Males needed

Has anyone heard about that supposed fact, that after wars and powerful conflagrations, more men are born instead of women, to supply for the ones that have died in battle ? I’ve heard people that use this as evidence for some mystical spirit of the world. Does anyone know if it’s true, or whether there might be an explanation to it ?

Perhaps a spike in testosterone levels?

Yea, that is an old one. I have heard of it but, never saw any evidence proving it. There might be accurate numbers somewhere.

I think I will wait to get my deep curiosity up until I see some verifiable reports.

I think though it is a built in species survival tactic if it is true.
It is probably more closely related to pheramones, hormones and a lot of concentrated thought rather than spirit.

It is interesting.

A parallel is probably John Lovelock’s argument about the “thinking” atmosphere. Why does it maintain a homeostasis of the like temparature and margin of oxygen. Too much oxygen and the atmosphere burns up. Too little and we can’t breathe. It happens regardless of how many forests we take . . . for now. Arguments include that the lack of one simply causes automatic triggers which raise it again. There’s an almost intuitive process, but no direct “thinking” is involved. Gender ratios could relate to atmosphere.

Oddly enough though, breeders find very little use for a lot of males. Historically we don’t kill off our men domestically like we do our women. We rarely end up with a lopsided male-to-female casualty in war. I would think nature struggles to keep women up more than men. Mind you, I haven’t really done the research. I could be full of crap.