The Philosopher's Top 10 of..


  1. A poisonous plant or two

  2. Absinthe… or similar strength alcohol

  3. Homeopathic and/or natural remedies

  4. Trinkets… of bead or crystal or semi-precious stone

  5. Books… that others think are too weird to even be in existence

  6. A collection of… of whatever floats your collector’s boat baby

  7. A secret crush… on a peng ting

  8. Souvenirs from cool or crazy activities undertaken… think wristbands passes and paper invites

  9. Spiritual items… incense… cards and runes… candles… cymbals… anything meaningful

  10. A local… a local pub, cafe, or bar, where they know you well

3, 4,5,6, 8 and back in the day, 10

Top 10 Bird Lookings

  1. Three small birds drinking water on my balcony from last night’s rain

  2. A migrating flock-cluster shape-shifting in the sky

  3. Medium-small singing birds battling with small ones over territory on a tree

  4. Medium-small birds battling with medium-large ones over crumbs and bugs on de erf

  5. A satellite dish. The parikees. The parrots. The Guacamayas. All battling for the breeze. Suddenly, the Vultures swoop in. Little changes, but the Vultures now occupy the prime spot. The smaller birds gang up on the Guacamayas an bully them to a corner

  6. 10 or 20 very small morning singy birds discovering a wind-feedback loop between my building and the next, spending all morning doing summersaults and nosedives

  7. Two Eagles, flying by eachother in elegant shows and searches, blissfully ignorant of the world outside

  8. A Condor. Yelling.

  9. Fucking Chikens

  10. The horse-dinosaur known as the Ostrich.

That’s a lot of birdage going on there Pezerocles :open_mouth: Do you get to see any penguins or puffins Arctic way? I want one as a pet… either will do, but preferably the better behaved of the two. 8-[

Niiice… any plans to add no. 1 and 2 to the mix? I won’t press for 7 :stuck_out_tongue: lol.

I don’t do 10 much either these days… it’s more local shops and local supermarkets, rather than local pubs and local bars.

Does carnivorous plants count?? They are so beautiful. I have some naturally growing here.
Tried Absinthe, it did not like me at all and I have tried others, most hard liquor and their interesting others seem to give me physical issues,Gin is my friend as well as beer and light colored ales.
7… That has always been reserved for the certain gentlemen that were in Monty Python.

You forgot the little ducklings and their exquisitely beautiful fragile-like webbed feet as they move through a lake/river…
Have you ever observed them? Their little webbed feet are breathtaking to me.

Only if they’re poisonous?

That’s definitely a pass…

Any more… current… gentlemen to crush on?

Well, they kill somethings just like poison kills somethings,???,
Oh no no modern crushes, been around men too long for that, the mystery has flown out the window. Love my husband and that is more then enough :slight_smile: :wink: