G8 summit

personally, i think that a ridiculously small amount of aid/debt relief was granted, especially if you look at the hundreds of billions of dollars given in subsidies to american farmers each year, or even the cost of the summit itself. africa has 10% of the worlds population, yet only 1 or 2% of the income. i think the way it has been treated by countries such as america and england over the years has been disgraceful, and that in giving them so little money has just added insult to injury.


what did you expect? as i have said time and time again neither the Western leaders nor the people with the real vote (the middle class) give a toss about people dieing in thrid world shit holes and they show this by doing nothing.

Aid promised to the thrid world: 1 billion dollars
Aid pormised to Russia for the sole purpose of securing their nuclear materials: 20 billion dollars.

What a noble world we live in.

following on from redjames’ post,

Bush said aid would no longer be given to corrupt countries, his country has just been proved to be probably the most corrupt in the world, e.g. the biggest every fraud cases, and he doesn’t stand up to admit that but just ignores it. the man just doesn’t care that people are dieing because of his laziness.

Laziness isn’t quite the world I think comrade, its arrogance and racism that are the problems- Bush knows what he’s doing.

He has no real power anyway, as with every American President he’s constrained by his financiers.

“he’s constrained by his financiers.”

Well Said Red, well said.

he maybe constrained by his financers but big business runs america and the general population are faaaaaaaaar too self centred to give a toss that people starve, that 70 million could die from AIDS by 2020, etc. if bush is spineless then the american people are complacent, racist, bigots and worse they just don’t care.