The definitions of genius, and the superiority of genius.

I am the greatest genius who has ever lived, better than Da Vinci and more clever than Tesla.

But first of all let me make something clear. What are the definitions of genius, what are the reasons for genius, and evidence of the superiority of genius.
There are different types and definitions of genius.
But the reasons for genius is simple, the power of the penis.
A flower is mated through pollination. Flowers are feminine, and womanly. It is my belief that the balls are feminine and womanly. A female human can be a genius if she is the pollinator. Pollination, the key to genius. Balls, but also boobs, are feminine.
I don’t expect an ordinary human to understand these concepts. But higher minds, free from the delusions of society, and the delusions of social organization of gender, will understand these concepts. If Otto Weinenger was here today he’d shake my hand, slap me on the back, and buy me a cream soda float.
Balls are feminine. Balls create lust.
But the Pollinator is the genius. A woman can be a genius, if her body performs the role of a pollinator, a dominator.

It is this very drive, the drive to push to explore, which forms the neurons and capacity of pure genius.

Those who do not question society, those who do not ever feel dissatisfied, do not form.
The greater the defiance, the greater the genius.

[size=85]This photograph illustrates the Pollinator, displaying the metaphysical bodily postures representative of the formations of genius
The Pollinated, who is defiant, is also a genius. Both individuals in this photograph demonstrate the representative postures of the formations of the formulations of the potentiality of genius[/size]

I anticipate a reply from lower, undeveloped minds claiming how balls are not feminizing, when in truth, balls are as feminizing as boobs. Forgive them, for they do not understand, and are still on the path to understanding.

The superiority of genius
The genius is needed for an enlightened and beautiful society. The Wise One is the genius, the Aesthete the genius, the Genie is the genius, the Tinkerer the genius, the Jester on the Hill is the genius, the DoomSayer is the genius, and the Savior is the genius.

Moved to The Sandbox. Not sure if this belongs in NPC O_H, so please feel free to move it there if you so wish.

Please post in the appropriate forums in the future Trixie… you have been warned.

Everyone is a genius at some thing. My aunt was a genius at cooking, she could whip up a totally delectable dish without a complex recipe. when she was in her kitchen, she was highly respected for her skills. It is extremely unlikely nowadays to find geni who are in the mold of say Michelangelo, who are genius at everything they touch. You Trixie are genius at having a knack for infusing gender clarity, with unequal doses of density.

It takes a very special person to achieve this rarity, for it is like having the need for superior intelligence to be able to do it with finesse, where the belief system is totally skewed over.

The person at first is aware of this process, but pushes it into the subconscious inadvertently at first, then totally submerging it, whereby becoming adore and hidden and unrecognized trait.

This is genius at it’s pinnacle, and it is genius, because there remains a remnant-signal, whereby the key to unmining the content remains on a conscious level. The difference between the genius and the ordinary mortal is this knowledge of accessibility to this key.

My aunt needed to realize her cooking genius only by starting a certain spice based foundation and the effects were stupendous. She had direct access to taste. This made her very different from run of the mill cooks, who never came near to such inherent capacity.

Everyone declared her results sheer genius!