A sandwich for your mind

If a tree falls in the forest and there actually [size=134]is[/size] someone there to hear it, but the falling tree lands in a pile of wet leaves and so creates no sound . . . Does that person hear nothing, or do they hear an unusual lack of sound?

What does a lack of sound sound like?

Does it sound the same as silence?

If it does sound the same as silence then where do the gravity molecules go ???

gravity molecules go to the nonsubstantial molecule conventions and hang out in the ether…


You fool.

The gravity molecules were a red-herring . . . My hypothesis has been substantiated.

This happened once when I was in a forest. I heard simon and garfunkel’s “sound of silence”.
My question is, if a fat girl falls in the woods, do the trees laugh?

right… don’t forget your towel…


It sounds like silence yes. Lack of sound sounds like no sound, no sound is silence.

And where do the gravity molecules go? The same place they came from: alcohol induced hallucinations. I thought that Descarted had a more enjoyable description of the molecules anyways.

What if the tree falls on me and kills me instantly, and I am the only one in the forrest that would have heard it, but since I died before it actually hit the ground to make the noise…? :smiley: