
You have not posted for seven days so I hope that everything is fine with you
And if you are leaving the forum I wish you all the best and so take care now

A pleasant farewell. But look how many people have posted here.
I will miss her blatant egocentricity. But that is not unusual among posters here. She did present some decent ideas.
And, finally, I feel she and I made peace over the propositions of a neuron disabler machine.
Maybe she’s gone to ward six, wherein she advises other patients about DNA and sexual stratification.
If she is ill, I indeed wish her to be well.

It’s now been 17 days. Anyone heard from Trixie? It’s very unlike her to be so absent from ILP.

She’s back, apparently having learned nothing about polite conversation in her absence.

I do it because I love you. During child hood most girls who are bullies do it out of love. It toughens you up and increases your philosophy. Second, when i am mean to people, deep down I am crying inside, and it is the only way for me to feel anything at all. When I am nice to people it makes me uncomfortable sometimes. second, I try not to be that mean, all I did is say you drink gatorade, and it wasn’t meant to be an innuendo.

like mr.s said you must define your words. Ego is a floating construct a sword and shield, it is a word with mulitple meanings and

You could argue that i have an ego for saying the things I say, or i could argue that you have an ego for being hurt so easily. In reality, ego is not a real word that means anything.

In your childhood you were a boy.

I wasn’t a bully as a child, and my comment was referring to tv show memes you twat.


I dont see how its funny, its just a lame transphobic remark with no humor value.

People aren’t clever enough to actually make prejudiced jokes about trans genders that are funny.

Its the equivalent of making an asian joke that says “An asian walks into the store. The end.”

Well, perhaps it wasn’t intended to be funny. I did find humor in it anyway, due to the truth of the statement. Even if you had been born a girl, the fact that you thought you could sum up all women with the blanket assessment you used would still be laughable and ignorant and the pointing out that you were born a boy, not a girl is a moot point. And it night even be wrong, you might have been born female and had a dick added. Who knows. I laughed, what’s it matter why?

I never summed up women with a blanket assessment. What are you talking about? And we a;; start out as females, it wasnt until the 1600’s where they even thought of the word boy, in the olden days prepubescent males and females were basically the same. (or so im told by my sources.)

Just because you lost your desire to be female doesnt mean you have to laugh at anyone who still holds on to their old dreams.

You said most girls who bully do it out of love? How do you know all of these girls and their mindsets?

Its common knowledge that most girls bully guys they have crushes on. Its also common knowledge that girls who bully on other girls do it because they are hurting inside and secretly they want to be put in their place they are crying for help.

Guys who wear tattoos and bodybuild are sensitive because if you insult them they will rage because they are girly on the inside and trying to hide it that is why gayness bothers them it is too close to tripping their delicate barriers and cascading them into it and they are helpless to prevent it from infecting their minds.