What if? And what if HVD is right about Jews controlling the media? (see this thread)

I can come up with a hundred conspiracy theories off the top of my head…and none of them have any probability of being true without some semblance of evidence. And there is no evidence that college fraternities–public or private–are a threat to American democracy. Further, there is no evidence that Bush or Kerry (corrupt and self-serving though they may be) want to turn America into a facist state. I’ll go with the best explanation for current events, not the one that would make for the best action movie.

Speaking of conspiracies, have you ever heard of a book called “The Gods of Eden?” This guy goes on about how the human race was put here by a race of aliens, he calls them “custodial” gods, to reproduce and eventually provide labor for the alien race. He then lays out an elaborate explaination involving religion, science, war, morality, even such details as the assasination of JFK, the Nazi movement, among other events that one would never believe are intertwined in one grand scheme, completely planned and controlled by these aliens.

Anyway, I can’t say that his idea is likely to be true, however neither will I admit that it would be impossible. It is very interesting in either case.

ok, so you are comparing me to this!?

Okay, first off, why is it every time that you say anything anti-american someone tries to imply that you are an anti-semitist? I never once mentioned Judaism, but sure enough the subject of anti-semitism is quick to follow. BTW: my grandma is Jewish.

Now, as for the rest of your argument, and taking this bad example as an example, let’s say that the mass media was admittedly controlled by Jewish people. When asked about it, they would confirm that they controll all of the mass media, but when asked why they controll it all, and what they plan to do with it, they just simply say that information is so secret that I cannot tell you anything about it. Do you then think that some investigation should ensue as to why Jewish people controll the media, and for what purpose are they using it? Or do you think that we should just keep watching the news and pay no attention to the man behind the curtain?

Now obviously, there is no such Jewish conspiracy. But if some Jewish leaders that owned most of the media came out and admitted that they controll the media for secret reasons that they won’t disclose, I would definately suspect something and start asking questions. I’d probably call up my grandma and ask her what she knew about it. If I had a family member in skull and bones I would call him up and ask him about it. As you can see the example that you provided does not compare to mine. There is no evidence of a secret Jewish conspiracy. There is evidence for the Skull and Bones society. You can hear it directly out of the mouths of our president and his opponent. It’s not just a “private fraternity”. If it was, then why wouldn’t they say that. They could just say, well actually that was my private fraternity group from college, but I really can’t give you any info on that group because I swore to never disclose information about what we did there every day, but let me assure you, the American public, that it was just a bunch of harmless college kids engaging in normal frat activities. Instead, they say refuse to disclose any information about it what so ever, and say "this group that I belong to is so secret that I cannot disclose any information to America about it what so ever. They don’t even tell you that it is a college group. The only way for you to find that out is to research it yourself. Why is that? The person whom was elected to represent me, belongs to some secret organisation, of which there is very little info about, and of which he refuses to disclose any information what so ever. He owes me, being a member of the American public, an explaination of any action of his that isn’t classified by the military to keep out of the hands of the enemy. It should be illegal for the president to belong to such a group and not disclose any information about it. I would start a petition for a bill to make it illegal, except the two assholes that are this years presidential nominees would just veto it.

So we have your example: HVD rambling on about some Jewish conspiracy of which he provides no evidence for the existance of.

Then we have my example: Two presidential nominees admitting close association to a secret college occult elitist political group which they refuse to disclose the slightest information about to the people that they are supposedly representing. Do you see any difference here? None of my arguments are based upon speculation except for the hypothetical that I specifically declared as a hypothetical. There is reason for concern being an American voter. Those men want to represent me, and belong to some secret group of which I and the mass majority of the American public are not a part of, and have no information about what so ever. That is reason enough for concern without going into any speculation at all.

The crux of the biscuit
Is the Apostrophe(‘)
Well, you know
The man who was talkin’ to the dog
Looked at the dog an’ he said: (sort of staring in disbelief)
“You can’t say that!”
He said:
He told me NO NO NO!
I told him YES YES YES!
I said: “I do it all the time . . .
Ain’t this boogie a mess!”

surely HVD is joking? I mean “delivering candy”? C’mon

Skull and Bones is more than likely simply a secret society dedicated to having secrets, like all fraternities and sororities. Itr’s not like they’re trying to hide the grail from people or something.

I’m fucking tired of Easterners. Let’s get Bill Richardson to go and kick some ass in 2008.

Finally, isn’t it interesting that Conspiracy theories have become so popular at the same time conspiracy theory debunking methods like those proposed by Lyotard in The Postmodern Condition or Foucault’s Pendulum by Umberto Eco have become so widely Known.

Capitalism, Marxism, and Modern Philosophy are all conspiracy theories


More then likely? Do you know anything about skull and bones? It’s really a rather wierd cult that worships the Goddess Eulogia who supposedly lived, and then died year 322 AD. The CIA was started by a bonesman, and from there many, many bonesman have been hired into the CIA. Bonesman swear allegiance to the cult, and give up damning secrets that could ruin them socially/politically should they betray the cult. Any bonesman can easily get just about any position in the government, journalism, etc. through other bonesman. It is quite obvious that the “club” has political aspirations. What those political aspirations are exactly, one cannot tell. One can only tell that they are secret.

Of course HVD is joking…he is satirizing crazy conspiracy theories like this one. Anyone who didn’t get that is completely…well, I don’t want to be mean. But it seems good satire is obvious to everyone but those being made fun of. :stuck_out_tongue:

Alien, as far as I’m concerned there’s no harm in believing that a college fraternity is out to take over the world. It’s clear no one will convince you otherwise, so I’m not going to try any more. But it is irrational to believe something without any evidence…just give that thought some consideration.

I’m holding out for Edwards/Obama. THAT’S gonna kick ass.

Look, I know some people who are in college fraternities, and they willingly tell me everything about them.

My point isn’t that the Skull and Bones society is out to take over the world. My point was that there are two presidential candidates that both belong to secret organisations who have been known to have political apirations, and they are not willing to give the American public any information about them what so ever. So which do these representatives have more allegiance to A. The public they are supposedly representing or B. Some secret organization which they refuse to give any information about?

Last I heard our elected officials are supposed to represent us…

BTW: I know that HVD’s post was satire, but you were comparing it to mine like it was supposed to be taken seriously.

Speaking of a Democratic revival, here are some numbers.

Message from the Democrat Party via e-mail: “Since we left Boston, more than 100,000 Americans have shown up to meet us at campaign stops between Massachusetts and Michigan: 17,000 people in Scranton; 25,000 in Harrisburg, waiting until after 9 P.M. on a Friday night; 10,000 people in Greensburg, standing in the rain; another 15,000 in Wheeling. In most cases, these are the biggest political rallies these towns have ever seen.”

Here’s a website about the origins of Skull & Bones:
meta-religion.com/Secret_soc … part_1.htm

The key, for me at least, in your argument, is that he “supports” the war. Rhetoric aside, I believe that Kerry will, if elected, continue to keep troops in Iraq. It is pretty much a given that we have to.

For me, the question is… who stood before the U.N and the nation, on a seperate occasion, and in a televised State of the union address, gave false information to the public in order to gain support for the war?

I know many, kind and sincere people who supported the war and still do, as they believed it was the only choice. Their support, in itself, does not equate to lying to start the war. This, to me, is unpardonable. And should Kerry, if elected, do the same, then I will gladly vote for someone else in four years. In the black and white world called GCTland, it is as simple as that.

Black and white doesn’t include secret poltical groups huh? Further more, do you support giving up our 5th ammendment rights? John Kerry does.

Eh? show me this

And Bush didn’t?

Again did Kerry stand before the nation and give false information leading to a war that resulted in the deaths of possibly thousands of innocent lives?


Ergo, of the two I will be voting for Kerry.

I call that black and white because I consider the question to be this:
Is it ok to start a war under false pretenses or not? Yes or no, black and white.

if Nader had a chance of replacing the man directly responisble for an unjust war, i would gladly vote for him, or the Easter Bunny or the pope. Alas, Kerry is the only possible candidate with a chance of winning. he gets my vote… and he will get it despite whether he is a Free Mason, a Catholic, or an Avowed lover of animal porn. I don’t care what super secret societies he has joined. I don’t care if he, like so many others, voted for the patriot act. I don’t even care if he voted to send troops to iraq… at least he can shrug and say he was lied to, like every other American.

All that concerns me is the overwhelming sense of shame i feel every time i think about the situation in iraq and I realize just what an incredible fuckaroo has been done.

To clarify, I would vote for anyone short of the Anti Christ if it meant that Bush was replaced. It is, for me, a moral obligation… secret societies and the Bill of Rights aside.

The anti-christ? Isn’t that a little extreme? Would you vote for Kim Jong-Il if it meant getting Bush out of office? You vote lesser of two evils. That type of vote is a cop-out, and so is Kerry, just like Tony Blair. Tony Blair is the lesser of two evils for Great Britain. He reminds me of Kerry. Bush does the agitating and Blair just goes along with everything he says. Kerry does the exact same thing. Have you actually listened to the man? He doesn’t just shrug and say that he was lied to. He thinks it was a great idea, he just doesn’t like how Bush did it strategically. His argument against Bush is stupid. He doesn’t actually critisize him at all. He even states that he thinks that there is too much critisism of Bush, and that he will refrain from critisizing a president who has done a good job in office. Honestly, I think he qualifies more as a secretary for Bush then his electoral oppenent. He’s totally on Bush’s nuts. But go ahead, vote for the guy. He probably won’t win anyway. America is so duped they’ll elect Bush again (well the first election is only theoretical, but still). I for one have absolutely no reason to vote for Kerry. My state will elect Bush even if my vote counts for a thousand votes and I vote for Kerry. Hell, we spawned the fucker. I don’t know what happened to Texas. It used to be all right here when Anne Hutchinson was governor. I actually liked Anne. Then along came dumbshit, and this place went quickly to hell. It still hasn’t recovered since, and neither will America. Look, America is almost a lost cause at this point. Look at “the governator” over in Cali. How stupid do you have to be to elect a dumb fucking hunk of muscular shit action star that stars in all the worst movies and can’t count to ten. Isn’t Cali supposed to be liberal? Arnold is conservative. How the fuck did he get elected? America must be so dumb at this point that they are just electing people on their own intelligence levels. “Arnold, he was badass in Eraser, he’s got my vote!” must be what was running through the heads of the average voter in Cali. My point that I am making in this thread is that the political system is rigged. It doesn’t matter who the fuck you vote for unless you vote third party. If you vote the lesser of two evils, you will always be voting lesser of two evils, nothing will ever change, and there will always just be evil in office, and never any good.


  1. Kay Bailey Hutchison is the ( I believe) junior senator of the state of Texas. Ann Richards is the former governor. There is, to the best of my knowledge, no Anne Hutchinson on the Political scene in Texas.

  2. Texas did not in any way spawn George W Bush. the Bush family are about as Texan as Paul Revere. They’re fucking Yankees, all of 'em. My Irish great grandparents built railroads into North Texas and stayed. My people have been in that state for one hundred and twenty years. We’re Texans. A bunch of fucking fly by night parasitical Connecticut METHODIST (Anglo texans are baptists, except for the Irish and Germans) wildcatters with a summer home in Houston are not Texans. They smear the name. That whole squinty Man With No Name barely literate yokel act of Shrub is A fucking put-on, a sham.

  3. the fact that that Shrub-assed sonuvabitch strut around like he was a bad motherfucker for being governor of texas is the biggest laugh I’ve had in politics in the past five years. The Governor of Texas isn’t even in charge of submitting a budget. he’s got no power. the Vice Gov has more power. The Friggin’ Railroad Commissioner has more power!!! The Governor serves the Purpose of figurehead when the Mexican President comes over for dinner and a caballito of Jimador.

  4. Kerry the candidate may be the lesser of two evils, but Kerry as sign pointing towards the signified of the Democratic Party is by far a superior candidate. The Republican domestic agenda will wreak such retrogressive hell on this nation that a protest vote for Nader or Larouche or Zappa or whothehellever you want to vote for is the equivalent of saying “well sure I guess we can roll back the EPA, prop up an Inquisition for Ashcroft, and let the Norquistite hacks strangle to government in a bathtub” Remember FOUR Supreme Court Justices are Set to retire within the next five years - Rehnquist has been a justice since NIXON! There is a real difference in the parties. Perhaps they are not sufficiently Chomskian enough, but at least the Democrats aren’t blinded by a ridiculous fundamentalism - freemarket laissezfaireism.

Yeah… I got kay and Anne mixed up… that was b4 I was old enough to vote, so I wasn’t all that up on the political scene. All I know is that Texas used to suck a lot less before Dubya was governor. Some of the laws here are rediculous. For instance, if I stop and take a piss on the side of the road in between towns because there are no bathrooms for miles, and I get caught, that is a felony, and I am considered a sex offender. In Texas they make you carry cards that identify you as a sex offender. All that for taking a piss? WHAT THE FUCK! What the hell is wrong with people!? There used to be no such thing as bathrooms. And I don’t know about the governors authority for the budget, but he does have authority when it comes to state laws. Texas not only has the worst laws imaginable, but it has rediculously stiff penalties, and the justice system is ineffective, unfair, and brutal. TDC is a big money making machine. And from what I understand, Bush made that worse.

Bush’s experience as gov of Texas doesn’t put him in the greatest of lights for either of us, does it?

Yeah… Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely loath Bush, but I just don’t like Kerry either. Thus I am voting for Nader. Maybe if I lived in a swing state, then I might vote for Kerry. Since I live in Texas, it won’t do anything if I vote for Kerry. Our state is going to be Bush no matter who I vote for, so if I vote for Nader, it won’t help dubya any.

BTW: do you live in Texas, or just have relatives here?

I grew up in Ft Worth and went to school in New Orleans. I followed my wife down to Florida where I now live. My mother and uncle still live in texas and my father’s grave is there, so I have several reasons to come back and visit