Happy new year?

I am sitting typing my comments to forum members on a library computer. I face a wall of helpful posters in shades of grey, black, puce, yellow ochre, beige and similar many of which display the dreary logo of the local council. Here is a selection:

[i]Hit by a crisis out of the blue? (Or on benefits…….the Scottish Welfare Fund might be able to help you.)

And he thought he’d never be caught (Every day we catch 232 benefit thieves.)

Forced marriage. I said no. If I can do it, so can you.

“Hatecrime”, which, is interestingly juxtaposed by another poster headed “Are you missing out?” While the former is about fighting hatecrime, the latter is subtitled “Could you be paying less council tax?”

PP PayPoint: pay your council tax where you see this sign.

Six steps to library services for blind and partially sighted people.

Need help finding a job? W9ork clubs – come along!

Larger print can make reading easier.

Several more council tax posters.

COMPUTERS: acceptable use policy.

COPYRIGHT: Make sure you know the law before you make copies.

Poster displaying headshots of local councilors/

Libraries, information and archives: how we spend the budget.

Save your work![/i]

Doesn’t half fill you full of the joys of life, eh? Anybody got a razor handy? And a happy new year to you too!