To Whom It May Concern

Who are they? Where are they? They are shirking their responsibilities.

The following letter was written by the man, William James Sidis, who had the highest IQ ever reported, a child prodigy who ended up as an eccentric recluse with a blue collar job.

William James Sidis

To whom? Not even close.

Share jerkey in layman’s English what you have in mind with your above post.

Layman’s terms is beneath Jerki. Jerki’s IQ is over 9000, even 250 IQ’s don’t understand what he is saying half the time. The world’s highest IQ, we can understand him, but not Jerki. Jerki has a cosmic mind beyond our comprehension, even the Buddha cannot fathom the Jerki.


Not many people know that just by thinking, Sidis was the first person to figure out that black holes exist .

Yes, he figured out black holes exist, because that’s where all his retirement stocks eventually went.

Sidis never had his IQ tested. The highest ever recorded is that of Marilyn vos Savant with a score of 228. But this
has been declared invalid. The next highest recorded is that of K Visalini with a score of 225 when she was only 9


It was written so it must be true. All written history is true, I keep forgetting that.

You tested Mrs. Savant? Where has she been hiding since she was not listed online in 2007? I checked out her website, it was a one time visit (lame beyond belief). That other person was not listed either. Her website however is not offensive to one’s eyes. Interesting that two females are currently topping the genius list.

No highest was 350 and he died at age 40 from natural bodily deterioration

Theme of it

In response to the letter:
He fails to grasp human emotions. The Highest IQ still is a social creature. The person a may not be dominant enough to do as he says. Something that escaped him ironically.

It is not lame.

I am dominant that is why I made the DNA machine (to save society.) Invented it. Made it in my mind.

Yes, dear.

I invented the DNA machine 30 years ago. Its algorithm was to begin with data on all physical precursors of a brain exhibiting a normal, average I.Q., then to extrapolate this information into improved human forms and conditions, into persons who could care about the well-being of each other and of the ecosystems in which superior humans could exist. This information includes what was once considered only spiritual concerns. And it can be accomplished by gene splicing wherein the tweeking of aspects of the genetic code influences neuronal pathways in the brain.

That’s neat. By gene splicing do you mean in real time, so it can modify and adult or child and not just a baby?

Dominant in terms of confidence?

Okay, worse than lame, horribly terrible. :evilfun:

Yes. Without that no one can change society no matter how capable. He was a recluse, so that tells me society was too much for him. We tend to treat people that are different in degrading ways. It breaks confidence in children. Geniuses have it hardest mentally. The brain can work overtime.

It wasn’t terrible, its a good solid forum.