Why do i get that 50’s missle crissis feel? you know the kind you get from watching a duck and cover reel.


Duck and Cover,


Duck-tape and Plastic Covers!


Is there some sort of mixed message here? :astonished:

no the best one yet is the picture of a standard city where a nuke goes off a block away and im told to stand behind something to block the radiation.

If it goes off a block away my life wont even have time to flash before my eyes.

I have to say I find this American hysteria about weapons of mass destruction quite repulsive, as the only real weapons of mass destruction where used by the US on Japan in WWII. H-Bomb! The American’s have the bomb, they’ve used the bomb, and you never know they might just use it again, if Saddam farts in the wrong direction.


There’s far too much propaganda value in this.

Besides, did anyone mention that the US spends more on wepons than the rest of the world put together?

The joys of misdirection.