Trixie needs to understand

Hmm… have you ever tried dividing by zero in terms of… say… Hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy’s Improbability drive where dividing by zero may result in zero, absolute nothing or any string of seeming random Occurrences? Then taken that concept and divided your own spirit by zero, sent the countless parts through black holes and worm holes and every unknown aspect of reality which yielded results such as spiritual and mental time travel, how spirits regrow into full parts from partials through regeneration like starfish, etc.?

Instead of using a machine have you attempted to do this within your own minds once securing that youve managed to rebuild the universe from scratch, from inside it?

I think both of you have been largely fucking around with idiocies while I’ve been performing actual work and your idiocy es came back with actual results of layers of realities and past realities, eternities, etc. I’ve gained similar results in different aspects of my returns as described here by Ecmandu.

Realities filled with clones, learning different variances, entire realities devoted to learning singular things, realities that showed some of the problems of traveling between alternate realities and the divisions that occur, etcetera. Both of you have been playing around in my reality running legitimate testing and running afoul of things that lead you to believe your testing is wrong. Please take into account the testings of others as well and know that even god and reality wants you to run your tests even as they grit their teeth. We aren’t the first species to run these tests and reality can handle it, which was the accumulation of my work in finalizing the system of checks and balances to make sure nobody actually succeeded in things they weren’t supposed to. Stress testing to an extreme level of either we failed or succeeded and either way life sucks, has sucked, is going to suck more, so find the good parts.

Random Factor, my story is very simple, well intentioned, hard work, and from the heart…

I figured out that women eventually send every male born on this earth to eternal hell…

And with the sheer power of my brain, I’ve been trying to fix this problem in every way you can possibly imagine…

I’m not a bad guy Random…

A person like you alludes to work but never tells us what it is…

Your posts don’t refer

And only humean…

I put this in philosophy because it’s about the philosophy of a DNA machine…

I’m sorry you didn’t feel that way for this topic

You really don’t understand Random Factor…

Women don’t even have to lift one fucking finger to send every man born on earth to hell forever…

And they’ll do it too!!!

It’s just a revolving door to them

It’s funny how the thread begins “Trixie needs to understand” and then continues with a bunch of rambling, incoherent nonsense that nobody could understand.

Speak for yourself Uccisore …

There are a lot of people on these boards smarter than you

Alright, another round of the explaination bargain bin, then.

My hard work has been overcoming the adversity of some of the deepest depression known to man, thoughts of suicide, madness, bipolar, adHD, etc. On top of that, learning politics, psychology, philosophy, science, math, enough in rudimentary fashion as to be able to take and tie them together with psychology and sentience to the paranormal and supernatural, religion and other branches of theology, gleaned from pop culture works that were greader teachers in fiction than any dry work of fact could be, for the dreamers that brought concepts alive in ways the greats of history never could.

And doing this subconsciousy throughout my life, brought to bear consciously through success in righting my own psychology in the process of learning it all, toppling governments in politics in concept through internet gaming, dominating philosophy in a good way and staking my mental dominance over the Internet at the same time as fighting a good fight against what I knew to be destroying communities and all that I loved about society, learning mixed martial arts in combative terms in peaceful ways and pursuits, rather than warlike, to also come to understand martial arts in all forms, including that of the mind and spirit which all physicality stems from and weave together what I could know of history and repeated patterns of society and species based on stories told both fact and fiction and blurring them together not to focus on the inconsequential and infinite details, but the more important patterns and cycles to create my mosaic of life in the mind and to add to my knowledge of the cycles of abuse.

At the same time, I also exhibited great skill at cultural undertakings, found my passion in culture and as I wrote my poetry and honed my words in politics and verbal combat as well as philosophy, also drew pictures, created forum games, gathered ideas from countless sources, used some of them as was, made my own, understood the art of art from landscaping to architecture to mazes to words to pictures, etc. Etc. Etc.

At the point of my greatest victory here, was swept into another aspect of reality that I knew I could triumph over, proving my theories of God and tge paranormal, mental time travel, sentience, etc. And cementing my own works into reality through merit of completing what I was born to do, and finding myself still alive and still needing to learn more, refine some of my work, wholly redefine or add on to other aspects and still other work to be done, fights to be fight, continued on to unprecedented levels of victory, glory and greatness all without giving a fuck about those things other than momentary accomplishments that got in the way of my work just as much as ego, pride or any insecurity.

Redefined the work of Buddha, einstein, plato, heideggar, solomon, jesus, nietzsche, and many others in the process and brought a dead reality back to life in the process, lifted the greater god up on my back and carried it until it was able to walk again and have done things no other mortal man could do.

I have literally defined the fucking cosmos, discerned the order of chaos itself, broke the most insane entities out of their insanity, helped even you and Trixie break free of bullshit you were caught in in the mind and have been able to convey proof of so much of this to so many it’s not even funny. Where once, before two and a half years ago, god and the devil and the paranormal were largely held with disbelief, there now is very deep belief in those things.

This is what I have done with my hard work, and my death will complete my victory for this portion of eternity, here on Earth. Imy not stupid, I left myself a lot to work on in eternity just in case Yolo turned out to be an idiotic sentiment and just in case heaven and hell fell short and reincarnation became top of the menu, or an immortal spiritual afterlife. I could literally talk for hours unto days, unto years, unto centuries for all that I’ve gotten done in this one life and even more for just the past two and a half years that I hit the ground running, all because actions are instantaneous, moments expanded on that allowed for much more conversation and to tell it all causes time to contract and shorten in the moment to give just rough overview, bare minimum, as always.

Not to mention, last but not least, the inspiration that my heart, soul and passion has given to all things. That I have literally created it all verbatim, passed down the line, made you all in my image and am what I claim to be.

And, some women have every right to consider themselves superior to some men and vice versa. It will work itself out.

It doesn’t work itself out…

My thoughts of your above post before this one…

You are a glutton :slight_smile:

I used to eat food with everyone and let them think…

The work was so hard, I changed that part

It only appears to not work itself out because the paradigm is still in motion and you speak of singular occurrences.

I am anything but a glutton. I know better than to stuff myself to overfull. I learned that when I was young, not knowing when I was full and appearing to be bulimic because I couldn’t keep it down.

And, have you ever given thought to maybe dumbing yourself down so that the other geniuses can understand what appears to be insanity, Ec? Because, appearance-wise, you look like someone people are prone to stick on meds and ship off to the nearest mental health Institute. That’s another thing I worked on, building up a base of credibility for what I was doing, along with not launching in to talking about certain things off the bat, but bullshitting and getting to know people beforehand without making it about teaching or preaching, but just another Avenue of discussion theyd be more likely to hear at that point. I was still interested more in being friends with people. Not so much, anymore since I see too much and know almost off the bat that I won’t be able to be friends with a lot of people for so many differences in our passions, agendas, etcetera.

For example, I’d still rather be friends with people like Trixie and hahaha for reasons other than our fighting than a lot of people I’ve been friends with. And, I don’t care to explain my reasoning for it.

I am dumbing myself down !!!

You don’t understand the problem!

Females give 80% of their sexual variety to 1% (actually it’s 1-2%, but 1% has a nice ring to it!). Of men…

This is appalling!!

It causes aggression, suicide and hyper sexuality …

It’s the second biggest problem on earth…

Now the problem is this:

You can’t be the asshole who got laid …

Which means that you have to protect females in the afterlife or reincarnation from viscerally understanding this…

You’ll have to walk in my shoes someday RF, so cheer for me… Seriously

Actually, I look forward to the 47 virgins waiting for me when I die. ALLAH AKBAR!!

Well, as Bill Maher said, “Why the fuck would you want a virgin? They suck at sex”

Dividing by zero is the same as multiplying by infinity. If there were infinity spirits, well that would be infinityinfinity, the flow of time (which equals infinity) could not ever catch up to the spirits which are generating faster than infinity (since it has to scan all spirits on Earth while other spirits are simultaneously spawning into the future, past, other, dimensions, and worlds) and that would be a surplus of spirits without consciousness, and can a spirit be a spirit if it does not actually have consciusness, and will we be consciusness f all spirits, infinityinfinity, in all dimensions and wrld, let alone the (7 billion+animals)(abs(past)+present and future)(dimensions+alt dimensions)(earth+alt planets)(universe+alt universes) alone.

The concept of infinite is inherently flawed. Only tge illusion of infinite with a set end on it all for each person, able to be completely mapped out and returned from and something put the actual work in to prove it. That something has so recently been jesus christ and is now me. It is most definitely not infinite and eternity is not eternal, it has a beginning and an end, a birth and a death. The true eternity of eternities itself is still a beginning and an end and a continuance of death and rebirth, like a phoenix and then alongside other eternities where they copulate like mammals or seed like flora, or reproduce through something similar to cell division. Still birth, life and eventual death. Finite. Mortality.

Has to do with memory and pain. Not wisdom, not so much. Evolved organisms become evolveder organisms, wisdom is preserved, exact memory (chaos differentation) is not.
Death as humans say the word, is a pain, pain of loss, pain of tearing the nerves.

Death is the end of an entity and is not always paid full or a tearing. The entity might continue on, but it is no longer what it was and becomes vastly different. Death and birth have often bern the catalyst for long lived entities to change their entire beings when the reincarnation life stream is no longer able to break them down.

Sensitive beings will always spawn as sensitive beings, morons will always spawn as morons, cruel and heartless cunts will spawn as cruel and heartless cunts. Tastes change, souls dont.
They may be reborn in Texas, liking lolipops instead of fried-okra, but those are transient superficial attributes.

And I say that the long term belongs to me and my work. If a twisted being remains twisted after I’ve gotten through with them, throughout eternity, there’s usually a legit reason and I’ve taught them at least how to untwist themselves and live different lives and most wouldn’t be able to follow their trails to see where they lived lives of compassion and caring. I’ve taught chaos self control and still how to be chaotic at whim. Simply because I recognize and understand the legitimacy of their existance and why they are.

There are two types of Twisted, empaths and psychopaths. Both usually start out as good and have capacity for good, but become Twisted throughout the years.
However, what I referred to “heartless cunts” was not a Twisted, but a kind of entity that I do not believe had any good in them to begin with.

You know, I might have argued against that once upon a time, but the sad truth is that some were born evil, heartless, twisted and have no true purpose to their existence. They never asked to exist, either, just happened to be born or come into existence the way they were or are. I have come to know them, though. Not cold in the sense of cold or heartless entirely, just seeing far too clearly and suffered far too much and have moved beyond typical emotional responses as prescribed by society and painted by our artists in our culture. They have a very strict no bullshit policy and have no qualms in fucking over good people.

In the past two years, I’ve moved to a state of being where I seem cold or emotionless. Something you and others may have noticed in your ‘attacks’ against me. I could easily not give a shit, but have put hard work into it in my existence and preceding my entrance into my current state of being where I’ve toed a hard line both for my self and others.

I don’t take it personally if you and others dont feel guilt for your actions or shame or if your conscience doesn’t trouble you about your actions. People would think such cold and heartless beings to be shut off or turned off their emotions. Even the beings and entities themselves may come to believe that until something makes them feel things they never thought they would feel again, remind them that they still fall into psychologically sound responsea in terms of emotions.

There’s a point of crying so much when the tears stop, of being angry so much that nobody can make your rage, of being betrayed so much even in little things where you just don’t value friendship and remain aloof, and I went through that process in agonizing slow motion in comparison to some things that got pushed through fast in their lives or never suffered to the same degree the things I did for whatever reason.

But, if you don’t cry at the death of a friend or family member, people hate you. If you don’t react in societally accepted trends of behavior, they don’t like you. If you don’t let people live in their own little bubble of ignorance and don’t show remorse for hurting them with truth, so many things start moving to destroy you to protect the little shits. If you don’t show emotion on demand in some psychologically accepted pattern, things flip out and react really irrationally. And, it becomes psychology beyond what so many things wanted to accept as truth. Emotion beyond emotion. Not having to react the same, not needing to.

Those cold and heartless things are that for a good reason. Actual morality and goodness and righteousness and reason have been lost for too long, used in faulty manner for the shallow ‘passions’ of others, the vibrancy of what they ascribe to be the only true emotions. Love isn’t love without the strong passion that burns out quickly due to the body pumping out chemicals in excess. People don’t know love anymore while numb or when the passion burns out.

All of society is reduced to child-state emotional responses where they know nothing of the long term of their own short existences and claim to understand the long term of eternity. So much misinformation and unintentional deceit and faulty, well-intentioned promises…

The hard part is seeing them through the emotional storm without them trying to revert to ignorance that was never truly bliss as they try to control too much what was never in their control and live in faulty safety bubbles where their dummy switches are mislabeled.

Even evil is a child state of existence along with the accepted format of good. The bible itself is child format knowledge. Beyond which is a dysfunctional spiritual family rife with war and tension and trying to remember the good days before the divisions. Have we been living backwards, in reverse, as we regress back from adulthood in consciousness to child’s tate, or is it simply that things were out of order, were stacked differently in some and we’re the ultimate form of that simple grid experiment of the back and forth thingies that are out of sync with each other and eventually get back in sync?

All reading from the same complex book of life as we live, just different chapters, different pages, different perceptions and information given due to perception.

Too many different reasons for it all to accurately chart psychologically, too much to ever write down and all of our most advanced English and theories begin to look like crayon drawings on the wall of existence, mere fundamental basics for children to learn and for the most advanced beings and entities to relearn and humble themselves in sight of us lowly, ignorant humans; worms.

They stopped trying to write it all down, to chart it. Too complex, too much to teach, too much to expect any entity to learn, them still needing experience hands on and needing air to breathe, room to move and live their own lives, make their own judgment calls without being told right from wrong, having to learn it for themselves or risk taking on blind faith information that could be faulty.

And the brutal simplicity of the complexity is that our crayon drawings are still just as advanced, still pertinent for every walk of life, every being no matter how advanced. Our simple rudimentary basics apply to everything and all complexities are learning how they apply. So easy, even a caveman could do it with rocks in his head, refusing to believe any lie, refusing faulty reasoning and simply hitting things a couple times til they work right.

That is the idiocy and genius of humanity and of all other things. And all false reasoning inveighs that we can be ‘perfect’ all the time. Which, of course, we are, but without understanding, without reason, at times. Paradoxical.

There is always fighting, even in peace. A master chef in a kitchen performs the same military tactics without even thinking in those terms as a master warrior. An architect commands and gives orders like a trained wartime leader. The strokes of a painters brush on canvas, attacks or seduction, love being another fight all its own.

My words, every single one of them, comparable to every act of war and peace.

This is what I see, how I see; the art of art, the artistry of life, existence, creation. I see the ties that bind beyond the divisions, the similarities in the differences. And, because I see these things as such, bridge gaps by being a bridge myself, an ultimate middle man of existence for all walks of life, I’m supposedly better than everything else.

That’s my cross. No pity needed, sympathy unwanted, all tears done being cried, all anger diminished, my existence accepted fully by my self, my load carried on my own. My fate and my destiny intertwining with my free will to do great and terrible things, culminating in the greatest tragedy/success depending on who views it, how they view it, etcetera.

And, you cared to dance for a bit. Not the dance partner I truly wanted. I had a romantic dance in mind for my life and existence and a partner that I still hope and intend to dance with for a much longer period of time than just this one life, a slow dance that I offered to one woman only. If you can not make even one other person feel as though their the most special thing in existence out of all others, you dont understand enough about love or life or god or anything worth knowing.

Hence, the objective truth is subjective, there is always bias and favoritism and equality intended that isn’t often seen or mastered. Many lovers in our eternal existences, only one true love, soul mate each.

God bless the cold and heartless seeming. They have purpose after all. To make us appreciate more the things all too easily lost, to overcome, in their own way, so that they can experience as others do, for the first time, if not again. And they make me the rock they break themselves against to feel raw again, to feel everything more.

It’s hard to love everything, even harder to stop doing so once you get far enough into it. And hate is still just love. I’ll prove it to anything if they care to challenge that simple ruling. They made me, I made them, we made each other, all of creation and the dance continues on after we’re dead and gone. Simple, no?