
Since kittens are all the rage these days, should i get one? they look really fun and look like they will make great company…definitely not getting a dog…

Go outside and find a baby kitten. They are all over the place. Found this one yesterday.

never seen a stray kitten in my life. loads of stray dogs running around though… the cats come out in the night and have fights with each other but i don’t think they are stray though.


You and your GD baby animals! Always strumming the heart strings.

I posted pics of my baby deer in my writing spots thread:



This is a bear that attacked me while camping in Alaska:

I don’t like animals.

You should definitely not get a pet because it’s “all the rage”. You should think very seriously about how it would change your life; the responsibility, the expense, the changes to your home environment, and the inevitable heartbreak… unless you get a tuatara or koi.

However, as a companion animal, cats are hard to beat. They’re compact (can be quite happy in an apartment) portable (Ever try to take an injured Labrador to the vet?) clean (yes, you do need to change the litter box, but she’ll do everything else… as long as you serve neat food on a washable place-mat), able to amuse themselves if left alone (usually without destroying the place), affectionate, comforting and endlessly amusing.
Certainly not hard to find. All of ours just turned up uninvited. The local shelter will have several kittens to choose from, and also more sedate, already house-trained adult cats. There are also usually posters up in grocery stores and work-place and school bulletin-boards, offering free kittens (Ferchrissake, get them fixed!!!)


No, that’s a load of cuckery and communist propoganda.

If you find a cat (yes, you have them if you got stray dogs) and it has messed up, gunky eyes, it is okay. That’s feline herpes… the cat in the picture above has it, if you have just one cat, and it is fixed, not a issue.

Eventually that symptoms will subside and only appear when it gets stressed out, or sees you have sex with someone it dissaproves of, the rest of the time it will go away. Most wild born cats have it. As they get bigger, vanishes seemingly. Doesn’t kill them, doesn’t pass to humans, just other cats.

You just walk around, think to yourself if you had to abandon your cat, for whatever absurd desperate reason and wanted it to have the best chances to survive, where would that be?

Woods near churches or supermarkets, university dorms (girls grow up around cats, leave home… No cat, see them outside their dorm and regularly feed them), near dumpsters near where restaurants are in high density.

Now, if your like, in Sweden, Moscow, Alaska… yeah, no cats. But other places south, you got them.

Hopefully, your not Nordic… if you were, I would have to be your sworn enemy (unless your Finnish, Finns are good). If your not Scandinavian (or the Finnish exception) then I hope you lick in finding a cat.


If you are Swedish, then fuck you.

This was a really bad idea. This thing doesn’t stop moving, it was jumping on my head all night seeking attention, dont get me wrong but she is very affectionate, I’m just not use to such levels of intimacy due to living in a feminist society.

I cant handle this, requires too much. Kind of like human females. I locked it in the passage way so I can sleep and now it’s meowing…IM gonna have to get rid of this mofo, what do I do? I’m not just gonna let it loose…i thought this was supposed to be fucking fun man,

Im beginning to realize the cat evolved on top of human civilization. It enjoys our world more than we do.When I was 6 or so we got two red kittens, brothers from a nest of 5. In the tram back home while they panicked in the basket my younger sister and I each named one of them, Piet and Flap. Flap was the bravest, he would go out on the ledge and climb on the roof and disappear for a few days sometimes. My father at one point had to go out and find him, reluctantly calling his name. Normally shaking the box of crunchfood was good enough to have them come running (the manical running toward the food was what kept them lean with all the eating) let alone chopped heart! If you get a kitten give it heart when it is maturing, it will strengtnhn its natural lust for life. But it’s wise to get two. Cats are arrogant as fuck, and rightly so; they look down on humans and thus are better adjusted to social life if they have one of their own to mingle with. They’ll be tolerant plus you can play jealousy games with them which they enjoy as yu can see in the cat videos.

When the cats died my sisters soul was enraged and embittered.

I actually did have this thought, maybe get another one to keep her company. But I think it’ll backfire somehow… I’m just gonna let her go maybe… Stick to rats in a cage or something

Oh I didnt read the whole thread. Looks like youve gotten yourself in over your head. You have to get them early and if theres two theyll keep each other busy. No trouble.
They need to come straight from the nest to you to be easy.

this is why our highest aim must be to be cat-like.
The writings on the wall. Back to Egypt.

Either a cat or a dragon

I think life is best seen as a cat.

We must see life in one shape or another.

this is the god principle. The mask of the real thing that has no face.
but we must stare it in the face to live.

So we must give it a face.
The meaning of life is taken away by the discovery of it… never find it!

Don’t let the cat go, just get used to it, it it is in it’s attachment stage. The headbumpz and cuddling are appreciation. Give it time and it will just sleep on the corner of your bed ignoring you.

Get one of those 6 toed cats from Key West. Then, move it into a society of normal 5 toed cats. Then, as it begins to feel awkward and begins to get ostracized by the regular 5 toed cats, take it to a surgeon and have all the 6th toes removed so it’s not a 5 toed cat too. Then put it back with the other ones and let it live on as a normal cat.

I put it outside, upstairs. Its like a garden up there, with old people and other cats. Hopefully someone will take it in and look after it

Excuse me while I cry myself to death.

You could have eaten it and in some sense it would always be a part of you.