Is there a war going on that we don’t even realise? Is the prize nothing less that total world domination? Do you even have a voice and/or is it being manipulated?

What is the collective thinking that enslaves us, give up your rights for better security? Let me own you and i will keep you safe?

Please decide for yourself with the infomation you have. What do you have? Bits? Here is another bit.


All I can say is I don’t know.

Who knows besides the ones who know? Why is it that the thing to do is be on one side or the other. People don’t know shit, they only have opinions. Opinions seem to turn into ‘facts’ pretty easy now-adays.

That’s the problem- Too many people think they are right on issues they have no idea about. They pick a side early on and stick to it no matter what. People are retards. They need to realize they don’t know jack and start to apply critical thinking, or researching the shit before they open their mouths.

International centralization.

Giving power and personal rights over to a stranger does not increase security, or safety, in general, it reduces it, instead. They politically call it “natonal security”, but that only means a small group of men want on secure control over a large nation, somehow stopping self-determination moreso on individual scale.

I thought infowars stuff was from Alex Jones, whom probably is a theatric innaccurate person. What’s the linked video above like? I’ve seen some of his stuff already, in the passed.

Hi murex
I think you’re on the right track
I can only play detective and not be a stranger to history.
Hitler, once in power quickly established himself as dictator. Thousands of anti-Nazis were hauled off to concentration camps and all signs of dissent suppressed. An Enabling Act passed by a subservient legislature allowed him to Nazify the bureaucracy and the judiciaries, replace all labor unions with one Nazi controlled German Labor Front, and ban all political parties except his own. The economy, media, and all cultural activities were brought under Nazi control by making an individual’s livelihood dependent on his or her political loyalty.

Hi Dan
That’s my opinion on what it’s all about, international centralization, spot on. It is the bigger issue, the top issue on their agenda; other issues may appear separate but as any detective worth his salt knows; follow the money.
I would not willingly give my personal rights over to a stranger, but I would join a group of people with whom I have a regular face to face personal relationship and with this group act collectively to form a political individual. Now if we all formed these individuals in our communities, they could write a new world constitution for all to obey rather than obey yet another Hitler.

So what would be the first rule of this new world constitution?
Any suggestions?

Man’s insanity has lead him to war with all of reality in his desire to make the cosmos moral and ideal within his constructed values.

It is a pyrrhic delusional victory everyday amongst men and it is a war that will never be won.

The New World Order isn’t in effect, and if it ever was. The U.S. would be leading it.

The US would not lead anything, international centralisation has no allegiance to any country, it wants one world to control, one wealth, one source of information. It has, and always will be only about money.

The New World Order isn’t in effect, and if it ever was the monopoly would be leading it not the US.

Somebody would have to be leading it. The U.S. is the most qualified and well equipped. The U.S. would be the monopoly.

That’s one way to look at it but here is another.
There is no such thing as a forest, it is an abstract, there are only trees.
There is no such thing as the US, it is an abstract, there are only people.

Everything has a money value and they own everything, oil, drugs, media, mining, transport ECT just in case they were to lose this ability to print money and charge interest.
If America stopped playing their game they would offer the next world power the wealth they have. But it is all BS, money buys everything, the wealth is in the creation of money from nothing. They care not if all their wealth is taken from them so long as they can still print the money, for the next day they can buy it all back.

The only industry that matters is usury, outlaw this and make money our servant instead of our master. Money does not have to be born of debt, it could have real value by representing goods and services, but it doesn’t.
Whoever controls the money controls the world and it won’t be an abstract, it will be a person.
