All Forgetful Souls Are Stagnant, Probably Dying

Souls live life after life, sometimes repeating the same ones which if left in ignorance repeat their flaws in cycle after cycle.

Reality is a tricky muther. How much you catch (in it’s inconsistencies) and regain (in your memories) may determine where you end up.

I don’t know, do souls evolve? At this time, I have serious doubts about this. People are literally distracted into stupification. ‘Must remain safe’ is an unspoken motto taken up by those who wish to remain ignorant of larger than life truths. Live lies of others written in books, must be true 'cause it’s safe, it’s realer…honest, it’s written truth. Ha!

What’s a soul?

It’s your harddrive that processes emotions located within your fleshy body, but it is not anything visible in scientific terms, nor is it brain powered. It powers the brain and the body, gives it a purpose to experience all that can be experienced. Thought you had the basics down, Jerkey?

It’s what stands behind your presumptions.

Tell me about that Turd.


Not really, but how do you know that is your hard drive? It could be an implant.

Harddrives are implanted, so?

Look man, how do souls “sometimes” repeat? Because if it repeated once, it would be stuck in an infinite loop never to stop repeating.

Exercise your soul to regain memories and be astute about it. Observational skills must be all-encompassing (without blinders). Push connections that you discover.

What were you in a past life, O Master?


I’m wondering that myself. Can’t see the vid.?

Neither can I.

But as Joker’s girlfriend you gotta up it if you want to impress.

The answer to this riddle, is you gotta click Quote my post and it will show the URL and viola.

Impress? :laughing:

Otherwise, it’s hopeless. A lower emotion

Any discussion on a soul requires empirical evidence of some kind Maniacal.

You Joker are your own evidence. Now Ec’s revelation about fractured souls may be true and the reason you do not know your soul. I have described the soul multiple times, where it is, and what it does.\

Do you guys live in the same house and litterally post right under each other on different accounts? I find that funny, like three stooges kinda shit.

If only those internet boards believed me that it wasn’t me, but my “half-sister” posting on my behalf, before they banned me…


Would you explain soul fragmentation?