Those EVIL Hippies !!! … 20Standard

So, is Tony Blair correct and are permissive hippy lifestyles to blame? Do we need to get back to strict lines and clear lines of right and wrong? Is the lack of models and correct behavior the cause of our current moral decline?

Or is this simply a form Of “eternal recurrence” (I am being goofy using the Nietzsche reference) ? Have we always been coarse and violent, the exceptions being those times where the State has used its coersive power to lock up homosexuals, loose women, uppity black people, and commie whining workers and therefore, put the fear of God in people that if they act in an unacceptable way they will be thrown into jail or executed?


its the general problem of having a moral world order… and also the etrnal myth of the golden age will always always pop-up in the rhetoricians meanderings… the real question that always needs to be asked is was the period before the hippie any better??? that’s where you can call bullshit on an argument like his as much as he tried to cover his ass by saying “People do not want a return to old prejudices and ugly discrimination.” i have to say you can’t have your cake and eat it too.

Strict, clear lines of authority lead only to corruption. Try as you might, folks will do whatever they want to do.
Put me down in favor of more freedom, not less.

As for Blair, he hasn’t said anything they didn’t say about Elvis, and Margret.

Hippies or world changers, if you’re not happy with what you have, you just ain’t gonna be happy.
Politicians are never happy. :cry: