Any Home Remedies For Shitting A Gallon Of Apple Juice Out?

I made the horrible mistake of drinking a gallon of apple juice a little while ago, I was just going for a sip, but I was so thirsty and I didn’t pay attention, and now it is gone, and I keep getting the shits.

Any thoughts?

Prune juice. You just can’t beat prune juice.

Moderation moderation moderation… it’s all about moderation.

Too much of anything is not good for the body, or the mind… mix it up ba-by :wink:

Most things clog me up, hence my elevated estrogen levels and heavy menstrual cycle, so let’s hold hands around the candle and de-clog together.

Red neck remedy the fastest and most dramatic: Cherry Juice.

Heroin can make you constipated, so you should take a whole bunch of it to counter the apple juice.

From your personal experience, how much heroine do you usually inject up your ass to become constipated Smears?

None. I remain entirely full of shit. Just ask Joker.

My advice is to try to not do that again

I just did, but used Spiced Apple Cider instead. No shits.

I hope cider isn’t alcoholic, don’t want to have to join AA because I drink too much Apple Cider.

That’s around 380g of sugar. Sugar-wise, that’s like drinking a gallon of soda.

Sugar is the new ‘crack cocaine’. It’s very addictive too.

Just my opinion.

Only 248 grams. Just facted checked you like Hillary.