Are ghosts affected by business deals?

Does business have power over other dimensions?

Clairvoyants claim they do and they regularly engage in business transactions.

Is it seemly that a ghost could indulge in business?

Both a ghost and a Shelly can indulge in some business, some business of the Trixie variety.


I do not think that ghosts are, because they have left the world of the material and have moved into the world of the spiritual, and then from then on they just haunt and annoy those that can sense them… not everyone can.

I guess they could partner up with humans to generate an income but not sure if there is currency in the ghost realm.

The ancient celts believed they could pay off debts in the otherworld, and according to the romans they would use that idea. To them the otherworld, is literally another world/s, and the beings which dwell there are people. I don’t think they would refer to themselves as the dead or some such thing. A ghost I would imagine is like some cosmic recording or echo of e.g. a traumatic event, which somehow left its imprint upon the fabric of time. I got no way to substantiate that of course.

What sort of debts could be payed off?

financial ones were what I heard mentioned. I expect ancient Britons had every conceivable way to pay debts one could think of, and more ways than we even want think about lol.

Damn, I wish my bank would accept those conditions for mortgage repayments.

For some of us, “business” IS another dimension.

I would imagine that different physical laws apply in this business dimension.

There’s no such thing as ghosts.

There is no such a thing as business. There is only “by”.
