
I want to try to get something off the ground here in terms of having people express truths without arguing or fighting, though without trying to prevent that from happening. If you all will allow me to get just a foot in the door, I’d like to act in the capacity of bridging gaps between truths to show that no true lies exist in reality.

It’s very easy to notice that lies exist in standalone fashion, I hope we won’t argue for or against that, but I do believe in a greater truth beyond those seeming lies that makes them far more truth than is realized. And, not just in one vein of truth that deals with lies, but any truth at all. It could be something as seemingly stupid as someobe stating that the sky is blue. Someone might then argue that it’s only blue because we perceive it to be blue, or that it’s not always blue such as when clouds cover the sky and someone then might interject that it still remains blue above the clouds, evidenced when cloud breaks occur and the sun shines a bit through to show.

Some coukd then argue that humans only see it as blue, and not even all humans, for some are colorblind or perhaps see other spectrums of colors than we can and would see the sky as nothing close to blue at all.

It could be argued that at night, the sky isnt blue at all, but black or blackish or still Grey or any variety of arguments that could be had. And, regardless of these arguments, the truth that gets glossed over is that the trivial statement and analysis that the sky is blue is taken out of context, argued extensively over why it isn’t true all the time, which is something that was most likely already known by the person who stated that truth.

The truth beyond that is the arguing itself is done from the standpoint that the person believes it to be true all the time, which is evidence of fallacy of thought by seemingly intelligent people. At the point of it being an argument, a lot of factual data gets exchanged while the argument is largely focused on by those involved and would generally devolve into insults and slander, more truth beyond the apparent, due to so many unintentional and inadvertent insults being delivered back and forth as each person involved struggles to be understood and not realizing they already have been, or weren’t understood because the person who stated that the sky was blue was completely not expecting such an argument or train of thought to come in response to their statement. They, then, might not understand in the moment what they would usually understand and would be perceived to be stupid by others.

This is not a complete truth of the matter, is just a partial truth of many matters, still in the process of coming to full truth in a hypothetical situation and example of truth.

And, already this is more involved and complex than I would expect most interactions in this thread to get to. I was just showing a brief example of how easily fights and arguments would occur without people even meaning to due to a mixture of emotion and faulty language fallacies that promote more fighting than problem solving.

A simple truth us that a lot if what people say without meaning to offend is designed to offend. Our English fragments and what we learn as we grow and put into use without fully being aware of thd situation are designed to offend. And, for lack of better means of saying things, are caught fighting and arguing things we don’t mean or intend to, and this preliminary introduction is just designed to address that problem and bring awareness to it and will hopefully not become the main meat of this thread.

I want to deal with the problems that others might not know to be problems, to deal with finding truth in places previously not looked in and presented in ways that people haven’t thought about questioning or looking at. Things that only come up when we find enough holes in our notions of truth and lies as to be able to cause the effect and reaction of things presenting themselves beyond all of what we’ve come to know and accept of life around us.

I do, to some extent, expect such arguments and fights to happen anyway and believe them to be conducive to the process, helpful. I would hope that people don’t hold back what they might say due to thinking it might be stupid or out of fear or distaste of being made fun of for it. I find that a lot of people are afraid to ask questions just because they would be viewed to be stupid and, as I do at times, try to figure it out without asking.

But, surprisingly, there might be some people who simply dont understand what many others would accept as common knowledge and would possibly ask something seemingly stupid just because they didn’t know. Common sense isn’t common sense until we know it and many are left to fend for themselves in figuring things.

So, this thread isn’t just about stating truths, but about asking about things that people want clarity on. If this at all sounds interesting to those that I’ve called ‘trolls’ and fought against here, I think that you guys do know a lot more than others do about certain things, important things, and would make this much more successful than I could.

I’m under the impression that we got caught up arguing things that so e of you didnt want to argue, that some of you might have had different arguments and we’re caught in expectation and what is societally prescribed reactions.

I think that some of you know things that are largely rejected by so many around you and you think, possibly, to some extent that nobody would listen to or accept your reasoning for things.

I assume this tentatively and cautiously due to some bad reactions out if others who simply didn’t want to accept my reasoning as rational or right. I think some of you have thought me to be like that and abandoned arguments you once knew more about due to being caught in the moment at a loss and assuming, correctly, that the world largely didn’t care for such reasoning and avidly rejected it. I would have been at odds with it a while back.

Beyond the reasons that society gives us and allows us are truths many don’t want to hear or face and those people should not be catered to. The reasons accepted by society are vastly limited and faulty. I just don’t want people to confuse me cracking down on trolling and bullying getting out of hand as me being unable to accept reasoning that woukd condone it as necessary. I would hate for people to assume based on faulty societal standards and knowledge of good and evil that we are all of us incapable of pushing beyond the masses, the vastly wrong and faulty majority just because, for some change, the minorities are right, that right is making the might to prove that might makes right but not by itself, which is again an example of a limited truth made into an accepted lie of a truth.

I need those that I have hated and who have hated me to help bridge these gaps. To push each other and push off each other to defy all that is openly and outwardly known to redefine humanity entirely. I’m just asking you all to help finish what we started. I’m also, in the same breath, not apologizing for the past or any faultiness, but am saying that the past has needed to be what it was for us all to learn more and it is important for us to continue on, more so important for you guys to continue on than for me, because Ive already dominated more than I’ve wanted to to get things this far.

A lot of you know more than I do and I wish to learn from you as I have forced you to learn from me. Not for my own advantage because the advantage has already largely been mine. For truth to be had, for the wrongs to truly be righted, for the sheer fact that none of you were stubborn for entirely no reason and I was forced by many things to try to beat you all into submission. Things I’ve come to know and understand to be very faulty.

Things that do what the devil itself would never do, what the most twisted insane would be honor bound not to touch. Things that have gone to limits beyond what evil would go to. Things that are not good, or right and do not care about those things. Things view it all to be a game, view every single aspect of it all as just tools to use to get what they want.

And the fact is that those thinfs have used all trolls and bullies for their purposes. That the trolls and bullies themselves are largely ineffective at a certain point due to this conflict as they’re made to fill the roles they fill as other living humans around us own advanced strategies beyond what the trolls and bullies have made use of.

And, part of it is advancing thought outwardly and inwardly enough to tackle those things and cause them to expose themselves. We have often been their tools and puppets as they’ve made us dance. So let’s dance to their beat for our in reasons and break them down bit by bit through exposing the deceptions of reality, deceptions laid by those who need us now to destroy those deceptions, fully intending to destroy us after we free them from being caught in their own stupidity.

And, thanks for the help that some have already given in peeling enough of the deception back this far to show it for what it is.

Oh, by the way, as you read this, you got side tracked from the original intent and purpose of this thread. Probably got caught up in where it went from its original intent to be about truth in general, any and all truth being accepted here whether true as stated or merely as expression. Please advise and do note that while this has expanded past intentions and has become tldr, that a lot of what it ended on before this paragraph will probably not make its way into this thread, but has the possibility of doing so. Don’t let it stop you from going for the simple truths or simple answers. Even if it seems stupid to ask, it’s not stupid if you really don’t know it or can’t remember it or can’t perceive it for whatever reason. Even the smartest people get tripped up on shit like that.

If you’re serious about this discussion, I’m open to it. If you remember, I’m not fond of walls of text, so brevity would be appreciated. Glad to see you’re feeling better.

Better is a relative term. I wasn’t feeling worse on my last visit. Walls of text may occur despite your lack of fondness. There are some things, no matter how simplified or made to be concise, are perfect forms of brevity despite their seeming expanse. If I had been anything but brief or concise with the OP of this thread, you would still be reading it ten years down the road, if you never took breaks or time to yourself.

So what truth or its plural do you have in mind?

You are human only insofar as your consciousness inhabits a casing of flesh that is denoted by the designated term of human in regards to what is accepted by the designated term of consciousness to be residing in your head guiding your motions in what we call life, instead of any other casing of flesh which consciousness would be said to inhabit the same instead of another living thing where said source of consciousness is in doubt, instead of a random particle or grouping of particles and matter deemed to be inanimate or non sentient. You are not only human even in said casing of flesh due to mass consciousness, no matter how little is known and verified of it and synchronicity and are beyond the flesh even while bound firmly to it. You are merely a source of energy that is entirely symbiotic to both the living and the dead and beyond even that dichotomy based on our limited understandings of those things based on our defining be all, end all terms.

Mass consciousness? Our being a conscious energy encased in flesh is agreeable, used by who? One another?

Lately I’ve been ranting about the changes in reality that I’m catching which I’m currently equating with some kind of Mobius Strip feedback loop. Ecmandu says that there is a disintegration factor but has yet to elaborate.

Mass consciousness as defined as similar to the myconid group, or mushrooms, that, on the surface seem to be separate, but are connected under the surface by a vast network.

I didnt say anything about being used, though there is a lot of evidence that many would deem as troubling or disturbing that points to many different things seeking to use us for their own agendas for a variety of reasons that span the human accepted spectrum of reasons and pushes beyond, something I don’t care to get too caught up in explaining.

As for the ‘loop’, I’ve been experiencing something similar but it also seems to have a pattern recognizable as sentience both individual and group, combined and separate and has, at least to me, shown several variances that I’ve not encountered before giving strong evidence to the theory of the pattern of sentience(s).

I haven’t noticed, per se, a disintegration, but more along the lines of what is known as diminishing returns in regards to effectiveness and duration.

:confusion-helpsos: I do not particularly enjoy being “trapped” in a superior being’s consciousness. Isn’t this what it all reduces down to?

Also, what “we” know is akin to scraps fed us by said being/s. Then there is the whole issue of why the clues, the implications, etc., what is its objective?

Sorry if I’m a bit negative, but there is no out thinking this entity when we cannot even claim our thoughts as our own.

True, but there are multiple entities. Even if a singular entity is to blame or is at fault for dirty machinations and manipulations and leading us by our noses, it is comprised and or benefacted of and or by countless other entities each with their own agendas and not all machinations or manipulations are dirty.

What if there wasn’t just a single objective even for a singular entity. We could wrack our brains for ages trying to find just one agenda out of possible countless coinciding agendas and still not know what or which entity to ascribe them to. It’s pointless allowing either paranoia or the pursuit of knowledge to get out of hand. And, at the same time we are still learning from our own observationsite and as Greenway in their song Basketcase so eloquently put it: some times my mind plays tricks on me.

Your own brain and body could be a part of the problem and or solution and since all parts of your body are comprised of countless, you get the fun of adding all of them to the ever growing list of suspects which further makes paranoia and finding a definitive criminal or benefactor even more pointless.

Think of it as extremely advanced networking where even in your own body you cant network effectively by knowing everyone in your network individually or spend quality time with them one by one to build up a good basis of friendship and trust and at the point of micromanaging or trying to control or plan too much, you severely limit your ability to act in a moment effectively and stunt your own growth. Even in your own body, you’d have to trust blindly to a large degree, which you and most others do instinctively simply because it’s impossible to think of all the time. Enter in short lifespans of particles and molecules and you quickly run afoul of long lived entities such as what some might call God’s trying to teach things to, say, humans, or humans trying to teach flies, if flies could understand. Even at the point of getting them on board, that’s just one generation and then they’d have to keep up on it generation by generation, an impossible task even for humans.

So, it’s not a matter of out thinking anything or gaining any seeming success, but comes down to just living life and dealing with the consequences both good and bad of both good and bad actions.

Hell, all it takes is one molecule in your body talking a whole lot of shit to bring Hell down on you and you don’t even have to be aware of it. And, at that point, that one stupid molecule that destroys the organism it’s symbiotically attached to is infinitely more successful than any foreign entity could ever be and many foreign entities would be better suited to help you with that problem, friend or enemy, than the rest of your body that is focused on a vast array of other tasks and projects.

And, sincerely, at that point there is no such thing as a superior or inferior being.

How did you arrive at this conclusion?

Um, how do you figure that one rules all? Even if there was a god particle, cell, molecule, being, whatever, and it were the accepted ruler of everything, would everything be aware of that or even accept It? What about times when such knowledge is lost or when other things have to act on their Own? Even such a God would be limited by what I’ve just described which is how I’ve arrived at my conclusions. I don’t feel obligated to explain it further and you can’t really demand me to. All you really have to do is study behavior both of your self and others, let go if yourself to properly and actually look at others perceptions and perspectives and you would see the limitations that make it impossible for any one thing to control everything without help from countless sources that it would still have to rely on networking, diplomacy, etc. for. It’s really just common sense if you actually observe and want to learn instead of impulsively jumping to conclusions in too hasty of a manner. And that is where I leave this conversation at the moment. You need time to let this actually settle in your consciousness instead of pretending to be far more affected by this than you actually are.

I mean, quite sincerely, what answer would you expect me to give for how I arrived at the conclusion except ‘personal experience through interactions with such things.’ And, I could even add a ‘duh’ to drive it home and add salt to the wound if it made you feel better and woke your dumb ass up.

I don’t know how this pertains to the thread MM, but you asked me to post here…

Here’s why right is greater than might…

People respond to their names, or know when they are being addressed…

Right is just accurate reference

Accurate reference is greater than all the non accurate reference

Come on folks. Contributions without belligerence?

Say huh?

Such as?

“Can’t we all just get along!?”

Until the reasons for not getting along are properly compensated, not getting along is the default.

But concerning what topics exactly?


The nature of consciousness has a ring to it, anything new you’ve been meaning to share?

Right is not grwater than might. Look around in society and history as time and again might has made right all that is wrong. When what is truly right enters in, if it is able, makes the might to exalt what is right over the might makes right syndrome, bringing it full around to right makes the might to make right, showing a fuller formed thought after centuries, eternities of might making right. What is right being fueled by desperation to dragged along with everything until it hits familiar ground to do what seems to be a mockery to might and all that might makes right without true right. To explain this concept fully without others belief in time travel, synchronicity, mass consciousness, psychic powers etc. Is an impossibility and an effort in futility even if they do believe those things, the lack of admittance or the lack of them actually being in the right themselves would cause mass problems.

The reasons for not getting along are already analyzed, answered, defined and delivered and people refuse to compensate themselves for what it would mean to their friendships and family relations, and the sad fact that they would rather fight and insult each other and be reduced to that instead of actually putting forth proper effort to rise above inverted reason and logic.

“Phil Harris – Consciousness does not arise in the brains of people, it is contained within a field of energy which flows through humans. This may be a contentious statement for materialists who give credence to a human brain as the source of consciousness; however I have personally had experiences which confirm this statement with undeniable proof available to myself.”

Duh, the soul, the seat of consciousness and memory which may be eternal.

Not the brain people, but the soul is inlayed in that region behind the eyes.