Super Internet Bros.

Super Internet Bros is a Smash Bros parody featuring famous internet trolls and characters.

Okay so I was thinking for the multiman melee we replace the holograms with hipsters.
For those of you who have never played Smash Bros before, watch this video, but imagine all of those holograms he is beating up are hipsters.

Imagine the announcer saying “MAGNUS ANDERSON” in the Smash Bros style voice. Imagine the crowd yelling “MAGNUS!!! MAGNUS!!!” Do you see how cool this will be? Also we shoould have the Unreal Tournament announcer as well, saying “multikill”. Also the Quake guy who says “Quad Damage.”

Magnus will replace Roy, Arbiter will replace Marth. Satyr replaces Ganondorf’s model. I think the final boss should be “The Master Hitler.” He is a mecha hitler that shoots lasers out of his quadraped. The lasers censor the internet.

Anita Sarkesian should be a playable character, as well as Fedelasse. There is a map called 4chan with falling dildos in the background.

Trixie’s function is the same as Lucario, but has some of Pikachus lightning attacks. Mr. Reasonable is snorlax, and James S. Saint replaces Falco. Zoot is Solid Snake and Lys is princess Zelda. Arcturus is Princess Peach and Ecmandu is Link because he has trouble hooking up with girls. Diebert is a walking bird equivalent to Bowser. Erik is not modeled after any Smash Characters but resembles the movements of an arcade fighter, slow walking and the ability to crouch and still slash with a sword.

Ideas for levels and character nominees are welcome.