Defensive Drum Magick


African Burundi Drum Music

Africans have better taste in aesthetics culture and clothing than American Black Negroes.

Say what you want about the “boom da ba boom da bababa booms” but I can listen to that music all day without feeling like I’m in hell or purgatory. You turn on the rap music all day, I’m in hell or purgatory.

Gotta love African drumming. I am surprised it hasn’t really been used much, at least that I’ve noticed.


'Tis awesome that’s why sharing is caring. Also useful for psychic self-defense if need be.

Explain to me this psychic self-defense thing.

You simply tap your power resources (What energizes you Trixie?) and direct that energy with your will to do your bidding. Drums center me focusing my will to repel intrusive forces. Some recognize the more that exists, most do not.

Some people are difficult though and just want to interfere with my bidding.

And no I’m not taking about anyone of these forums.