Our souls

Our souls

what if our souls are arseholes, and the whole point of life is training them up? What if divinity is the same, instead of omniscient it originally didn’t know anything, and the universe was born of ignorance?

I know it sounds pedantic and ridiculous, but does it make more sense that something which has no experience and no knowledge about anything, is in fact learning and experiencing, then that we are all born in the same way.

I can’t see them revising the Bible along these lines anytime soon.

So, I’m right when I say the entire world is shit then?

I’ve found some delight in this world. It’s not all shit.

The bible/all religion, expects there to be intelligence without any means, and knowledge prior to the existence of what that is learned from.

We could assume that a deity if intelligent could know a lot about things as they unfold, learn over the epoch’s until now. That could be a very intelligent being. Yet it wouldn’t know the future anymore than us. Einstein suggests that all-time includes all time, in which case an intelligence in touch with that could know everything. Problem is that history and the present does >exist<, but for the future to exist there would be measurable connections to the present. Secondly everything we do would be on a causal line moving into a known future ~ we wouldn’t be able to change anything, and hence cannot be guilty or rightly judged upon our actions, making religion redundant.

I don’t think there could be change et al if the future was written.

It doesn’t have to mean the world is all shit, as we can change things up as we always have. We are growing learning sentient beings, if some things have been bad or you done bad, just forget about it and move on. Reliving shit is double shit!

Again it’s a your guess is as good as, things aren’t yet totally internalized, but maybe they are beginning to look like that the might be trying. After all, it’s the endgame which matters most.

Come now, there’s no excuse for bad puns.

What if our souls exit arseholes as aerosols?

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :laughing: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

What if the soul; any soul; including God; were made up of countless other souls and that the only way it could be counted as omniscient or omnipotent at all is to work in conjunction with all of the souls it were comprised of, and at that point, still would not truly be omniscient or omnipotent because of that necessary partnership that as soon as it would become forgetful of would flare back up and hide necessary knowledge from the core consciousness whether to good results or bad.

I’ve always thought this interpretation of God was a poorly thought out one. Even if you could think of souls as cumulative when you have a whole group of them together, that doesn’t result in an additional point of view emerging–like Joe has his own point of view, Jill has hers, and Frank has his, and together as a group there is a fourth point of view that neither Joe, nor Jill, nor Frank is privy to but the group itself is. There is no omnipotence or omniscience because which consciousness is the one that knows everything, that can do anything? Joe, Jill, and Frank are the only ones with an actual conscious point of view, and none of them can be said to be omniscient or omnipotent. There is no additional consciousness that houses the sum of all their knowledge or potency.

That’s what we agree on. You thought I meant otherwise so you could argue that side of it. That’s actually a part of the theorizing I’ve been working on. The group becoming its own sentient entity that then has its own viewpoint and becomes cinched off of the others and unable to use or abuse their viewpoints. Even God, if it were to step into the picture; the largest entity that could be comprised of groups within groups; groups etc. to the utmost; it, too, would become cinched off from its own ‘character’. Think of it like playing an MMORPG, but every time you went to control the character you created that it eventually took control of itself back and made all your commands obsolete and went off and did its own thing. Still you, still technically your creation, but becoming its own self apart from you due to unique experiences that only it is able to have.

But, lets say for a moment that a spirit can step into another without seeking to control it or be controlled by it and sample perspectives and remember them. What then does it do with the knowledge and information if it can not rightly call itself God? What if the spiritual worlds have information brokers and that the afterlife isn’t so different than life itself? Wouldn’t that be the immortal life so-promised? Free of death, free of pain, save that which the spirits choose to feel and those unable to overcome; unable to be strong, would be trapped and encased in flesh and forced to live multiple lives until overcoming all forms of madness, all fears; etc.; with all glory being given to ‘God’, whoever the fuck that is.

More like you were held suspect. :slight_smile:

Do you think this is what’s really going on, or is this just another example of the mistaken way that some people think of these things?

Sounds like a cross between Platonism and Hindu religion–being trapped in the body, mulitple lives. But you also talk about spirits entering into a body freely–not to control and not to be controlled–and that they are otherwise free of death, free of pain. How does a spirit end up being able to freely enter in and out of a body? Is this a spirit that was once trapped in a body and somehow got free of the cycle of life and death?

Future is a decided but only at macro level, not micro level. Thus, it is possible to cause some changes at the individual level, both for good or worse.

That is precisely why efforts at individual levels are required, even though those may not change the bigger picture much.

With love,

Aren’t we all. I feel sorry for the people that trust God blindly without holding God suspect, for if you were to listen to the smallest of voices that comprise such a being, you would hear it screaming out: Don’t trust me! Watch me to make sure I don’t fuck up!’ And, if you were to look at your own make-up, chemical, spiritual, mental, etc.; would you then be able to understand why it would say such, since anything could claim to be God, could claim that it is leading you true; lead you along a line you know or imagine to be God’s, only to lead you astray at any time and have you be none-the-wiser? If God is truly what people say God is, a God of mercy and kindness and generosity and if everything else still exists, wouldn’t this then be true? That in the great monstrosity of the being known as God are many things hidden from sight that would do such just to undermine a great beings work that far outshines and overshadows their own?

I think that it’s just a very simple way of explaining it, much like comparing God and the Devil’s ‘game’ to something as simple as Chess, when it’s more akin to Calvinball where they make it up as they go along, or so it seems, flying on the seats of imagination, no-holds-barred and no rules left to break that haven’t already been broken, no time for doubts, worries, fears, just non-stop action after all thinking and reasoning has been said and done and left in the dust. Move, counter-move; varying moves all at once, pickle; apple; sloth; something you’ve never heard or seen of before and can not possibly imagine except in dim imaginings of vagueness such as this. From the simple to the complex; from the petty to the great; from times of peace to times of war, throughout and permeating it all. All of everything just so many pieces in so many places on a gameboard that defies explanation other than the omnireality that it becomes in the process, where even madmen locked in cells can participate within their minds in ways that those who rip things from the minds of others can not translate or figure out, yet in their proper place, when clicked in, make perfect and utter sense in so many ways; and perhaps the things they’re supposed to make sense to can not make sense of them at times and so make sense to no one, yet some other idiot savant carries the message perfectly like some blind scribe that can not read or write yet has artistic talent and can copy the words of a book down perfectly into a perfect copy of said book to later be looked at by other things that then relay the message in so many varying ways like a complex game of telephone where one thing is said perfectly and by the time its all done being added to, subtracted from, embellished, exaggerated, etc.; that the moment is passed and it no longer even matters because actions were still made in the moment, yet for those who want the play by plays, who want the stories told, it does still matter as they track it all down and piece it together to weave one of the most epic stories ever and never told in some reality where entire realities are pieced together moment by moment into living stories that take an eternity in the telling, in the living and experiencing, etc.

And that is still a simplistic explanation of it, believe it or not.

Got free of the cycle of life and death? In a manner of speaking. It is my belief that the spirits are addicted to the flesh, otherwise why enter it at all? Merely free enough through strong will to not be trapped unwillingly by it all.

If the collection of ‘all-souls’ were known to an omni-intelligence, such that it may then attain omniscience, there would be more than one thing having any given set of thoughts.

I think that information has closed loops e.g. Neural networks, where one thing is subjectively experiencing the world from its particular perspective. An eye over its shoulder so to speak, would be seeing from an alt-perspective and could not know the subjects info.

I can see how infinity touches everything, and how particles are all at an center of the universe, both right next to one another in metaposition, and far apart in terms of spatial locations. So a divine infinite could know all things remotely, but that is not the same as sharing every thought you/we have ~ due to all the connecting points necessarily being in meta-position [remote].

We could say that infinity ‘knows’ the reflection of all informations, perhaps. Only you can experience your experience locally, i dont know how you could have two things seeing from the same perspective, because if there are two things then there is not one thing viewing, two cameras and not one.

The knowledge you are talking about is perhaps a reflection of the dual referential/inferential split. How can knowledge be ascribed inferentially? Inference consists of wider gates of inclusiveness of ideas, it has to, in order to explain why probable truth is reduced to a sufficient and necessary one. They seem reverse processes and inference includes more hypotheticals, excluding unlikely scenarios. Neural networks do not exclude any possibility, but make any possibility situationally most probable.

It isn’t that the soul does not know of any possible actuality, but relates relevant neural networks. Any idea inferred are not inter positioned since spatial-temporal considerations are not effective inferentially.

Inferential associations need not succeed each other as do referential so, and inferences need not prove logical consistency. For instance, inference in poetic structure can be understood as relatively connectable ideas, within limits of understanding.

These limits to inferential knowledge may shadow the extent to which the soul can be said to extend, the most aphoristic ideas containing the most significant, yet complex, thought processes which are the least prone to interpretation.

In this way, the soul of which a totality of an entity like God is ascribed to, may be said to work in mysterious ways.

“IT” becomes separated, in essence from the body,
as it’s original “shitty”~“natural” basis is discarded, to follow an upward evolutionary path. This separation is in fact ephemeral and illusive.

As there has been a pre-conscious state followed by a conscious one, there is sure to follow the super conscious state. Computer super languages are possibly only a preamble to the early beginnings of realizing this state, the reality of which is eternal and imminent, yet for us, it seems a transcendent state.

Yeah, God’s a bitch. :evilfun:

Are you talking about the stories we tell ourselves through history? Is history the eternal telling of a story, of insights imparted to the few, to both the wise and the mad, and to be passed on to others? This passing on of divinely inspired insights will succumb to the telephone game effect, of course, and like you said about madmen, even the originator of the insight might forget it or double-think it later or snap out of his insanity and realize it was all rubbish.

Of course, rubbish is a relative term–usually rubbish only to the listener who fails to grasp the underlying meaning. Even to the madman who looks back on his words and fails to recognize the meaning he had in mind at the time is not really recognizing inherent rubbish, but only what comes across as rubbish from a former version of himself to his current self.

Demons may be attracted to the flesh as a means of escaping Hell.

But what about our souls? Are we really trapped our are we addicted? If we really mustered the will power, could we escape and be like other spirits?

Escape what? Where would you go outside of reality that wouldn’t still be reality? What would you do not pertaining to life and death in one manner or another?

The body.

hehehehe, that would last until you wanted to live again and then you’d want to go into the body only to rediscover the aches and pains of life and want to be free of the body. You’d be one of the laughingstocks of the spiritual world and they would tease you unmercifully.

When a speaker vibrates a sound is inferred and then manifest in air pressure, when the brain reads a signal, it turns that inferred data concerning the world into a sound or visual representation. On a documentary i was watching the other day, a paralised woman could move a robotic hand and arm, simply via a rather rudimentary plugging into the top of her brain. The brain it seams, basically gets vibrations which it turns into their respective quality, vision etc.

I don’t follow? I think complexity increases, and so evolution goes beyond rudimentary life. Where you get the conditions for life, i think there will be a high exponent of planets which develop intelligent life and that of planets which dont. I do think that there is a pattern to wit existence is driven from low to high ~ spiritually. One has to begin with simplicity, no?

edit; if the whole energy is rising, then in each era the spirit will reach new heights! this also means that all religion is out of date!