Cat in my sand - obnoxious philosophical jokes.

God views Earth for several weeks, and takes a fancy to one of his creations, a woman with very fair and glamourous beauty. He descends to Earth, and asks to make love to the woman. The woman does not make it easy, so he tells her “If you make love to me, I will show you the meaning of life.” The woman, intrigued at this, says yes. God impregnates her vagina with sperm and says “That is meaning of life.”

Two marines are stranded in a combat zone. A helicopter is sent to rescue them. The helicopter is in good condition, has plenty of fuel, armed to teeth and killed all of the enemies in the vicinity. But the helicopter never could find the marines. Why?

Because the pilot was a woman.

Why does the joker look like a drag queen, and why are drag queens obnoxious jokers?

Because women are the biggest clowns of all.