Trixies Famous Philosophical Quotes.

“It is easier to move a 500 pound rock than to change a commoner’s mind”.

More quotes coming daily or every now and then.

But is that a good thing or a bad thing?

Philosophy isn’t the board for quotes. Please keep them to the Sandbox.

So not only do you ban philosophy, but quotes too? What is that section good for then?

A man can conquer the whole world but his greatest victory will be against himself [ someone else ]

Time is more important than money : if you lose money you can always get it back [ me ]

Careful what you wish for : you might get it [ someone else ]

My counter quotes

Or his greatest defeat.

Time is merely the change of matter reorganizing itself. Past states, stored in memory. Money is trade. Trade for favors. The favors of Time are random. There is no future, there is no past. Only matter moving.

If you don’t like what you wish for, you may need to cleanse thy mind.

Trying to think who… maybe Nietzsche? But someone (popular thinker) has a saying that goes “Banana this, banana that” or “monkey culture, monkey lifestyle/entertainment”. My gut says it’s Nietzsche… If my hunch is correct, how does the saying goes?

Monkey see, monkey do?