Staring into infinity is scary

Staring into infinity is scary…

The only cure is to be in the moment

For me it is actually liberating.
Makes me understand the insignificance of my acts, doesn’t matter how important they may seem “in the moment”.

I see what you’re saying…

I see infinity as staring into the abyss…

A trillion years from now, you probably won’t even remember a single loved one…

And a trillion years after that…

None of the new ones…

And it goes on and on and on…

Like I said…

The abyss

An abyss, really? More like a lingering headache to me. An abyss would calm one to rest while knowing would keep one to task.

Ecmandu, horrible acid trip?

That’s perhaps because you are trying to visualise a myriad of things – chaos[like], and not an empty transparency?

well if they are also around all that time…?
How do you know you don’t have just one life and one afterlife? Can you remember another?
My experience of life is that when you move into or between circles of people, it is as if they’re a small crowd which is repeated endlessly. Lol I don’t know how else to say that. Point I was aiming at, is that you will only ever meet a finite amount of people. In an eternity you wont probably wont want to be away from loved ones too much, and will have a group of people and areas you like to go. That apart from off hand journeys into random places and people.

Really what such an eternity or heaven needs, is some way to not be in a world where everything always goes right for you. In fact that would get quickly inane I am sure. So what the soul probably yearns for, is a world that’s not like that, it wanted to exist or else it probably wouldn’t be existent, no?

In an infinite gameworld, this world would be the optimum. Perhaps the thing which builds us? I mean, builds the soul or otherwise the being we ultimately become. In which case we don’t begin in an eternity and as eternal beings, we would begin as existential physical beings.
If the ancients were right, the other-world is something of a mirror of this one. then if the above is somewhere nearer the truth, it may be so that eternity is built by this world, in the same way as the soul is.

Well… It’s impossible to get sex with a woman unless you are destroying your soul…

I’d rather have things easier, even, always getting what I want

wont 100 bucks do it?

Release your ego and infinity will feel like home.

I find infinity quite comforting Ec… it’s a beautiful thing :wink: