Gender Everything

A man can fail many times, but he isn’t a failure until he begins to blame somebody else. John Burroughs

All blame is a waste of time. No matter how much fault you find with another, and regardless of how much you blame him (/her), it will not change you. The only thing blame does is to keep the focus off you when you are looking for… reasons to explain your unhappiness or frustration. Casey Stengel

= ?

(and my parody post about evil female mammals would be in the same category as the second post above. Though with more Implicit than Explicit blame.)

… and I could have reacted better to your post, like :laughing: =D>

In a causal universe, everything is literally everybody else’s fault.

Right from the start, you didn’t choose to whom you were born, where you were born, and what you were given to work with.
Your very first decision will be based on all these factors that were outside of your control and not of your making, meaning the only things you have to base your decision on, including your ability to decide and all your proclivities are not your fault. Your very first decision is thereby not your fault either, and just added to the pile of things that are out of your control and decided for you. Your second decision is in turn based on all these things in exactly the same way, therefore not being up to you, and so on all the way up until today and beyond.

Although, this is necessarily the same for everyone, so it’s not exactly their fault either. So whilst everything is caused by everybody else, nothing is ever really anyone’s fault.

All this tough talk about taking responsibility and this new buzz-phrase of having an “internal locus of control” is all just feel-good wishy-washy nonsense. It’s just marketed to appeal to feelings rather than logic, it’s nice to feel like you’re in control when you physically cannot be. If you dominate someone or some situation, if you think things through, make a good decision - none of this was up to you, it was just determined to be so by things outside of your control, so lucky you. Likewise those who’re reprimanded for not doing this were going to end up doing that whether they wanted to or not - it’s not their fault.

Life is an experience that you wouldn’t have if you weren’t born. This comes about because two other people have sex. It is a natural occurrence that started at the beginning of natural existence. The word “fault” has clear connotations:
a defect or imperfection; flaw; failing:
a fault in the brakes; a fault in one’s character.
responsibility for failure or a wrongful act:
It is my fault that we have not finished.
an error or mistake:
a fault in addition.

In every one of these meanings, failure, error or defect is implied. However, what if our experience isn’t any of these, but just what happens?

The same implications are connected to the word “blame”:

verb (used with object), blamed, blaming.
to hold responsible; find fault with; censure:
I don’t blame you for leaving him.
to place the responsibility for (a fault, error, etc.) (usually followed byon):
I blame the accident on her.
Informal. blast; damn (used as a mild curse):
Blame the rotten luck.
an act of attributing fault; censure; reproof:
The judge said he found nothing to justify blame in the accident.
responsibility for anything deserving of censure:
We must all share the blame for this deplorable condition.
to blame, at fault; censurable:
I am to blame for his lateness.

I find this is where the problem lies. How you see your life isn’t the fault of anybody. Nobody is to blame, just because you are disappointed, because it is your perception and not necessarily backed up by facts. Rich young people blame people for things that older poorer people think to be banalities, not worth noting.

Exactly, but if anyone is at fault, remains to be seen. Whether you can blame someone for your circumstances depends how you cope with them. You may make a mess of it all, another person manages well and actually is glad he or she had the background they had.

Your premise is that there is a right and wrong way to go through life, and if you pick the wrong way, someone is to blame or at fault. The fact is that even having this idea is a sign of a privileged existence. Do you think that people outside of modern society has even got this perspective? I think the real problem is that people can sit at a computer, they can choose to take part in an online discussion, but they haven’t got a life yet. People haven’t taken responsibility for their lives and haven’t said “thanks!” for the opportunity.

I would agree that there are people dictated to by powers they cannot influence, but anyone here has a degree of control over how they deal with any situation. This was even the conclusion that Viktor Frankl came to in a concentration camp. Maybe that would be a good read for you all who want someone to blame or be at fault.


Of course I feel like I’m in control, I understand what other people mean when they think/feel they’re in control and can take control etc. But it’s all just a mistake of interpretation.

The facts are that you can imagine/predict any number of ways in which a situation might turn out, and you call these things your choices, and only one way will actually come to pass. Your ability to see these projections, to prefer some over others, the tools you have available to cause them to come about, every single factor that goes into this narrowing down of choices is a result of previous instances of doing the exact same thing, all the way back to your first decision, which was made for you because it was all based on things you didn’t choice previously - as I already argued. We might feel we could choose any of these choices, maybe some of them are utterly trivial - but there is something in us that was ultimately entirely influenced to tip the balance to one thing over another.

Where is this degree of control?

Why do you have to be grateful for having an easier time? Nobody freely chose to give it to you - there’s no one to be grateful to, not even yourself. It just happened that way, and counting your blessings feels great and can make you feel better about otherwise unpleasant areas of your life - relative to whatever/whoever else. And whether or not you give that a go, make a habit out of it, is all outside of your control in the exact same way that I’ve been describing. You’re not objectively better or worse if you don’t sweat the small stuff, or if you’re more grateful and appreciative and thankful, you might feel better, but it’s still grounded on nothingness.

It’s not my premise that there’s a right and wrong way to go through life, all I’m doing is describing how people tend to use language.

You haven’t watched all my videos, I’m warning about the root of every conceivable danger, you are using a naturalistic fallacy.

In a causal universe where everything is everyone’s fault, then it is also your fault. If it’s logical to believe there’s no right or wrong, then why posit this?

I’d argue that freedom evolves.

Yeah but not for your own decisions. You’re included in the “everyone else” who is at fault for any other person’s decisions, but even then, the 2nd half of my post adjusts the whole thing such that nobody is really at fault. The first half of my post was meant to put the usual understanding of fault and blame into perspective, given how behaviour works in a causal universe, and the second half shows the whole thing to be flawed.

i.e. if we’re going to think of fault and blame in the normal way, firstly it doesn’t apply, and secondly it turns out to be invalid - therefore all this nonsense we constantly hear these days about personal responsibility instead of blaming others is doubly non-sensical.

How? Like it emerges from the complete lack of freedom that I was describing somehow? In case this is the kind of argument you’re going for, no. The feeling of freedom evolves from an increasing conscious disconnection from all the factors at play that 100% determined your seemingly free conscious decision. Just because we’re not aware of all the other factors when we’re not thinking about them, doesn’t mean they’re not there. Freedom is meaningless - at best it’s a description of dominance (the more dominant you are, the less things seem to be in the way of all the possible decisions you foolishly believe you have, when only one was ever going to happen - and you’d know quicker which one it is if you were aware of all the causes at play).

Just to root this whole tangent back into the thread, I’m just commenting that if we are going to use the language of fault and blame, yes it is the fault of women who do all these things that make men mad and sexually frustrated and no it isn’t up to the male to freely choose to stop blaming them and start doing things about it - and no, this kind of language isn’t valid anyway.

I parodied your naturalistic fallacy.

I wasn’t sure if you were reacting to it or not. I do understand that one person’s parody can be another person’s real argument.

I do think however that your second post there was blame. I don’t have a problem with blame, myself, as a rule, though it is often considered enough when it shouldn’t be, at best, and at worst another form of abuse.
But blame can also simply be a natural response to the behavior of others. But if you have a problem with blame as a rule, beam in the eye and all that.

None of you are mentioning the very clear fact, in life, that men are held to very high standards within the limited areas men are held accountable, and responsible, for general actions and deeds in life, compared to women. Women are held to very, very low standards, of (Moral) responsibility.

The naturalistic fallacy is that everything that occurs is good. I didn’t use it.

I don’t think the answer to my suggestion is “where”, except if you are asking about my “here”. By here I mean ILP.

You are missing my point, it doesn’t matter how things work out, your reaction is your reaction. You react in the way you decide to, very often it is in the way we have been conditioned to react, but you could change that. That was the lesson that Viktor Frankl learnt in a concentration camp: “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”

“Gratitude improves psychological health. Gratitude reduces a multitude of toxic emotions, from envy and resentment to frustration and regret. … His research confirms that gratitude effectively increases happiness and reduces depression. Gratitude enhances empathy and reduces aggression.”…/7-scientifically-proven-benefits-gratitude

Just keeping a gratitude list is enough, because you don’t need someone to thank to be thankful.


Since all of you are philosophical amateurs, I will push this point forward myself.

Obviously morality, responsibility, and accountability, all differ by gender. This means that the general things, actions, and events that men are responsible for, women are not, and vice-versa. But on which topics and subjects are women responsible for, truly? Children? That’s it? Only children? Yes, that’s about it. If women are responsible for anything in life, which is questionable, then it must be children at least. But even with children, how responsible are women? And is it collective, or individual? For example, if society raises a generation of weaklings, queers, and losers, then is it not the mother’s fault? Are women responsible for a decaying society? And if you tried to point this out, how would it go? Wouldn’t you be rejected outright? It’s not “women’s fault”. It must be somebody else’s…?

You see, even when women are “responsible” for something, they aren’t. They’re blameless. You can’t even call them out, on what few things they are responsible for. At the very least, social decay, bad parenting, bad upbringing, all of these should be blamed on mothers. But this is too taboo for most of you. Women, the privileged gender, will still get off scott-free. Blameless. Innocent. Protected. Privileged.

So here’s yet another point. If you can’t call women out, as a gender, on the one thing they really must be accountable for …then what makes you think women can be called out on anything else? In this thread, we have all witnessed Pandora absolutely reject the notion of personal accountability and responsibility. She is responsible for nothing. On behalf of women, women are responsible for nothing. And if women could be responsible for something, at least one thing (children, upbringing), then they would deny that too, deny responsibility for it.

It must be “the men’s fault”, right? Of course.

Let’s go one step further. Obviously women are responsible for social decay (bad parenting, can’t bring their daughters or sons up rightly). But women are responsible for bad breeding too. Women settle for second-best, for last place. Despite all this talk of women having children with the alpha male, and then marrying the cuckold-beta-male and his credit card, this rarely happens in reality. In reality, most women are too low class, unintelligent, ugly, etc. for the alpha male to even notice them. Why would the alpha male give sexual attention to women who are losers and unattractive, when there are plenty enough beautiful, intelligent, top class women flocking around him already?

Just as 90% of males are shut-out of the dating market of the top 10% of women, so too are most women shut-out of the top 10% of men. However it’s not equal. Obviously the top 10% of men can just easily pump-and-dump average and lower quality women, which does occur. But it’s not as common as most people think. In general, the average men and women are stuck with each other, concessions, losers fucking losers. And so this is how the bulk of society, the common, the average, the plebs are born. The mass of humanity is not well bred.

So what are women responsible for again, if not upbringing their own flesh and blood, biological children? Hypothetically, they are responsible for sex, and attracting a top quality male. If women can’t do this, fail on that point, then again, women being women, they will blame men for their own problems, never themselves.

Pandora is going to hit me with this counter-argument: “But UR, what are you responsible for?” I’m responsible for a lot. I accept responsibility in life. It’s pretty much given, as males. Males are forced to deal with responsibility and accountability from a young age. It’s a core component of ‘Self’, of moral agency. Which again, is why women have such a small sense of self, and miniscule moral agency. Women don’t learn moral agency and responsibility, usually, until they are “accidentally” knocked up and pregnant. That is when a woman’s sense of responsibility and morality begins. For males, it begins elsewhere, and much earlier.

After all, what is the popular spiritual model and dogma? Jesus Christ? God? Abrahamism? All of these demonstrate to the world, that males are responsible for everything, including the very beginning of existence (Creationism). So males are indoctrinated, that you as a male, are responsible for everything.

Here’s a “joke”.

Why isn’t God female?

Because even myths need to be believable.

It’s quickly becoming obvious which gender is truly “Privileged” here, isn’t it?

Is it a privilege to be blameless?

Or is it a privilege to be responsible for everybody and everything? And if somebody else fucks up, then it’s on you?

Simple answers will do. Which is it? Which gender is privileged?

Well, in some ancient cultures, it is the female, Earth Goddess, who’s the creator.

I’m willing to bet some Chinese girls in some sweatshop actually made my clothes.

And I cant wait to see exactly where it’s going to take us! As a civilization, I see us just breeding more people and creating more wars.

lol! Big strokes for big effect?

I believe in the East, the Daoist creation myths emphasized duality as creative force, but apparently it’s the West that’s the true center of existence.

You too, urwrong, you too.

. I don’t think anybody on this forum is holding you to any high standards, either, urwrong; but perhaps, in your view, you’ve already exceeded all the standards.

. I already addressed this point. Men are not willing or able to control their animal natures (sex drives), leading to overpopulation, poverty, and wars, and then blaming their own weaknesses on women, like what you’re essentially doing.

You’re are projecting, because I don’t. I am not a part of the new feminist movement. Believe it or not, I and many women like me do not get a special treatment in the workplace or elsewhere. (When was the last time I complained to the admin here?) And your jealousy of women’s sex is exaggerated, as even women realize that it can and does backfire. And nowadays, in the emerging gay culture, the men can use their own sex as well. (In fact, gay sex appears to be even more profitable. Have you seen poor or homeless gays? Me neither. Most gay districts I’ve witnessed are in well off areas of the city)
When I speak, I speak for women in less developed countries who still don’t have even the most basic rights, like a right to hold a job, or pursue her own education. I think it is sad that such dichotomy still exists in this world, and not just legally, but in mentality as well, which is passed from generation to generation.

. Like I said, very biased and stereotypical. Has it occurred to you that some women who want equal rights, are also willing to take the full responsibility for their choices? There are women out there who don’t want to be dependent on men, physically, emotionally, or economically. I think you’re your own worst enemy, urwrong, not women. All you have to do is own your sex drive.

. I was not pointing to why they do it, but to how they do it. They only play a certain role, not unlike some whores and gold diggers do, only in order to lure a man, and use him. I always thought it was amusing how men who are married to some gold-digging Philippinas really truly believe that they love them for what they are as a man, and even brag about how great their sex life is (and when she gets her social bearings in her new country and dumps him, he’s appalled). This is also why some of these men, perhaps those who instinctively know that they’re in a middle of a big con game, try to keep their women socially isolated.

Were these women not economically disadvantaged, they wouldn’t even give these men a second look; so it gives such men an incentive to keep women dependent on them, or alternatively, to seek out economically disadvantaged women.

But this is how gullible some men are when it comes to women and sex. They really believe that the image that some women project are their real self, and it’s usually the image that empowers their egos. And here I’m talking not even of individual men but in a collective sense. A “real woman” is one that empowers a man, either by sexually arousing him or by evoking his protective instincts.

. Or, then what is a woman without a man, right?
See, and you accuse women of making the world revolve around them when you yourself insist that a woman’s identity be tied to (her) man.

Men like you like to blame the women because they cannot take responsibility for not being able to control or deny their own sexual drives. So, the women become the cause of their suffering. Your beef with women is just a reflection of your own weakeness, urwrong.

Have you looked at the latest world population statistics? It is this kind of thinking (which, at core, is selfish and self-serving) that has led humans to our present situation. Are women evil for this too? Because they are responsible for birthing more mouths to feed, which consequently leads to more competition for resources, suffering, and even wars? What is the cause?

Like Jews? First, we were like hollow containers, then like soulless animals, then children, then we’re just like gays, and now, we’re like Jews. Well, thanks for the upgrade, urwrong. It’s just a pity you had to come out of one. Maybe in the near future where we grow people in the labs in aquariums you can finally be free from the woman’s yoke. Better to be born in an aquarium than a woman.

. I addressed this point before. You do not seem to recognize that in his day, the opposite is also true. Special treatment in the workplace usually works against the perpetrator and facilitator, regardless of the sex or race. People can no longer effectively use the sex or race cards in the workplace, in order to get special treatment. Usually, that backfires really quick because there are also over competing groups involved who also have a say in the game. If anything, the upper level management is mindful in ensuring the enforcement of equal standards for everyone. I’m not saying that some sort of subtle discrimination or favoritism does not exist, but it’s hardly based on just sexual or racial differences anymore. In the real world environment loyalties, or cliques, are not so clean cut black and white. As an example, I once witnessed an instance in the workplace where one new young and rebellious black guy did not like the job project that his boss, an older also black, guy with many years of work experience, assigned to him. The comparatively better assignments that he wanted didn’t even go to the white workers, either. So he went all the way up to the management level with a racial discrimination complaint against his boss. Eventually, this case was resolved as a matter of miscommunication, but it shows you the complexity of the environment that we live in. It’s not so black and white anymore (literally). And with alternative genders entering the workplace, these matters may become even more complex. I mean, as a man, can you not nowadays just put on some makeup and identify yourself as a woman, and demand these so called privileges for yourself?

It’s clear that feminism revolves around a lie. Feminists indoctrinate women to say “men are privileged” when it’s clearly not true. When the opposite is true. Women are the privileged ones. And so what Feminism does, is act to enhance the innate female-privilege. It acts as a barrier. You can’t even “battle” female-privilege, when the onus is entirely on men.

Women own the premise. And this is important. If the dialogue always revolves around “how privileged men are”, then the truth is never touched. It was women the whole time. Feminism is an advanced lie, and falsity.

If Abrahamism is a myth made for men, a religion revolving around male-patriarchy. Then Feminism is a myth made for women, a religion revolving around female-matriarchy. Both are versions of lies. But with feminism, it’s a little more obvious. At least it should be, now.

Who’s responsible for this mess? Women again? The privileged gender? And who brought Catholicism and made abortions illegal?



So Chinese girls working in sweat-shops are pushing the female gender forward? Chinese females are the women actually doing anything good in the world? I’m tempted to agree. Maybe you should take their lead?

What have western women done for the betterment of humanity? You have given chinese women one point. Where’s your point?

What a dismal and hopeless attitude you have?

So you’re an Easterner then? Are you asian or something?

Haha, you admitted it.

I hold myself to higher standards. When it comes to philosophy, I want to actually do something. Everybody else has low standards, repeating the same tired mantras and dialogues. I’m interested in advancing into something ‘new’. But this cannot be done when the premise (like Feminism and “male privilege”) is a complete lie. When you start with idealism, with fabrication, then you cannot ever be grounded. So my philosophy aims to get to reality first, and from there, build premises.

So what is the reality? Are men truly ‘privileged’ as you and almost all western women claim? Or, are women privileged? This thread exposes the truth. If by “privilege” people mean protected, then it’s very obvious which gender is privileged. Which gender is the innocent one?

Of course… it’s men’s fault. Not women’s.

Sex is always men’s fault. It’s never because women want to have sex. Got it. These are your words, not mine. Do you want to hold to them? I’ll give you a chance to undo your claims, if you want?

Do women ever want to have sex, in your mind? Or is it always men’s fault?

You are, without knowing it. You may not claim yourself as a feminist. But when you buy into their premises, then it doesn’t really matter, does it?

It’s like the Agnostics. They say they’re not Christian/Jewish/Moslem, but, they buy into the idea of ‘God’. So it counts as the same.

LOL, women don’t get special treatment in the workplace?!?!? WHAT?!

In the military, the standards for women are physically lowered. And it’s dangerous. … for-women/

WROOOOOOONG. You’re wrong, Pandora.

So men should be queer and try to seduce other men?? Lol, no. You’re confused. You’re missing the point.

Gay males are emasculated. They’ve already given up on “being men”. They give up on becoming more masculine, and so, they choose femininity instead. That’s a concession, a loss. Men do not respect that. Women, secretly, don’t respect it either.

Are women dependent on men, to get pregnant?

A simple yes or no will do.

You’re right, about the part where women secretly look down upon men, even the men who are ‘loyal’ to them, to a degree, based on sex. In a way, women don’t respect the men under your thumb. The men you seduce and control, manipulate. I agree with all that. It’s difficult to respect something that is so easily controllable and able to move around like a puppet. I agree that women want a challenge, intellectually.

I was just kidding.

Nope nope nope.

Are women responsible for anything at all?

So far we’ve only agreed that (Chinese) women are responsible for clothing most of the entire world. I’m thankful (for women) for that. One point for (Chinese) women.

If the shoe fits?

Doesn’t it feel good to be magically immune to everything though? To be completely and absolutely innocent?

What’s the male-female ratio for criminality again? Yeah…you know it.

So …we should kick women out of the military, like the old days?

We can delve into racial “privilege” too. But this thread is about gender first and foremost.

If feminists can lie about “male-privilege”, then can blacks lie about “white-privilege” too???