I hate Fleetwood Mac.

I hate it, its just a woman singing about her vaginal period. I hate it because I hate women. I hate it because it’s Satanic also. Their song, Gypsy, runs at 4:23 seconds. 3-423=420. 420+3 (3 is the sacred number) = 720, the divine vagina of Mary. 720=Xbox 360*2. Bill Gates=the founder of Microsoft and Xbox, who donates to Monsanto, =Illuminati and Satan, 666. Fleetwood Mac was founded in 1967. 7-1=6. 696= 969 upside down, so if you continually flip it upside down it is also 666 and 888, carn evil.

The drum beats of the song sound like Raptor Call of the Shadows music, which is a game where you blow things up with a plane, therefore it is part of the Illuminati.

Whenever I hear Fleetwood Mac it makes me angry and reminds me of how much I hate women. Basically, i dont like to listen to women singing in music because I hate women, there are a couple of songs I make exception to but for the most part I don’t. I especially hate when she sings about love and lesbians, because I hate love, and I also hate lesbians.

I especially hate the music MTV entertainment industry because it caters to the lower caste. But more than that I hate it’s idiocy all around. For example Madonna is a Satan worshipper, but that’s not the worst part about it. She (like most evil women) moves her body like a snake, a serpent, a wyrm, which makes you want to have sex with her. Yet, you cannot actually have sex with her.

We have a society litterally built on making you want to have sex with women you are never going to have sex with, and that is why it is idiocy.

I believe there should be a trigger warning before all Fleetwood Mac songs, because it is a trigger for me and gives me bad memories of when I was socially ostracized (especially by women). Also, there should be a trigger warning for the trigger warning, because the trigger warning itself makes me think of all the things that could trigger me, and therefore triggers me. Therefore, there should be an infinite amount of trigger warnings to prevent this.

Trixie out.

Thunder only happens when it’s raining, trixie.

Such lines are meant to appeal to the base masses, not higher minds. It is meant to appeal to peasants and serfs, nothing more.

Wait a minute baby
Stay with me awhile
Said you’d give me light
But you never told me about the fiii-ya?

Come on man. That’s lame. Everybody likes Fleetwood Mac a little bit.

Hmm. Is that more or less In the manner in which the Dude hates the Eagles?

Actually, I do like some of the songs from Fleetwood Mac. For example: youtu.be/B9cNu2ZMaBg

And some of the songs from the Eagles. For example: youtu.be/Hdx6oyBOVj0

Hell, I still get shivers when they reach this part:

[b]…they call it paradise/I don’t know why/you call someplace paradise/kiss it goodbye…[/b]

But then, unlike you, I’m not God.

Only back when I was a satan-worshipping, moon-dancin teenager. Those days are no more.

Hmm. Both songs are slow and melancholic. Some existential diagnostics would probably reveal some correlations between this fact and your nihilism/pessimism.

Tell me, do you like the eagle’s song where they go "therrrrrrrrrre are staaaaaaaaaars…in tha suuuuuuuthern sky, etc., etc.

Answer honestly.

I ain’t no stinkin’ nihilist. I will listen to the faggotry and get back to you.

That post was to iambiguous… The person who posted the post with the two songs I was referring to, in it. Thought that was obvious and could be inferred upon reading my post. Apparently not.

the Song is Seven Bridges Road and it reminded me of rednecks, nascar, and campfires. Now I don’t actually watch nascar except for the final laps because it is boring, but I like the actual atmosphere of nascar so if a song has the nascar vibe it is usually good. Now i am not a redneck, but i like a good campfire every now and then.

The chord was very headache inducing but this made it soothing, because it caused you to lose focus and massage your mind further. Music is massaging your mind. That being said, the chord was very headache inducing if exposed to for long periods, but if not too long periods, it is soothing, because it causes your mind to turn the other cheek and submit to the music.

Too late.

Excellent. I can’t stand the song either.

[high five]