Is outer space opposed to all ideas and politics?

Can space-time oppose all possible ideas?

All possible ideas encompass space-time, politics, etc.

Knowledge = based on empirical and reasoned justifications.
Ideas = based on only reasoned justifications.

So gravity is an idea?

Ideas are internal mental conceptions of reality. They are not reality, but they refer to the real.
If the universe is infinite in space and/or in time then all ideas may be possible, but not likely.

I ask about gravity because of my perception that without American history, gravity wouldn’t be possible. The history of American culture and right-wing politics has created a history of gravity - is this correct?



Your question is whether a social phenomenon like politics is responsible for a material phenomenon like gravity.

A more appropriate question would be: are you retarded?

What is the link between human judgements and atomic activity?
Is it possible, that had all people in the US 100 years ago thought about the link between gravity and their behaviour, the 20th century wouldn’t have existed?

Judgements in the brain will have corresponding atomic behaviours, but they will be a completely different information set. The atomic layer has to be able to maintain and produce all varieties of info with respect to overt changes – values. Something akin to your computers internal processing and what you are doing with it. Which are worlds apart.

Gravity is empirically justified scientifically within the Scientific Framework and System.
The knowledge of gravity is Scientific Knowledge.

Does gravity create metaphors, because people need gravity to create art?