Should the UN Tax Australian Music Downloads?

I propose a A$5.00 tax on all Australian Music Downloads, administered directly by the UN, to balance income inequality between Australia and Indonesia.

Many people will put forth many cons to this idea, such as that is absurd… I reply, all taxation is absurd in and of itself, it is only legitimize through need, and certainly Infonesia is the little guy in this fight, and someome needs to look after them, for it is the compassionate thimg to do.

Guess which picture is Indonesia, and which is Australia? The income inequality is staggering. Marxism teaches us to hate anyone with wealth, as they could only have gotten it from stealing from the poor. This is, furthermore, evidence of globalization and capitalism and such things. Basically, Fuck Australia, Indonesia is the victims here.

I’m not asking for Australians to give up all their ill-gotten wealth, merely a humane redistribution of it, in the name of fairness, to rebalance income imequality. It will be completely voluntary, and will only target needless lucuries of the right, music downloads.

Lets say your favorite Artist is selling a album for $10, and it has 12 songs. That download would only cost A$70 dollars to download, and while it may sound steep, that is only because your used to having it sold so low.In a truely progressive, socialist nation, it should be even higher.

Furthermore, people may say the UN doesn’t have the capacity to tax or collect. This simply isn’t the case, laws can be changed, and Australia isn’t on the UN security council, and the English are too worried with Brexit to worry about a timy country on the exact opposite side of the country, and Americans will think doing this will be hillarious. Very little is standing in the way outside of charter laws, and this can be changed overnight.

Furthermore, Indonesia has a large but underfunded military. With logistic and transport support, UN member states can easily deliver the Indonesian Army to collect on debt owed to it by. The A$5 fees can not only alliviate poverty in Indonesia, but also allow the Indonisian Military to get on a equal, if not better footing to the Australians, and equality is always good.

Now you may ask, how big is the Australian music industry, can it single handily support Indonesia? Well, this is hard to say, given nobody outside of Australia has ever heard Australian music before, but lets say for a moment it can’t… what do we do? Simple solution, Tax Australians in other areas in life too.

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