
Yes, dear friends, and what genius are we to recognize in the sociopathic dribble that falls from Satyr’s mouth like rabies infested froth. He clearly wants us to recognize it as is indicated in such self-referencing statements as:


Or this clear reference to his own frustration:

Now my use of the term “genius” was a little frivolous since I tend to think the term is best left to historians. To me, to call someone a genius who is alive only means that they have done something that happens to have blown one away. Satyr clearly thinks differently. He thinks it is something that must be recognized by a select few –a few I assume to be like him. Once again:

So how does this work? There are a few elite like Satyr who recognizes such a quality even if it doesn’t last in popularity? So basically the genius of Nietzsche only exists because elites like Satyr recognized it and not because everyone who has read philosophy has generally read Nietzsche? I mean how does he separate the notion of genius from the fact that people generally recognize it? All this sounds like to me is a fallback for when he dies unrecognized like the rest of us mediocre apes.

On the other hand, Satyr clearly knows all the cues. You approach him and act like you understand him and he will rip you down and exclaim “you don’t know shit about me!” And of course you don’t. This is because Satyr resorts to a strategy of elusiveness for the sake of elusiveness with no content-based justification for doing so. He’s little like the point in Thus Spake Zarathrusta about poets who will muddy shallow pools and act as if it is depth. In fact, I would argue that between the above, Wittgenstein’s nastiness, Diogenes condemnation of society, and Nietzsche’s self imposed isolation, Satyr has pretty much latched on to every philosophical cliché he’s found. It’s no wonder he’s also latched onto a philosophical criteria of “if it snarls, it must be meaningful.” This is why he would make such a nonsensical statement as this little gem:

What past is he talking about? The one of Dickens? Rousseau? Mills? Van Gogh? Williams? Wordsworth? Marx? Whitman? Steinbeck? And how did our culture progress without progressives? According to Satyr, we should have stopped some time ago. Or maybe these people don’t count because they don’t to the “elite” like Satyr. And what uncompassionate bastards brought us to the point we are now? Spencer?

And, of course, Satyr wants to believe “genius” is something more than accidental. He wants to believe it is merely a matter of exerting one’s will. What else could he think he’s doing when he uses such heavy-handed tactics as referring to me as “Moron” or “retard” or “boy”. He acts as if the shear forcefulness (or willfulness) of the terms would somehow feel like a club over my head. But, ultimately, all it feels like is overcompensation: an attempt to gloss over the failures, pretentions, and weaknesses of his arguments through force and momentum.

And this, dear friends, is what an authoritarian ape is all about. He is afraid that others will have made up their own minds about what “genius” or beauty is. And he clearly doesn’t want us to be part of it. That would make it less than esoteric knowledge and undermine his own fanciful bid to superiority. One can almost imagine him sitting in front of his keyboard snorting and grunting approvingly at what he has managed to produce from his mostly primal mind.

This will get them, he must snarl while drooling on himself, then break into a victorious “Hah!”

The irony (and self defeating aspect) of it is that he doesn’t want us to get it. If we did, we would be his equal. And that just wouldn’t do; now would it?

Oh! And Satyr:

Call me “moron”, “retard”, or “boy”, and color it anyway you like.

But before this is over and done with: you will be my bitch.

And I will color it black against the cream of this background.

Merry Christmas, my friend…

d63, he says that to everyone to make them feel small - a clever tactic, huh? :unamused:

People still take that guy seriously?

Not to mention: incredibly heavy handed.

Actually, the above was from a throwdown me and Satyr had on KTS. I have to admit, that I felt a little apprehensive going in to it becaue I’m generally not very light on my feet -I generally need time to think about things before I respond. What I found out, though, was that he’s not very light on his either. He starts out alright; then quickly runs out of material and resorts to the kind of heavy-handed tactics we’re familiar with. And he’s nowhere near as clever as he seems to think to begin with.

That said, I should explain that the reason I established this string was for works in progress. It serves several purposes. For one, it allows me to satisfy this sometimes overwhelming need to post when I should be holding back. It acts a s a kind of catylyst. For another, it allows me to develop things a they would look as posted. I’m not sure why it seems important; but for some reason it is. I suppose it has something to do with the same reason I someties have to print things out to get a clear look at them. Lastly, it allows the comments of others to be a part of that process, which is always helpful.

I don’t know why you care.

I doubt that very many would challenge the fact that Satyr is extremely intelligent. It is sad that his intelligence led him into alienation and the singular view that only he and those who agree with him can ever be “correct” in their thinking. Even more sad, is the wall of put-downs thrown about to protect his my-way-or-the-highway vision of what is. All methods of inquiry bring useful insights, but none are perfect - and his refusal to accept that is the hole he has dug for himself. It’s truly sad. He is a proud but lonely person, but if it works for him, what the hell.

I have seen this type of thing happen to many people. It doesn’t always happen the same way.

There are a few common points to the phenomenon.

#1 A strong desire for what appears to be positive change.
#2 Frustration with the system.
#3 Social withdrawl.
#4 An extreme focus on doing only what you are best at doing. (leading to imbalanced development but impressive tricks)
#5 A feeling of inequality among people.

And well, I’ll stop at 5. Those are just some points. I’m not a professional.

Good observations, Dan.

I don’t want to make any assumptions about you; but for myself, I can’t help but take some interest in the phenomenom you are describing. You really have to wonder what makes these people tick -especially since it seems to be a socio-cyber phenomenom that has been with the message boards at least since I’ve been coming on them. The thing is, one could write it off as just another form of cyber-bullying; but there is something different about it in that it involves otherwise intelligent people with agendas.

My sense of them (even though I wouldn’t add this more folksy observation to your list given its scientific/psychological ambition and sincerity) is that they’re intellect abundant while being wisdom deficient.

You’re right, phyllo, to the extent that it was a kind of temporary madness or obsession I got caught up in -from ego most likely. But it was silly of me to think there was any point in it.

Really? Does no one ever think about what he calls himself? You all type his name , you see it, if you just recall your mythological education you might get a bit of understanding. Buu duuh… Think about the names you see on the forums some are just names, many are personalities, desires, wannabes, warnings.

I also have to wonder if his username isn’t also a reference to satire. You have to wonder if isn’t some joke or parody he is playing on us all -like Colbert or something.

It strikes me that there might be something wrong with your obsession with him. I haven’t thought about it, and don’t care to—but look into that, if you will.

Now you are catching on , go back and look at his posts. Many people use things in their usernames to signify what is going on in their head and how they will aproach a subject. Now the question is why is anyone taking offense or surprised or taking it seriously when the offending person’s name practically spells out the intent? Is it not the fault of the other person if they are not paying attention?

It would have to be of some legitimate interest to me first, Mo.

If I may, perhaps it is a mix of how seriously you take what you write (a sign of someone trying to make something good, specially since you usually retain what Nietzsche would call a philosophical sense of humor) and an almost utter lack of control over your emotions (again, if I may, alcohol makes emotions even stronger). Sprinkled with the fact that this bozo you were fighting has managed to convince people (including you probably) that he is intelligent.

Is he intelligent?

Anyone can read a simple-minded critique of Nietzsche and develop an imitation of the interpreted style.

You seem somewhat smarter, and what Mo would probably say to you where he willing to give this thought is that you should learn to master your emotions, at least enough to look them in the face (when they come up, not after when you think back on them).

2 cents from a lover of getting drunk and taking other emotional steroids.

Satyr doesn’t want to and or can’t respond at the moment, give the guy a break when he does get back to us, we’ll all be enjoying his pony ride. It’s free. And there’s always trajicomic in the mean time, just paraphrasing Stayr and pretending he isn’t. Thank God for seriously good entertainment. :smiley:

You’re giving Trajicomic a bit too much credit there. He doesn’t have anything on Satyr.

More content, less flaming, more sense of humor…

Satyr: “You fucking idiots are bitches and idiots and you don’t know anything about me. Shit-asses! You think you can understand the might of a guy that identifies with a 2-dimensional hollywood stereotype!!!” “But Satyr, noone gives a shit about you…” “Yeah, that is because you are fucking idiot bitches shit-asses!”

Trajicomic: “Remember all the controversial, politically incorrect themes you have learnt (Pezer’s note: been taught…?) to hate most? I’m gonna turn them up to 11 and use them to sneak some updated Nietzschean themes past you. Also, I’m going to include all the things that Nietzscheans have learnt (Pezer’s note: been taught…?) to hate just to see what I manage to sneak past them. In the end, I am going to sprinkle all of this with enough unearned arrogance and with-me-or-against-me-ism to insure that, even if you notice what I am doing, you will dislike me. I will do all of this without dishing out insults that haven’t been thought through and custom-fitted for maximum annoyance and mod-tolerance compliance.”

Me personally, I hate trajicomic for his shitty balance of Nietzsche’s four values. And his use of those annoying christian (thus Nietzschean-repelling) themes.

Satyr I don’t even hate, I just feel like y’all feed his ego just because you feel superior when you side-step his (clumsy) insults and, so, like having him around. It’s this kind of self-satisfaction that helps bring down the posting quality on this site.

Trajicomic I could do without, but (and I do dislike saying this, believe me) I do think he is providing a service on this site… Or maybe would be if he weren’t also stuck in the self-satisfaction loop that internet trolling begets. Or maybe I have the guy all wrong and he really IS a christian, in which case y’all should ban the fucker for religious spamming (as opposed to theology).