Monist, Dualist, or Pluralist...

Are you a Monist, Dualist, or Pluralist?

  • Monist
  • Dualist
  • Pluralist
0 voters

Are you a Monist, Dualist, or Pluralist? :sunglasses:

Could you give us three definitions of the meanings in this thread?

I didn’t really want to. I thought I’d keep it simple.

I’m talking about Monism vs. Cartesian Dualism. Mind-Body, etc.

The mind-body problem is CREATED out of the mistaken idea that is dualism (or pluralism). I really should have left pluralism out of that because we are asking what the universe if made of. If one was to say many substances (pluralism) this is incorrect, as they are all substances. I suppose dualism could be defeated in much the same matter.

Obviously I am a monist. I always have been, I just didn’t know it till recent years. It is one of those things that is so absolutely clear to me. And to suppose that there are things outside our universe or non-matter ‘stuff’ is a departure from reason and logic. It creates a host of problems such as the mind-body etc.