Is Arcturus the Leader of the Illuminati?

Is Arcturus the long lost descendant of Adam Weishaupt, and the leader of the Illuminati? Her avatar is a dead giveaway.


:laughing: Ah, the things you will do to get my attention, Trixie. :wink:
All I am doing with my avatars is trying to exhaust the green-eyes avatars. They just call to me.
My own are green. Don’t you just love the way the green is reflected in the pool of tears which I have created by my crying and how that eye pulsates within it.
But please do not think that all of those tears have been created by pain ~ many of them have been created by deeply beautiful overwhelming and moving moments.
I wonder how those moments - the painful ones and the beautiful ones - have balanced out?
But does it really matter? No.

I hope to find many more 'perceptive" and provocative green eyes avatars.
I’m making kind of a fashion statement there.

As far as the illuminati are concerned, I like to do my own thinking. I do not wish to be part of the Borg.

Are we referring to the eye in the pyramid symbolism?

Arc’s always had an “eye” for illuminating avatars, and yes, her last two were very pretty (I especially like the last one: wet eye lashes, green hearts moving up on the side).

So your eyes are green, huh Arc? Didn’t know that about you.

Mine are brown.

What color are your eyes, Trixie?

Symbolism is always so versatile. We see what we want in them. I once drew a picture with an eye in the sky:

The Illuminati was not what I had mind.

Mine are brown, just like my skin.

That’s because you rub shit all over your skin.

If you and arc allow Trixie the bullshit of being called a girl, despite being a default guy, then I as a white man can equally be a black guy on these forums, and want to be recognized on this forum as a African American. Changing race is just as scientifically sound as changing sex, and I demand to be recognized as a black man, with brown eyes, and a Afro, and you will start referring to me by whatever pronouns are used to refer to black people… I don’t know of any, but if there are some yet there, I get that label from now on from the two of you. It is the liberal thing to do, and your going to do it from now on to me.

Now excuse me, I’m going to celebrate my new racial identity by watching a episode of Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. I’m learning how to rap from the theme song. Don’t mock my brown skin color by claiming it is the color of shit, that is a foul and hurtful denigration, to compare one’s natural skin tone to rubbed on defication. Do not dehuminize me, or my brothers, for Black Lives Matter…

I’m of half the mind to report you for your shameful racism.

I was thinking more along the lines of your “turd” theme which keeps coming up. I had no idea you were trying to be a nigger.

Turd Ferguson

Just what is your problem, Steve, with a person who is born a man, feeling that a mistake was made, that he ought to have been made a female? Do you believe that nature is not capable of making mistakes?

Does a man who honestly believes, senses, intuits and even knows in a sense, in his whole being that he is really a she have to live his/her life conforming to the identity that others see him as just because they are more comfortable in that way, want it that way.

What is the difference to you and me if this man sees himself as a she and wants to be a she?
You and I are comfortable within our own skin, within our own gender but does this mean that everyone has to feel that way?

I know that you are a Christian so you believe in God. Perhaps, only perhaps, since I cannot know unless you say so, perhaps you believe that God is not capable of making a mistake when it comes to gender because God is all perfect. I doubt it though considering your psyche sauve. But if that is the case, you might also realize that in this perfection (I don’t feel this way) God designed human evolution to proceed in a not-so-straight line and in a not so perfect determination. All of life gets messy, is messy. What is it that Jung said once upon a time, can’t remember his exact words - something to the effect that we are put into this life with problems and it is up to us to find our way out of them by finding solutions. That’s kind of paraphrased.

I don’t think that solutions are a “one size fits all” for all, do you?

Isn’t your feeling akin to the parent or doctor or inane psychiatrist who feels that if the gay man or woman (this not being the case) would only not think of their selves as gay and not act gay, then they would become normal?
If the transgender would only think of him/her - self as not being transgender - the man or woman giving up those crazy ideas or feelings - he/she could feel like a “real” man or woman again.
Try considering yourself to be gay. How does that work for you? Do you think you could do that - sleep with men knowing that in your heart of hearts, in your being, at your core, you want a woman, not a man?

That holds no water. lo I love that show. I’m Caucasian.

Yes, black lives matter. ALL lives matter well except for a few…

…and I’m of half a mind to report you for not thinking “out of the box”.

Oh, how I hate that word!!!

White people should never called us black folks niggers, that is a term we can only use between fellow black people, it means something much different when used by white people like you, brings up painful memories for us. Please do not use that term on this forum again.

Nature makes no mistakes, we merely have mistaken people.

Turd Ferguson

You know, I realize that some African Americans actually do feel this way. I’ve asked more than a few when I’ve heard that word used between their selves, why they do that, why they call each other by that name. But their rationalization is inane to me. Little do they realize, that in some strong sense, they have been conditioned to feel that way - perhaps it’s a form of solidarity for them in a strange way. I usually tell them that all they are really doing in a way is giving whites more of an excuse to call them by that demeaning name and all they are doing is perpetuating racism since that word is extremely racist.

Well, I suppose that that would depend on how you look at it. Since nature cannot actually think for itself and much is random in that sense it can’t actually make a mistake…things just turn out as they do.
My mother used to say that i was a mistake in more ways than one. lol I wasn’t planned but clearly from my point of view, I couldn’t have been an accident either. Something unwanted is not necessarily an accident when everything is being done to allow or almost insure that something to happen - wanted or not.
So in a sense nature doesn’t make mistakes, we do? It is only our own perspective which sees it that way.
But does that mean that we have to accept nature’s randomness or a God’s impersonal ways?
No, we don’t. We can think for ourselves, act for ourselves, and become for ourselves who we wish to become, even if it seems to infringe on what others think or feel. I’m not speaking here of harming others.

Yes you are. All feminist want to do is kill the young. They derive great joy from making excuses. I was reading a interview with the director of Tallulah earlier today:

I know in the movie they will probably have a scene where Trump bans abortions to pregnant women cut seat belts from their unused backseats (no children sit there) and have abortion parties, beating one another in the stomach with the buckles to rid them of the scourge of male oppression. Murder is a woman’s choice to choose, if you deny them, they say tough shit, we will murder them on our own, for that is progress and enlightenment.

All feminist do is speak of harming others, they say they want peace but have by default the most blood on their hands. Wars cannot equal the death toll of the abortion clinic. Men can claims they are fighting the dreaded enemies at the gates, but women gleefully sacrifice their own young, and smile about it, without the human decency of PTSD or a guilty conscious.

I know how you feminist are. Baby killers, all to the last. And you have the nerve to insist we collectively pay for your vile deeds. When a man kills a loved one, he doesn’t foot a bill in with the sheriff asking for reimbursement. We bury the fuckers in the woods at night under our own dime ourselves. Sister-in-law had to be aborted, it is a family’s right to choose.

Yeah, “Turd”'s an unfortunate name to give one’s self.

Aren’t they trying to steal the word back, make it their own?

Yep, Turd in all his stinkin’ glory.

I’m not white, I’m black. Why can’t you accept me for who I am?

Is that before or after the shit rubbed all over your skin?

White, black, green, purple whatever. THAT is not WHO you are - THAT is simply the color of your skin.
That is not to say that the color of our skin does not in some way or other affect us physically, mentally, emotionally.

But color is NOT who we are.

Am I wrong in this? Think about it and get back to me. I said THINK ABOUT IT.


As a black person, I know the first defining feature of my personhood I identify with is my skin color, my love of Snoop Lion, formerly known as Snoop Dog, Dave Chapelle, Newport Cigarettes, and illicit drugs. I am also Anti-Cop and Anti-Republican, and am voting for a old white woman compulsively.

I’m here to open inter-racial dialogue with everyone, and to inform all the white people they are wrong, they oppress me, and they still owe me and my brothers money from reparations, plus interest. I’m a walking, talking, one dimensional stereotype created by the abstract monstrosity the left created over the two previous generations into guilting whites to consider blacks multidimensional and easy to dismiss on a emotive level.

Sometimes I look up at the moon, and ask who am I. Then I remember, I’m not a real person, but a pawn in a political game, that I have no real substantive experiences or unique insides in life. I’m a individual only skin deep, a cardboard cutout of humanity viewed afar.

I’m white. Can I define myself as black? And if so, can I start using the word “nigger” guilt free?

No, only black people like me can.

Just like Trixie, as a man, can curse out women… because he “is one”.

This is only possible because people like you Gib, and you Arc, encourage the behavior through reinforcement, as if it is doing him some sort of good to indulge him in this absurd fantasy that leads to extreme body modification through hormones and surgery, that usually ends in isolation and suicide.

I recall during Truxue’s last extended break, everyone automatically assumed the worst… suicide. You play along with absurd identity delusions, knowing damn well how tragic the ending is. It is obscene. The idea of me covering myself with shit to declare myself black should be no more offensive than a man mutilating his genitals and putting dresses on declaring himself a woman is.

Just for some foul, absurd reason we decided one is worthy of social hysterics, and the other of social acceptance and Co.passion, even though they should both be equally absurd and offensive to our bullshit detectors, a absolute mockery of life and common sense. Liberalism can hide it’s own bigotry behind absurdity.