be us that has to prove whether or not they are engaging in harmful activities. They should have to prove that they aren’t. It’s fine if they want to have some secret organization, but when it comes to elected officials and such, they should have to prove that the “secret activities” that they engage in are not harmful and conspiratorial. They owe it to the public. John Q Public is not a member of skull in bones organization, so if someone from skull and bones organisation wants to represent John Q Public, then that bones member should have to give John Q Public all the information about his organization, secret or not. How is the organization secret anyway? As far as I know the only legal secretive information (other then financial records to some extent) is government classified information. Is skull and bones goverment classified? If not, then why shouldn’t they be required to give us all the information about it that we want?

Okay, but are you running for president? If you were, your college activities could come into the scrutiny of the American public, and rightly so. If you are to represent the American public, then they need to know just what type of character that you are. Did you belong to some secret organisation in college? If so, did they just drink lots of beer and phornicate? If so, why is it that there are tons of fraternities that do that stuff right out in the open, and don’t have a problem with it, while others seem to have the need to keep everything underground and swear allegiance to never say anything about what goes on?

What if? And what if HVD is right about Jews controlling the media? (see this thread)

I can come up with a hundred conspiracy theories off the top of my head…and none of them have any probability of being true without some semblance of evidence. And there is no evidence that college fraternities–public or private–are a threat to American democracy. Further, there is no evidence that Bush or Kerry (corrupt and self-serving though they may be) want to turn America into a facist state. I’ll go with the best explanation for current events, not the one that would make for the best action movie.