My Authentic Reality


‘Penis’. hahahahahaha

‘vagina’. hehehehehehehehe

This gets funnier every time I read it.


Awwww, you have a crush on me! That’s cute.


If only you truly understood the full irony of your statement, ‘if only you had any dreams of your own.’


shakes head

Maniacal Mongoose

It is that because it is as far as ones observations go. :slight_smile: Intelligence is the product of the device, and its information is derivative like a needle to a record. What we consciously observe is that which is wrapped up and presented as the net result and after calibration [i.e. of the physical information] has occurred. We could say that the observation is what’s on TV, and the brain aside from that is the TV itself. With brain scans consciousness acts kinda like its scanning, and cannot be located to any segment of the brain. Naturally what it is scanning are physical informations, and are objectively existent ~ an authentic source, even though the presentation is a representation. Mostly you see a car coming and you get out of the way, and for the brain to draw all the 3D objects in the world to the degree which we can see i.e. and not as we’d judge [distance], then that’s usually accurate enough i’d say. Far from pseudo-source on any scale.

This place is way to empty and miserable to be receiving anything good. Devil’s territory.

More like God designed a blueprint for this environment and the Devil stole it and this mess is where his plan ended up.

God relative to the context of the devil, or the devil relative to the context of god is boring, God as the creator of all in the scientific sense is far more interesting.

Science is the Devil’s dept. Lies are the devil’s food and you must feel full since that’s all you know.

another stupid pointless response.

Go away! To me you and this reality are pointless. You and all the other “truthers” (HA!) have hollowed it out playing your pointless games.

Emotions, but not quite.


Science isn’t all the devils territory. It serves a lot of good, as well. We are often lead off track or disrupted in our thinking to test our resolve, test our dedication and it is not always a bad thing to be tested and ‘fail’. When all seems lost is when the best is possible to occur. Not all lies are meant to deceive permanently, but only temporarily to carry you from one moment to another. To keep your mind off certain things to entertain other things. Can the devil really steal God’s blueprint if God is the ultimate architect? Is everything as it appears, or is it only the appearance of that leads us astray? Do you trust in God the madman genius, or the devil that tricks its own followers at the end of the line to commit itself to the works of the Lord? Those that would follow certain paths and those that would follow others. Can you say for certain that something is wrong if it exists anyway? You can say it is unwanted, but does that change the fact that it exists anyway?

I trust God, the sane one.